Unscheduled Visits. Estimated [NUMBER] unscheduled visits per site will be provided for at a rate of €[AMOUNT] per each unscheduled visit.
Unscheduled Visits. For purposes of this Agreement, an “Unscheduled Visit” means a Subject visit which is not expressly set forth in the schedule of Study procedures of the Protocol, but that (i) may be required for the Study as directed by the Investigator, or (ii) may be related to an adverse event experienced during the Study or otherwise required for the Study as directed by the Investigator, for the health and welfare of a Study subject. Standard of care patient visits or procedures that are not required by the Protocol do not constitute Unscheduled Visits for purposes of this Agreement. Neplánované návštěvy: „Neplánovaná návštěva“ znamená pro účely této smlouvy návštěvu subjektu, která není výslovně stanovena v harmonogramu postupů ve studii v protokolu, ale která (i) může být pro studii nutná podle pokynů zkoušejícího nebo (ii) může souviset s nežádoucí příhodou vzniklou během studie, nebo může být v rámci studie jinak nutná podle pokynů zkoušejícího pro zajištění zdraví a prospěchu subjektu studie. Návštěvy pacientů nebo postupy v rámci standardní péče, které nejsou vyžadovány protokolem, nepředstavují neplánované návštěvy pro účely této smlouvy. Unscheduled Visits will be reimbursed a flat fee of Czech Koruna ( CZK) per unscheduled visit following review and approval of any information and/or documentation required by Sponsor. This fee includes the following activities: Physical Examination with Vitals including Weight, Concomitant Medications and Procedures, AE Reporting, Personnel Fees. In case additional procedures are required at the unscheduled visit, the Institution will be reimbursed at the rates set forth in the budget under the “Per Invoice Procedure” table. Neplánované návštěvy budou hrazeny paušálním poplatkem ve výši korun českých ( Kč) za jednu neplánovanou návštěvu po kontrole a schválení veškerých údajů a/nebo dokumentace vyžadované zadavatelem. Tento poplatek zahrnuje následující činnosti: Lékařské vyšetření s vyšetřením vitálních funkcí včetně hmotnosti, souběžně užívaných léků a postupů, hlášení nežádoucích příhod, poplatků za personál. V případě, že jsou v rámci neplánované návštěvy vyžadovány další postupy, budou zdravotnickému zařízení uhrazeny ve výši uvedené v rozpočtu v tabulce „Postup na fakturu“. Payee will endeavor to provide reasonable advance notice to Sponsor or its designee and whenever possible, seek Sponsor’s prior approval before the procedure is performed. In the event that reimbursement rates for medically necessary procedures are ...
Unscheduled Visits. In the case of unscheduled visits with bargaining unit members, the union representative shall give notice upon arrival in accordance with local procedures.
Unscheduled Visits. An Unscheduled Visit is defined as a Study Subjects visit which is not expressly set forth in the Protocol, but is otherwise required for the Study. Unscheduled Visits will be reimbursed in the amount set forth in the budget table below upon receipt of a correct and itemized invoice by Sponsor/Greenphire from Institution...
Unscheduled Visits. Any visit that occurs between regularly scheduled visits is an Unscheduled Visit. If a subject requires an Unscheduled Visit, he/she must be advised to return to the office wearing the study lenses, if at all possible (unless he/she is experiencing a sign or symptom [as indicated in Section 3.3 Risks and Benefits]). During all unscheduled visits, the Investigator must conduct the following procedures: • Collect AE and Device Deficiency information • Assess and record changes in medical health or concomitant medication • Assess and record VAs • Perform biomicroscopy (assessments with or without lenses, as possible) In addition, refer to Table 1-1 Unscheduled Visit for required procedures. The Investigator may perform additional procedures for proper diagnosis and treatment of the subject. The Investigator must document this information in the subject’s case history source documents. If during an Unscheduled Visit the subject is discontinuing the study lenses or discontinuing from the study, the Investigator must conduct Exit procedures according to Table 1-1: Schedule of Study Procedures and Assessments, as possible.
Unscheduled Visits. Payment for unscheduled visits will be reimbursed in the amount of EUROS to the Institution. To be eligible for reimbursement for unscheduled visits, completed CRF pages must be submitted to IQVIA along with any additional information which may be requested by IQVIA to appropriately document the unscheduled visit.
Unscheduled Visits. C. NEPLÁNOVANÉ NÁVŠTĚVY:
Unscheduled Visits. If a subject visit occurs between any regularly scheduled visit and the visit is conducted by study personnel, this visit must be documented as an Unscheduled Visit. If the subject seeks medical attention outside the clinic (for example, at an Emergency Room) or at the clinic but is seen by nonstudy personnel, the investigator is to capture adverse event-related information on the Adverse Event form upon becoming aware. During all unscheduled visits, the investigator must conduct the following procedures: • Collect Adverse Event information • Collect device deficiency information • Record changes in medical condition or concomitant medication • Biomicroscopy (only if clinically indicated) The investigator may perform additional procedures for proper diagnosis and treatment of the subject according to Table 3-1. The investigator must document this information in the subject’s case history source documents. If during an Unscheduled Visit the subject is discontinuing the IP or discontinuing from the study, the investigator must conduct Exit procedures according to Table 3-1 Schedule of Study Procedures and Assessments and Section 10.4.3, as possible.
Unscheduled Visits. An Unscheduled Visit means a subject visit which is not expressly set forth in the Protocol, but is related to an adverse event experienced during the Study or otherwise required for the Study as directed by the Investigator. Unscheduled Visits will be reimbursed in accordance with the rates set forth in the Budget. 10. Neplánované návštěvy. Neplánovaná návštěva znamená návštěvu subjektu, která není výslovně stanovena protokolem, ale souvisí s nežádoucí příhodou, ke které došlo během studie nebo která byla jinak ve studii vyžadována podle rozhodnutí zkoušejícího. Náhrada za neplánované návštěvy bude proplácena v souladu se sazbami stanovenými v rozpočtu.
Unscheduled Visits. For additional visits or procedures that are unscheduled, payment shall be made on a case-by-case basis, upon prior written authorization from Sponsor / CRO. Invoices for authorized unscheduled visits must be provided for reimbursement. Neplánované návštevy: Pri ďalších návštevách alebo vyšetreniach, ktoré sú neplánované, sa platba vykoná od prípadu k prípadu, na základe predchádzajúceho písomného súhlasu zadávateľa / CRO. Faktúry za povolené neplánované návštevy musia byť poskytnuté na úhradu.