Прочее Sample Clauses

Прочее. 9.1. В отношении вопросов, не урегулированных настоящим Договором, применяется законодательство Молдовы.
ПрочееThe Licensee has a right to have a technical support of the software program and Licensor shall render technical support services of the software program to the Licensee, if the Licensee has: 14.1. Лицензиат имеет право на получение технической поддержки по Программному продукту, а Лицензиар обязуется оказать Лицензиату услуги по технической поддержке Программного продукта при наличии у Лицензиата:
Прочее. 10.1. Настоящий Договор заключается в двух экземплярах, по одному для каждой из Сторон. Каждая копия имеет одинаковую силу. 10.2. Электронная копия Договора, подписанная обоими Xxxxxxxxx, приравнивается к оригиналу Договора и имеет такую же юридическую силу. 10.3. Все споры и разногласия между Xxxxxxxxx в отношении условий Договора разрешаются Сторонами в первую очередь путем переговоров. В случае невозможности договориться, спор разрешается в соответствии законодательством страны резидентства Исполнителя. 10.4. Xxxxxx подтверждает понимание и признает, что Исполнитель может время от времени менять условия настоящего Договора без предварительного уведомления. 10.5. Договор заключается на русском и английском языках. В случае несоответствия обеих языковых версий предпочтительной является версия на английском языке. 10.6. Xxxxxxx не разрешается передавать третьей стороне свои права и обязанности по настоящему Договору без предварительного письменного согласия Исполнителя. 10.7. Если какое-либо положение настоящего Договора становится недействительным или недейственным, то этот факт не влияет на другие положения настоящего Договора, которые остаются неизменно действительными и имеющими силу.
Прочее. Podratçí täräflär vä Xarìcì subpodratçílar qeydìyyata görä rusumlar vä ya här hansí Hökumät orqaní täräfìndän täyìn olunan bu cür rüsumlar ödäyìrlär, bu åärtlä kì, xxxx rüsumlarín mäbläõì sírf nomìnal mäbläõ olsun vä onlar ayrí-seçkìlìk qoyulmadan täyìn edìlsìn. The Contractor Parties and their Foreign Sub-contractors shall pay registration or similar fees imposed by a Governmental Authority to the extent they are nominal and of a non-discriminatory nature. Подрядные стороны и их Иностранные субподрядчики выплачивают сборы за регистрацию или аналогичные сборы, назначаемые каким-либо Правительственным органом, при условии, что размер таких сборов чисто номинальный, и что они назначаются не на дискриминационной основе.
Прочее. 10.1. Толкование и обеспечение выполнения настоящего Соглашения будут регулироваться законодательством Республики Беларусь. Стороны 9.4. Each Party agrees that it will treat all Confidential Information of the other Party with the same degree of care as it accords its own confidential information of a similar nature, with each Party representing that it exercises reasonable care to protect its own Confidential Information. 9.5. Notwithstanding the foregoing, a Party receiving Confidential Information will not be in violation of this Article with regard to a disclosure that was (a) required by law or by the order of a court or similar judicial or administrative body, provided that the receiving Party notifies the other Party of such required disclosure promptly and in writing and cooperates with the other Party, at the other Party’s reasonable request, in any lawful action to contest or limit the scope of such required disclosure; (b) necessary for the receiving Party to enforce its rights under this Agreement, provided that the receiving Party exercises reasonable and customary precautions (consistent with the necessity of enforcement) to protect the confidentiality of such information; or (c) approved in writing by the disclosing Party.
Прочее. 8.1. Договор вступает в силу с момента его безусловного принятия Заказчиком и действует до тех пор, пока стороны не выполнят свои обязательства в полном объеме.
Прочее. Каждое положение настоящего Лицензионного соглашения раздельно. Если положение невозможно исполнить, это не оказывает влияние на исполнимость остальных положений и условий настоящего Лицензионного соглашения. Лицензионное соглашение имеет обязательную силу для правопреемников. Компания Kodak Alaris не несет ответственность за любое неисполнение или нарушение сроков, полностью или частично вызванных обстоятельствами непреодолимой силы. Никакие положения Лицензионного соглашения не должны толковаться как создание любого агентства, товарищества или любой другой формы совместного предприятия между сторонами. Вы подтверждаете, что прочитали настоящее Лицензионное соглашение, понимаете его, даете согласие на выполнение его условий, а также то, что вышесказанное является полным и исчерпывающим изложением данного Лицензионного соглашения. Kodak Alaris Yazılım/Aygıt Yazılımı Son Kullanıcı Lisans Sözleşmesi Son güncelleme 16 Şubat 2017

