Unscheduled Visits. Estimated [NUMBER] unscheduled visits per site will be provided for at a rate of €[AMOUNT] per each unscheduled visit.
Unscheduled Visits. In the case of unscheduled visits with bargaining unit members, the union representative shall give notice upon arrival in accordance with local procedures.
Unscheduled Visits. An Unscheduled Visit is defined as a Study Subjects visit which is not expressly set forth in the Protocol, but is otherwise required for the Study. Unscheduled Visits will be reimbursed in the amount set forth in the budget table below upon receipt of a correct and itemized invoice by Sponsor/Greenphire from Institution... Poplatok za začatie štúdie: Jednorazová nevratná platba za činnosti spojené so začatím štúdie bude inštitúcii splatná vo výške stanovenej v rozpočte po potvrdení súhlasu IRB / ES, úplnom vykonaní dohody a dokončení. akýchkoľvek požiadaviek na predštudovanie, ako sú špecifikované sponzorom alebo PPD Study Start-up Fee: A one-time non- refundable payment for Study start-up activities will be payable at the rate set forth in the budget to the Institution upon confirmation of IRB/EC approval, full execution of the Agreement, and completion of any pre-Study requirements as specified by Sponsor or PPD Skladovanie a archivácia záznamov: Inštitúcii sa bude platiť jednorazový poplatok za uloženie a archiváciu záznamov vo výške stanovenej v rozpočte na účely dosiahnutia súladu s touto dohodou. Inštitúcii bude tento poplatok zaplatený po vykonaní tejto dohody, potvrdení zasadnutia a schválenia IRB / EC a splnení požiadaviek pred štúdiou, ako ich špecifikuje sponzor alebo PPD. Record Storage and Archiving: A one-time record storage and archiving fee will be paid to the Institution at the rate set forth in the budget for purposes of compliance with this Agreement. Institution will be paid this fee upon execution of this Agreement, confirmation of IRB/EC meeting and approval, and completion of pre-Study requirements as specified by Sponsor or PPD. Poplatok za preskúmanie náboru: Jednorazová platba za aktivity spojené s kontrolou pred náborom bude inštitúcii splatná vo výške stanovenej v rozpočte po prijatí správnej a podrobnej faktúry od sponzora / Greenphire od inštitúcie. Chart Review Recruitment Fee: A one-time payment for pre-enrollment chart review activities will be payable to the Institution at the rate set forth in the budget upon receipt of correct and itemized invoice by Sponsor/Greenphire from Institution. od tejto zmluvy. Agreement.
Unscheduled Visits. An Unscheduled Visit is defined as a Study Subjects visit which is not expressly set forth in the Protocol, but is otherwise required for the Clinical Study.Unscheduled Visits will be reimbursed in sa bude vyplácať suma podľa tabuľky platieb nižšie po doručení správnej faktúry s podrobným rozpisom položiek. the amount set forth in the budget table below upon receipt of a correct and itemized invoice.
Unscheduled Visits. If a subject visit occurs between any regularly scheduled visit and the visit is conducted by study personnel, this visit must be documented as an Unscheduled Visit. If the subject seeks medical attention outside the clinic (for example, at an Emergency Room) or at the clinic but is seen by nonstudy personnel, the investigator is to capture adverse event-related information on the Adverse Event form upon becoming aware. During all unscheduled visits, the investigator must conduct the following procedures: • Collect Adverse Event information • Record changes in medical condition or concomitant medication • Collect device deficiency information • Biomicroscopy The investigator may perform additional procedures for proper diagnosis and treatment of the subject according to Table 3-1 or at their discretion. The investigator must document this information in the subject’s case history source documents. If during an Unscheduled Visit the subject is discontinuing the IP or discontinuing from the study, the investigator must conduct Exit procedures according to Table 3-1 Schedule of Study Procedures and Assessments, as possible.
Unscheduled Visits. Any visit that occurs between regularly scheduled visits is an Unscheduled Visit. If a subject requires an Unscheduled Visit, he/she must be advised to return to the office wearing the study lenses, if at all possible (unless he/she is experiencing a sign or symptom [as indicated in Section 3.3 Risks and Benefits]). During all unscheduled visits, the Investigator must conduct the following procedures: • Collect AE and device deficiency information • Assess and record changes in medical condition or concomitant medication • Assess and record VAs • Perform biomicroscopy (assessments with or without lenses, as possible) In addition, all procedures for Visit 3 (Follow-up Lens 2/Exit) should be completed (as possible). The Investigator may perform additional procedures for proper diagnosis and treatment of the subject. The Investigator must document this information in the subject’s case history source documents. If during an Unscheduled Visit the subject is discontinuing the study lenses or discontinuing from the study, the Investigator must conduct Exit procedures according to Table 1-1: Schedule of Study Procedures and Assessments, as possible.
Unscheduled Visits. C. NEPLÁNOVANÉ NÁVŠTĚVY:
Unscheduled Visits. Payment for unscheduled visits will be reimbursed in the amount of EUROS to the Institution. To be eligible for reimbursement for unscheduled visits, completed CRF pages must be submitted to IQVIA along with any additional information which may be requested by IQVIA to appropriately document the unscheduled visit.
Unscheduled Visits. An Unscheduled Visit is defined as a Study Subjects visit which is not expressly set forth in the Protocol, but is otherwise required for the Study. Unscheduled Visits will be reimbursed in the amount set forth in the budget table below upon receipt of a correct and itemized invoice. Non-IMP: zadávateľ môže podľa vlastného uváženia priamo alebo prostredníctvom PPD preplatiť hlavnému skúšajúcemu obstaranie non- IMP pre klinické skúšanie. Po ukončení klinického skúšania alebo predčasnom ukončení klinického skúšania má zadávateľ právo rozhodnúť, či zvyšné non-INP budú zadávateľovi vrátené alebo nie. Platby sa uskutočnia po prijatí nesporných faktúr a podpornej dokumentácie. Non-IMP: Sponsor, at its reasonable discretion, directly or through PPD, may reimburse Investigator for procuring non-IMP for the Study. Upon completion of the Study or early termination of the Study, Sponsor shall have the right to decide whether any remaining non-IMP is returned to Sponsor or not. Payments will be made upon receipt of undisputed invoices and supporting documentation. Zabezpečenie vybavenia: Zdravotníckemu zariadeniu môže byť poskytnuté vybavenie na použitie v klinickom skúšaní v súlade s Protokolom. Pokaľ to bude vyžadovať zadávateľ a/alebo PPD bude toto vybavenie po ukončení klinického skúšania vrátené zdravotníckym zariadením. Equipment Allocation: Equipment may be provided to the Institution for use, in accordance with the Protocol, for this Study. If requested by PPD and/or Sponsor, such equipment shall be returned by the Institution at the completion of the Study. Etická komisia: Odmenu etickej komisii hradí PPD nezávisle od tejto zmluvy. Ethics Committee: The Ethics Committee fee will be paid by PPD apart from this Agreement.
Unscheduled Visits. An Unscheduled Visit means a subject visit which is not expressly set forth in the Protocol, but is related to an adverse event experienced during the Study or otherwise required for the Study as directed by the Investigator. Unscheduled Visits will be reimbursed in accordance with the rates set forth in the Budget. 10. Neplánované návštěvy. Neplánovaná návštěva znamená návštěvu subjektu, která není výslovně stanovena protokolem, ale souvisí s nežádoucí příhodou, ke které došlo během studie nebo která byla jinak ve studii vyžadována podle rozhodnutí zkoušejícího. Náhrada za neplánované návštěvy bude proplácena v souladu se sazbami stanovenými v rozpočtu.