Types of Disciplinary Actions Sample Clauses
Types of Disciplinary Actions. [See Side Letter: May 7, 2001.]
Types of Disciplinary Actions. Disciplinary actions shall include but are not limited to:
Types of Disciplinary Actions. Disciplinary actions may include written reprimands, suspensions, demotions and termination from employment.
Types of Disciplinary Actions. A. Discipline shall consist of major and minor discipline which shall include written reprimands, suspensions, disciplinary demotions, and removals from service.
B. Major discipline shall include: (1) removal; (2) disciplinary demotion; (3) suspension for more than five working days per incident; (4) suspension for five working days or less if the aggregate number of working days for which the employee is suspended in the calendar year is fifteen or more;
Types of Disciplinary Actions. It is recognized by both the County and the Union that all matters regarding disciplinary action must take into account the seriousness of the offense, the number of previous offenses, the employee's past record of performance, and the circumstances under which the offense was committed. Disciplinary action shall be defined as follows:
Types of Disciplinary Actions. A. Discipline shall consist of major and minor discipline which shall include written reprimands, suspensions, disciplinary demotions, and removals from service.
B. Major discipline shall include: (1) removal; (2) disciplinary demotion; (3) suspension for more than five working days per incident; including immediate suspensions without pay; (4) suspension for five working days or less if the aggregate number of working days for which the employee is suspended in the calendar year is fifteen or more; (5) any suspension if the employee has already received at least three minor suspensions during the calendar year.
C. Minor discipline shall include written reprimand, and a suspension of five (5) working days or less.
D. Counseling and warnings are not discipline and as such are not subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this contract and are not appealable under any provisions of this Article. Therefore, records of counselings and warnings will not be part of the official personnel record of the employee, but appropriate supervisors and managers may maintain records of such counselings and warnings and may use such counselings and warnings in disciplinary proceedings for the purpose of showing that the performance or conduct was discussed with the employee. Employees may provide a written response to counselings and warnings which will be retained as an attachment to the written pre-disciplinary action.
Types of Disciplinary Actions. A. Discipline shall consist of major and minor discipline which shall include written reprimands, suspensions, disciplinary demotions, and removals from service.
B. Major discipline shall include: (1) removal; (2) disciplinary demotion; (3) suspension for more than five working days per incident; (4) suspension for five working days or less if the aggregate number of working days for which the employee is suspended in the calendar year is fifteen or more; (5) any suspension if the employee has already received at least three minor suspensions during the calendar year.
C. Minor discipline shall include written reprimand, and a suspension of five (5) working days or less.
D. Counseling and warnings are not discipline and as such are not subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this contract and are not appealable under any provisions of this Article. Therefore, records of counselings and warnings will not be part of the official personnel record of the employee, but appropriate supervisors and managers may maintain records of such counselings and warnings and may use such counselings and warnings in disciplinary proceedings for the purpose of showing that the performance or conduct was discussed with the employee.
Types of Disciplinary Actions. Disciplinary actions shall include but are not limited to:
(a) Oral Admonishment An oral admonishment is:
(1) the least severe disciplinary action;
(2) a spoken warning or indication of disapproval about a specific act of misconduct or violation of a policy or procedure;
(3) usually given by the immediate supervisor; and
(4) noted in the supervisory file with a copy to the employee.
Types of Disciplinary Actions. Disciplinary actions are as follows: written reprimand, suspension without pay, a performance-based job transfer, or dismissal (or termination) during the term of an appointment. Disciplinary actions will be labeled as such.
Types of Disciplinary Actions. (a) As part of his/her day-to-day responsibilities, a supervisor may provide feedback and comment on any employee’s performance outside of the procedure set out in this document.
(b) Formal disciplinary action for such action will normally be in accordance with one of the following: • Recorded verbal warning • Written warning – Initial • Written warning – Final • Suspension without pay (which may be for a period between one to 10 days working days depending on the severity of the offence) • Termination Any of the above penalties may be imposed depending on the offence. The authority for any of the above actions is the Operations Manager.
(c) Behaviour warranting disciplinary action can be categorised as follows:
1. Absenteeism - Excessive and/or habitual absenteeism and/or lateness
2. Work Performance - This will include, for example, neglect of duty, inefficiency, malingering, etc.
3. Misconduct - This will include, for example, fighting, horseplay, etc.
(d) In cases of a recorded verbal warning, the employee will be told formally that the warning will be entered on his/her employment record.
(e) In cases of written warnings, confirmation will be given to the employee in writing.
(f) Where discipline has occurred in response to a number of separate and different events, the following progressive table will apply separately to the disciplinary categories of Work Performance and Misconduct: * Two verbal warnings equal one written warning - Initial * Two written warnings - Initial equals one written warning - final * Any further warning following a final warning will normally result in termination.
(g) Previous discipline will be discarded in accordance with the following: * Verbal warning : After 6 months * Written warning - Initial : After 12 months * Written warning - Final : After 18 months