EMPLOYEE CLASSIFICATIONS Section 1. Definition and Use
CLASSIFICATION OF EMPLOYEES Section 1. A full-time employee shall be deemed to be any employee regularly scheduled to work forty (40) hours per week. A regular employee is one whose employment is reasonably expected to continue for longer than fifteen (15) months. Section 2. A part-time employee shall be deemed to be any employee regularly scheduled to work less than forty (40) hours per week. Section 3. The Company shall have the right to reduce employee classifications from full-time to part-time or to increase employee classifications from part-time to full-time. Should the Company deem it appropriate to reclassify full-time employees to part-time employees, it will seek volunteers from the affected group and then force in reverse order of seniority. Section 4. A temporary employee is one who is engaged for a specific project or a limited period, with the definite understanding that his/her employment is to terminate upon completion of the project or at the end of the period, and whose employment is expected to continue for more than three (3) consecutive weeks, but not more than fifteen (15) months. The termination of the employment of such temporary employees shall not be subject to the grievance or arbitration provisions of this Agreement. Section 5. Agency workers and independent contractors shall not be deemed to be employees of the Company and, as such, shall not be covered by any of the terms or conditions of this Agreement.
New Job Classifications When a new classification (which is covered by the terms of this collective agreement) is established by the Hospital, the Hospital shall determine the rate of pay for such new classification and notify the local Union of the same. If the local Union challenges the rate, it shall have the right to request a meeting with the Hospital to endeavour to negotiate a mutually satisfactory rate. Such request will be made within ten (10) days after the receipt of notice from the Hospital of such new occupational classification and rate. Any change mutually agreed to resulting from such meeting shall be retroactive to the date that notice of the new rate was given by the Hospital. If the parties are unable to agree, the dispute concerning the new rate may be submitted to arbitration as provided in the agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting. The decision of the arbitrator (or board of arbitration as the case may be) shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of such classification. When the Hospital makes a substantial change in the job content of an existing classification which in reality causes such classification to become a new classification, the Hospital agrees to meet with the Union if requested to permit the Union to make representation with respect to the appropriate rate of pay. If the matter is not resolved following the meeting with the Union, the matter may be referred to arbitration as provided in the agreement within fifteen (15) days of such meeting. The decision of the arbitrator (or board of arbitration as the case may be) shall be based on the relationship established by comparison with the rates for other classifications in the bargaining unit having regard to the requirements of such classifications. The parties further agree that any change mutually agreed to or awarded as a result of arbitration shall be retroactive only to the date that the Union raised the issue with the Hospital. The parties further agree that the above process as provided herein shall constitute the process for Pay Equity Maintenance as required by the Pay Equity Act.
Probation for Newly Hired Employees (a) The Employer may reject a probationary employee for just cause. A rejection during probation shall not be considered a dismissal for the purpose of Article 11.2
SALARY DETERMINATION FOR EMPLOYEES IN ADULT EDUCATION 1. The following shall apply to employees providing instruction in adult education programs in these districts: Continuing Education employees in the Adult Education High School Completion Program (credit courses) and Adult Education Academic Upgrading Programs (Adult Basic Education, General Education Development, Pre-General Education Development, Literacy and Adult Education English Language Programs). Employees teaching Adult Education academic programs including: High School Completion Program, Pathfinder High School Completion Program, Academic Business Education Program, General Equivalency Diploma Program, Adult Basic Education Program, Adult English as a Second Language Program, and Adult Special Education Program, in the Continuing Education Division.
New Classifications If a new classification is created within the bargaining unit, the Employer agrees to meet with the Union and negotiate a rate of pay for this new classification. If the parties cannot reach agreement, at the request of either party, the matter shall be submitted to the arbitration procedure in Article 26 of this Agreement.
All Employees The Company shall not include the shift differential in any employee’s wage rate for the calculation of overtime.
Eligible Participants Families and individuals experiencing homelessness. For the purposes of the Program, families and individuals are considered to be homeless only when he/she/they lack(s) a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence and reside(s) in a place not meant for human habitation, such as cars, parks, sidewalks, abandoned buildings, motels, or other shelters, or for reference as further defined in 24 CFR Part 578.3 and 576.2.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES 28.01 The Employer will pay employees according to the wage and classification structure which shall be written into the Collective Agreement and form a part of the Collective Agreement.
Public Employees Retirement System “PERS”) Members.