WAGE INCREASES AND ALLOWANCES. 16.1 It is agreed that employees will receive a minimum wage increase of 13% payable on the following dates as indicated:- 1 March 2006 = 4.0% 1 March 2007 = 4.5% 1 March 2008 = 4.5% 16.2 The percentage increases payable under sub-clause 16.1 will be paid to each individual employee based on his or her EBA rate for 38 ordinary hours. 16.3 The percentage increases in sub-clause 16.1 mean that the minimum rate of pay for employees employed in the applicable classification will be as set out in Clause 20. These rates will henceforth be referred to as the minimum enterprise rates except for employees covered by the terms and conditions contained in Clause 40.1.2. 16.4 A disability allowance of $21.60 per week and a laundry allowance of $7.45 will be paid to all employees (whether working inside or outside) and will be paid for “all purposes” of the Award. These amounts are subject to increase in line with increases in the amounts payable under the Award. 16.5 Each employee who holds a current First Aid certificate will be paid an allowance of $15.00 per week. 16.6 An employee entitled to meal money will be paid $10.35 for each meal or as per the award, whichever is the greater. 16.7 Employees engaged on any type of swing, bosuns chair or scaffold will be paid an allowance of $1.00 per hour for all time so engaged. 16.8 Casual Employees will receive an additional 20% loading in lieu of annual leave, sick leave and public holidays. This loading will be based on the applicable pay rate contained in this Agreement. 16.9 It is agreed that the parties to this Agreement will abide by the terms of any Safety Net increase decision handed down by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission or the Australian Fair Pay Commission.
WAGE INCREASES AND ALLOWANCES. 12.1. It is agreed that all employees will receive a minimum wage increase of 15% payable on the following dates as indicated:- 1 March 2009 = 6.0% 1 March 2010 = 4.5% 1 March 2011 = 4.5% 12.2. The percentage increases payable under sub-clause 12.1 will be paid to each individual employee based on their normal hours of work being 38 hours per week. 12.3. The increases in subclause 12.1 apply to the rates in Appendix A of this Agreement. The rates of pay in Appendix A are the minimum rates of pay for employees covered by this Agreement. Any employee who works on a construction site must be paid at least at the rate of pay set out in clause 38 of this Agreement. 12.4. A disability allowance of $23.80 per week and a laundry allowance of $8.00 will be paid to all employees (whether working inside or outside) and will be paid at all times. These amounts are subject to increases in line with the respective percentage increases for these allowances in the Award each year. 12.5. Each employee who holds a current First Aid certificate will be paid an allowance of $15.00 per week. This amount will increase in line with the percentage increase for this allowance in the Award each year. 12.6. An employee entitled to meal money will be paid $11.40 for each meal. This allowance will increase in line with the percentage increase for this allowance in the Award each year. 12.7. Employees engaged on any type of swing, bosuns chair or scaffold will be paid an allowance for that work based on the following rates: 0 – 15 storeys $ 3.78 $0.77 6 – 30 $4.88 $1.01 31 - 45 $5.76 $1.17 46 - 60 $9.45 $1.95 Greater than 60 $12.04 $12.04 12.7.1 During the life of this Agreement these rates will increase in line with any increases in the Swing scaffold allowance at clause 25.1.5 of the National Building and Construction Industry Award 2000. 12.8. Casual Employees will receive an additional 25% loading in lieu of annual leave, sick leave and public holidays. This loading will be based on the applicable pay rate contained in this Agreement.
