UNICEF Sample Clauses
UNICEF. Any employee claiming this religious exemption shall, as a condition of continued exemption from the requirement of paying service fees to CSEA, furnish CSEA with copies of receipts from the charity selected, as proof that such payments have been made, or shall authorize payroll deduction of such payments.
UNICEF. ‘Protracted Crisis in Central Mali Impacting All Aspects of Children’s Lives’, 26 April 2019. xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/press-releases/protracted-crisis-central- mali-impacting-all-aspects-childrens-lives. Xxxxxxx-Xxxx, Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxx Xxxxxx. ‘Mali’s Prime Minister and His Entire Government Resign’. CNN, 19 April 2019. xxxxx://xxx.xxx.xxx/2019/04/19/africa/mali-government-resigns- intl/index.html. Xxxxxxx, Xxxx, and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx. ‘State, Secession, and Jihad: The Micropolitical Economy of Conflict in Northern Mali’. African Security 8, no. 4 (2015): 249–71. Raleigh, Clionadh. ‘Political Marginalization, Climate Change, and Conflict in African Sahel States’. International Studies Review 12, no. 1 (1 March 2010): 69–86. xxxxx://xxx.xxx/10.1111/j.1468-2486.2009.00913.x. Xxxxxx, Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. ‘Radical Distinctions: A Comparative Study of Two Jihadist Speeches’. Critical Studies on Terrorism 6, no. 3 (2013): 392–409.
UNICEF. Committing to Child Survival: A Promise Renewed. New York: United Nations Children's Fund; September 2014 2014.
UNICEF. WHO – World Bank Group (United Nations Children's Fund WHO, and World Bank),. Joint Child Malnutrition Estimates.: Global Database on Child Growth and Malnutrition;2015.
UNICEF. 19960503 Entry into force:19960503 Basic Cooperation Agreement between the United Nations Children's Fund and the Government of the Republic of South Africa. 20060419 Entry into force:20060419 Agreement on Establishing a Sub Regional Office in South Africa. 19940517 Protocol on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations. 19991118 Defence Cooperation Agreement. 20010203 Entry into force:20010827 Agreement for Air Services between and beyond the respective Territories. 20050924 Bilateral Agreement on Economic, Trade and Technical Co-operation. 20060425 Entry into force:20060425 Memorandum of Understanding on Police Cooperation. 19940604 Entry into force:19940604 Terms of Reference - The Intergovernmental South Africa - United States Business Development Committee. 19940711 Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement concerning the Provision of Training under the United States International Military Education and Training (IMET) Programme. 19941003 Agreement between the Government of the Rep. of South Africa and the Government of the United States of America on Missile-related Export/ Import Restrictions. 19941031 Joint Statement of Shared Principals on Cooperation(Agriculture) 19950301 Statement of Intent between the Government of the Rep of South Africa and the United States of America to Establish the South Africa - US Binational Commission. 19950323 Memorandum of Understanding between the Government of the Rep. of South Africa through the Department of Transport and the Federal Transit Highway Administration of the Dept. of Transportation of the United States of America on Transportation Research and Technology Transfer. 19950825 Agreement for cooperation concerning Peaceful uses of Nuclear Energy. 19950825 Joint Statement of Intent on Energy Information Exchange. 19950825 Joint Statement of Intent on Energy Policy, Science and Technology, and Development. 19950825 Terms of reference of the Sustainable Development Committee of the United States - South Africa Binational Commission. 19951025 Exchange of Notes relating to the Provision of Excess Defence Articles. 19951204 Joint Declaration of Intent on Studying the Establishment of a Binational Fulbright Commission. 19951204 Memorandum of Understanding on "the Economic Scholars Programme" 19951204 Terms of Reference of the Human Resources and Education Committee of the United States - South Africa Binational Commission. 19951204 Terms of Reference of the Science and Technology Committee of the South Africa-U...
UNICEF. Vitamin A. 2019. (xxxxx://xxxx.xxxxxx.xxx/topic/nutrition/vitamin-a- deficiency/). (Accessed April 19, 2019).
UNICEF. UNICEF provided financial support to the Xxxx Water Supply project (through Afar BoWR); and the construction of water supply structures. They provided guidance and research support to some EIWR students on the WASH sector. EIWR staff participated in various local and international urban WASH workshops.
UNICEF. Bolivia: Situation of poverty in the country. (xxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xxx/bolivia/resources_2332.htm). (Accessed March 23 2014).
UNICEF. Levels & Trends in Child Mortality: Report 2013. UN Inter-agency Group for Child Mortality Estimation, 2013.