CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. 28.01 The Employer will pay employees according to the wage and classification structure which shall be written into the Collective Agreement and form a part of the Collective Agreement.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. The Employer will pay employees pursuant to the wage schedule attached hereto as Schedule “A” and forming part of this Collective Agreement.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. Engineers operating: cranes with a manufacturer’s rating of over 164 to 219 tons capacity. May 1, 2019 $44.53 $4.45 $5.59 $7.03 $61.60 May 1, 2020 $45.66 $4.57 $5.79 $7.03 $63.05 May 1, 2021 $46.71 $4.67 $5.89 $7.03 $64.30
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. Listed in Appendix “A” and incorporated herein are the hourly rates of pay and the approximate annual salaries for the respective classifications covered by this Agreement.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. 27.1 The attached Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" covering job classifications and wage rates shall be part of this Agreement.
27.2 All wages will be paid by 12:00 noon on each Thursday, except where a Recognized Holiday occurs during the week, in which case special arrangements will be made.
27.3 Position descriptions per Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" shall comply with Pay Equity definitions and be made available upon request. Employees may be required to perform other related duties as assigned.
27.4 The pay rates and classifications of Employees covered by this Agreement shall be those in Schedule "A" and Schedule "B" attached hereto and forming part of this Agreement for payroll purposes only, and is not to be interpreted as a guarantee that any particular job in any classification is a continuing requirement. Progression of Design Technicians from 6-4 to 7-3 and from 7-4 to 8-3 will become effective on the Technician’s progression date following the attainment of the progression criteria.
27.5 In the event an Employee does not make satisfactory progress during a normal time period, that time period shall be extended for a period up to three additional months during which period the Employee's progress shall be reviewed. If the Employee makes satisfactory progress during review, the advance withheld shall be granted at the end of the extended period and, in the event of continued satisfactory progress, the normal advance from minimum to maximum salary shall resume. The Employee whose normal advance is withheld shall be given a written explanation.
27.6 In the event the Employer ceases operations and lays off Employees, such laid off Employee shall receive one and one half (1.5) weeks of severance pay for each year of service to a maximum of thirty (30) years. During this severance period Health Care and Dental Care benefits shall continue.
27.7 In the event of death of an active Employee, all unpaid monies will be paid to his/her estate.
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. Engineers operating: cranes with a manufacturer’s rating of over 164 to 219 tons capacity. Effective May 1, 2013, the wage rate for engineers operating large cranes 220 to 299 tons capacity shall be One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents ($1.25) per hour above the applicable rate. The wage rate for engineers operating large cranes 300 to 499 tons capacity shall be Two Dollars and Fifty Cents ($2.50) per hour above the applicable rate. The wage rate for engineers operating large cranes over 499 tons capacity shall be Four Dollars ($4.00) per hour above the applicable rate. EFFECTIVE DATE WAGES VACATION PAY BENEFIT PLAN PENSION PLAN TOTAL
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. Engineers operating: cranes with a manufacturer’s rating of 200 tons capacity and over. Effective May 16, 2007, the wage rate for engineers operating large cranes 300 to 499 ton capacity shall be $1.00 per hour above the applicable rate and an additional $1.00 per hour for large cranes 500 ton capacity and over. EFFECTIVE DATE WAGES VACATION PAY BENEFIT PLAN PENSION PLAN TOTAL
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. 56.01 The Company will pay employees according to the wage and classification structure which shall be written into the Collective Agreement and form a part of the Collective Agreement. 57.01 See Schedule “B”. 57.02
CLASSIFICATIONS AND WAGES. 24.01 Classifications and wages are set out in Appendix “A” of this Agreement. Appendix “A” is hereby made a part of this Agreement.
24.02 Wages will be paid by direct deposit bi-weekly on every second Friday in accordance with Article 23.01 of this Agreement. Each employee shall be provided with an itemized statement of her wages and deductions. When an employee identifies an error in their pay greater than $50.00 caused by the employer, the employer must provide a manual cheque at the employee’s request as soon as possible.
24.03 If the Employer temporarily assigns an employee to perform the responsibilities of a position excluded from the bargaining unit, and the employee agrees to do so, the employee shall be paid a premium of $.50 per hour. That premium is in addition to the employee’s normal rate of pay. All provisions of the Collective Agreement continue to apply to the employee. Any employee, so assigned, cannot discipline other members of the bargaining unit, but must report any issues, which might warrant a disciplinary action to the Employer.
24.04 a) If an employee is temporarily assigned to perform the duties and assume the responsibilities of a higher rated position within the bargaining unit, the employee so assigned shall receive the wage rate, in the higher rated position, immediately above her current rate for all hours during which she performs the duties and assumes the responsibilities.