WAGE INCREASES AND ALLOWANCES. 16.1 It is agreed that employees will receive a minimum wage increase of 4.5% payable on the following dates as indicated:- 1 August 2008 = 4.5% 16.2 The percentage increases payable under sub-clause 16.1 will be paid to each individual employee based on his or her EBA rate for 38 ordinary hours. 16.3 The percentage increases in sub-clause 16.1 mean that the minimum rate of pay for employees employed in the applicable classification will be as set out in Clause 18. These rates will henceforth be referred to as the minimum enterprise rates except for employees covered by the terms and conditions contained in Clause 38.1.2. 16.4 A disability allowance of $21.60 per week and a laundry allowance of 16.5 Each employee who holds a current First Aid certificate will be paid an allowance of $15.00 per week. 16.6 An employee entitled to meal money will be paid $10.35 for each meal or as per the award, whichever is the greater. 16.7 Employees engaged on any type of swing, bosuns chair or scaffold will be paid an allowance of $1.00 per hour for all time so engaged. 16.8 Casual Employees will receive an additional 20% loading in lieu of annual leave, sick leave and public holidays. This loading will be based on the applicable pay rate contained in this Agreement. 16.9 It is agreed that the parties to this Agreement will abide by the terms of any Safety Net increase decision handed down by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission or the Australian Fair Pay Commission.
WAGE INCREASES AND ALLOWANCES. 3.1 It is agreed that employees will receive a minimum wage increase of 9% payable on the following dates as indicated:- 1 May 2006 = 1.5% 1 July 2006 = 1.5% 1 July 2007 = 3.0% 1 July 2008 = 3.0% 3.2 The percentage increases payable under sub-clause 3.1 will be paid to each individual employee based on his or her EBA rate for 38 ordinary hours. 3.3 The percentage increases in sub-clause 3.1 mean that the minimum rate of pay for employees employed in the applicable classification will be as set out in Clause 4. These rates will be known as the minimum enterprise rates. 3.4 It is agreed that the parties to this Agreement will abide by the terms of any Safety Net increase decision handed down by the Australian Fair Pay Commission.
WAGE INCREASES AND ALLOWANCES. 17.1 It is agreed that employees will receive a minimum wage increase of 12% payable on the following dates as indicated:- 1 March 2006 = 4% 1 March 2007 = 4% 1 March 2008 = 4% 17.2 The percentage increases payable under sub-clause 17.1 will be paid to each individual employee based on his or her EBA rate for 38 ordinary hours. 17.3 The percentage increases in sub-clause 17.1 mean that the minimum rate of pay for employees employed in the applicable classification will be as set out in Clause 20. These rates will henceforth be referred to as the minimum enterprise rates except for employees covered by the terms and conditions contained in Clause 39.1.2. 17.4 A disability allowance of $21.60 per week and a laundry allowance of 17.5 Each employee who holds a current First Aid certificate will be paid an allowance of $15.00 per week. 17.6 An employee entitled to meal money will be paid $10.35 for each meal or as per the award, whichever is the greater.
WAGE INCREASES AND ALLOWANCES. Wage increases will be as follows. 8.8.1 (a) "$20 per week payable from date of certification in 2007",
WAGE INCREASES AND ALLOWANCES. 15.1 It is agreed that employees will receive a minimum wage increase at actual rates on the following dates as indicated:- 1 September 2008 = Base Rate of Pay (see cl. 16) 1 September 2009 = 4.0% 1 September 2010 = 4.0% 15.2 The percentage increases payable under sub-clause 15.1 will be paid to each individual employee based on his or her EBA rate for 38 ordinary hours. 15.3 The percentage increases in sub-clause 15.1 mean that the minimum rate of pay for employees employed in the applicable classification will be as set out in Clause 16. These rates will henceforth be referred to as the minimum enterprise rates. 15.4 A laundry allowance of $7.95 will be paid to all employees (whether working inside or outside) and will be paid for “all purposes” of the Award. These amounts are subject to increase in line with increases in the amounts payable under the Award. 15.5 Each employee who holds a current First Aid certificate will be paid an allowance of $15.00 per week. 15.6 An employee entitled to meal money will be paid $10.35 for each meal or as per the award, whichever is the greater. 15.7 Casual Employees will receive an additional 20% loading in lieu of annual leave, sick leave and public holidays. This loading will be based on the applicable pay rate contained in this Agreement. 15.8 It is agreed that the parties to this Agreement will abide by the terms of any Safety Net increase decision handed down by the Australian Industrial Relations Commission or the Australian Fair Pay Commission.


  • Wage Increases The wage rates in this Agreement will only be increased in accordance with any increases which may be awarded by the Australian Fair Pay Commission through wage reviews. The level of any increases will be such that the percentage wage increase as set out in Clause 15 of this agreement will be maintained. No additional increases in wage rates will apply to the rate of pay in Clause 15 of this Agreement while it is in operation.

  • Additional Contributions The Member is not required to make any additional capital contribution to the Company. However, the Member may at any time make additional capital contributions to the Company in cash or other property.

  • General Wage Increases Effective and retroactive to July 1, 2021, the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. 2.5% shall be extended and retroactive to employees who retired and terminated/separated in good standing with 10 years or more of state service on or after 07/01/2021. Effective 07/01/2022 the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. Effective 07/01/2023 the annual base salary shall be increased by 2.5% for all active employees. **Wage reopener for 2024 – 2025 (for effective date July 1, 2024).

  • Effective Date and Allocations If the Aggregate Commitments are increased in accordance with this Section, the Administrative Agent and the Borrower shall determine the effective date (the “Increase Effective Date”) and the final allocation of such increase. The Administrative Agent shall promptly notify the Borrower and the Lenders of the final allocation of such increase and the Increase Effective Date.

  • Special Allowances In charge Allowances (a) A registered nurse in charge during the day, evening or night of a hospital having a daily average of occupied beds of less than 100 shall be paid, in addition to her or his appropriate salary, whilst so in charge, the sum set out in Item 1 of Table 2 Allowances, at Appendix 1, per shift. (b) A registered nurse in charge of a shift in a xxxx or unit during the day, evening or night in the absence of the Nursing/Midwifery Unit Manager shall be paid, in addition to her or his appropriate salary whilst so in charge the sum set out in Item 2 of Table 2, per shift. This subclause shall only apply where the registered nurse is in charge of one or more other nurses in the xxxx or unit in question. (c) A registered nurse who is designated to be in-charge of a xxxx or unit when the Nursing/Midwifery Unit Manager is not rostered for duty and who is also designated to be in-charge of a hospital with less than 100 beds during the day, evening or night on the same shift shall be paid an allowance per shift of the sum set out in Item 3 of Table 2. This subclause shall only apply where the registered nurse is in charge of one or more other nurses in the xxxx or unit in question. (d) This subclause shall not apply to registered nurses holding classified positions of a higher grade than of a registered nurse. On call (a) An Employee required by his or her Employer to be on call otherwise than as provided in (ii)(b) and (ii)(c) hereof shall be paid the sum as set in Item 4 of Table 2 for each hour or part thereof with a minimum payment of eight hours at that rate. (b) An Employee required to be on call on rostered days off shall be paid the sum as set in Item 5 of Table 2 for each hour or part thereof with a minimum payment of eight hours at that rate. (c) The parties recognise the importance of Employees being afforded the opportunity to take a meal break, noting however that where an Employee is required and authorised by the Employer to remain on call during a meal break, such Employee shall be paid an allowance as set out in Item No 6 of Table 2. (d) Where an Employee on call leaves the hospital and is recalled to duty, the Employee shall be reimbursed all reasonable fares and expenses actually incurred provided that where an Employee uses a motor car in these circumstances the allowance payable shall be the rate set out in Item 13 of table

  • Capital Allowances 16.1. This condition 16 applies where the special conditions state that there are capital allowances available in respect of the lot. 16.2. The seller is promptly to supply to the buyer all information reasonably required by the buyer in connection with the buyer’s claim for capital allowances. 16.3. The value to be attributed to those items on which capital allowances may be claimed is set out in the special conditions. 16.4. The seller and buyer agree: 00.0.0. xx make an election on completion under Section 198 of the Capital Allowances Act 2001 to give effect to this condition 16; and 00.0.0. xx submit the value specified in the special conditions to HM Revenue and Customs for the purposes of their respective capital allowance computations.

  • Wage Increase 1. The minimum hourly wage amounts in the salary table in column I (job grades 1 up to and includ- ing 3) concern the statutory minimum wage and are adjusted in the event of an increase in the statutory minimum wage. 2. Each calendar year, in principle before 1 July, the CLA parties shall conduct talks on the adjust- ment of the (other) amounts shown in the salary table (column I, job grades 4 up to and including 6, column II and III) in article 28(2) of the CLA from 1 July of that year. 3. If an adjustment of the salary table (column I, job grades 4 up to and including 6, columns II and III) is agreed pursuant to paragraph 2 of this article, this will be applied as follows: a. The salary table (column I, job grades 4 up to and including 6, columns II and III) will be increased by the agreed percentage and b. the actual wage of the temporary agency worker will be increased by the agreed percentage from the agreed date.

  • Collections and Allocations (a) The Servicer shall direct any agent or administrative agent for any Loan Asset to remit all cash Collections with respect to such Loan Asset, and, if applicable, to direct the Obligor with respect to such Loan Asset to remit all cash Collections with respect to such Loan Asset directly to the Collection Account and all other Collections as directed by the Collateral Agent. The Borrower and the Servicer shall take commercially reasonable steps to ensure that only funds constituting cash Collections relating to Loan Assets shall be deposited into the Collection Account (b) The Servicer shall promptly identify any Collections received as being on account of Interest Collections, Principal Collections or other Available Collections and shall transfer, or cause to be transferred, all Available Collections received directly by it to the Collection Account by the close of business two Business Days after such Collections are received. Upon the transfer of Available Collections to the Collection Account, the Servicer shall segregate Principal Collections and Interest Collections and direct the Account Bank to transfer the same to the Principal Collection Subaccount and the Interest Collection Subaccount, respectively. The Servicer shall further include a statement as to the amount of Principal Collections and Interest Collections on deposit in the Principal Collection Subaccount and the Interest Collection Subaccount on each Reporting Date in the Servicing Report delivered pursuant to Section 6.08(b). (c) On the Cut-Off Date with respect to any Loan Asset, the Servicer will deposit into the Collection Account all Available Collections received in respect of Eligible Loan Assets being transferred to and included as part of the Collateral Portfolio on such date. (d) With the prior written consent of the Administrative Agent (a copy of which will be provided by the Servicer to the Collateral Agent and the Account Bank), (i) prior to any Notice of Exclusive Control, the Servicer may withdraw from the Collection Account any deposits thereto constituting Excluded Amounts, or (ii) from and after any Notice of Exclusive Control, the Servicer may request the Administrative Agent to, and the Administrative Agent shall, withdraw from the Collection Account and deliver to the Servicer any deposits thereto constituting Excluded Amounts, in each case, if the Servicer has, prior to such withdrawal and consent or request and consent, as applicable, delivered to the Administrative Agent and each Lender Agent a report setting forth the calculation of such Excluded Amounts in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to the Administrative Agent and each Lender Agent. (e) Prior to any Notice of Exclusive Control, the Servicer shall, pursuant to written instruction (which may be in the form of standing instructions), direct the Collateral Agent (and the Collateral Agent shall direct the Account Bank) to invest, or cause the investment of, funds on deposit in the Collection Account in Permitted Investments, from the date of this Agreement until the Collection Date. Absent any such written instruction, such funds shall not be invested. A Permitted Investment acquired with funds deposited in the Collection Account shall mature not later than the Business Day immediately preceding any Payment Date, and shall not be sold or disposed of prior to its maturity, unless the Servicer determines in its good faith commercial judgment that there is substantial risk of material deterioration of such Permitted Investment. All such Permitted Investments shall be registered in the name of the Account Bank or its nominee for the benefit of the Administrative Agent or Collateral Agent, and otherwise comply with assumptions of the legal opinions of Xxxxxx & Xxxxxxx LLP and Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx & Finger, P.A., each dated the Closing Date and delivered in connection with this Agreement; provided that compliance shall be the responsibility of the Borrower and the Servicer and not the Collateral Agent and Account Bank. All income and gain realized from any such investment, as well as any interest earned on deposits in the Collection Account shall be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Article II hereof. In the event the Borrower or Servicer direct the funds to be invested in investments which are not Permitted Investments, the Borrower shall deposit in the Collection Account (with respect to investments made hereunder of funds held therein), as the case may be, an amount equal to the amount of any actual loss incurred, in respect of any such investment, immediately upon realization of such loss. None of the Account Bank, the Collateral Agent, the Administrative Agent, any Lender Agent or any Lender shall be liable for the amount of any loss incurred, in respect of any investment, or lack of investment, of funds held in the Collection Account, other than with respect to fraud or their own gross negligence or willful misconduct as determined in a final decision by a court of competent jurisdiction. The parties hereto acknowledge that the Collateral Agent or the Account Bank or any of their respective Affiliates may receive compensation with respect to the Permitted Investments. (f) Until the Collection Date, neither the Borrower nor the Servicer shall have any rights of direction or withdrawal, with respect to amounts held in the Collection Account, except to the extent explicitly set forth in Section 2.04, this Section 2.19, and Section 2.20.

  • Meal Allowances Employees assigned to be in travel status between the employee's temporary or permanent work station and a field assignment shall be reimbursed for the actual cost of meals including a reasonable gratuity. Employees must meet the following conditions to be eligible for meal reimbursement:

  • Initial Contributions The Members initially shall contribute to the Company capital as described in Schedule 2 attached to this Agreement.