Related to Прочее

  • Climb cruise and descent performance associated with the Guarantees will include allowances for normal electrical load and for normal engine air bleed and power extraction associated with maximum cabin differential pressure as defined in Section 21-30.31 of the Specification. Cabin air conditioning management during performance demonstration as described in Subparagraph 5.3 below may be such as to optimize the Aircraft performance while meeting the minimum air conditioning requirements defined above. Unless otherwise stated no air will be bled from the engines for anti-icing.

  • Rubric The rubrics are a scoring tool used for the Educator’s self-assessment, the formative assessment, the formative evaluation and the summative evaluation. The districts may use either the rubrics provided by ESE or comparably rigorous and comprehensive rubrics developed or adopted by the district and reviewed by ESE.

  • Engine A. Any internal repairs or replacement of internal components, or replacement of engine assembly.


  • Scratches appliance malfunctions and any resultant leak there from; (R) any stain, soiling or damage resulting from everyday use or which has built up over time, e.g. hair, body or suntan oils and/or lotions; (S) signs of soiling include darkened areas where the body comes into contact with the furniture (these darkened areas are signs of soil build-up, which is not covered); (T) general maintenance and overall cleaning of the furniture is the consumer’s responsibility; (U) damage due to harsh or corrosive chemicals; (V) acids, including without limitation, dyes and inks (except ballpoint), plant food and fertilizer and bleach, gum; (W) any non-operating part or decorative parts such as hinges, knobs, handles, or shelves; (X) coverage under another insurance program; (Y) delivery and/or redelivery and/or loss or damage to the Covered Product while in the course of transit; (Z) design deficiency; (AA) fabrics with “X” cleaning codes and non-colorfast fabrics and leathers; (AB) odors; (AC) variation of the color, or graining of wood or wood products, marble or leather; (AD) split leathers used in seat cushions, back cushions or top or inside arm areas; (AE) natural markings on leather, such as, healed scars, insect bites, brand marks or wrinkles, or suede, and leathers with embossed patterns other than those stimulating natural cowhide; (AF) non- bovine leathers, and other buffed leathers; (AG) stains, color loss or damage resulting from cleaning methods or products (detergents, abrasives or other harsh cleaning agents) other than those recommended by the furniture manufacturer; (AH) stone or sand abrasion; (AI) loss or damage resulting from: pre-existing conditions known to You; (AJ) wear related issues, such as but not limited to, fading, wear, seam separation, stress tears, loss of foam resiliency, pilling or fraying of any fabric on all types of furniture; (AK) color loss or cracking and peeling on any leather or vinyl; (AL) splits or bi-cast leather; (AM) furniture that is used for commercial, institutional, outdoor or rental purposes; (AN) Customer’s Own Material furniture; (AO) wicker, rattan, and teakwood furniture; (AP) massage chairs; (AQ) stains or damage to suede, split-grain leather hide or exotic leathers; (AR) manufacturer quality issues such as stress tears, fabric flaws, fading, color loss or change, loss of foam or resiliency, cracking and peeling of leather or vinyl, natural leather markings, and defects in design and workmanship; (AS) Stains or damage that occur during assembly, delivery, installation, before furniture is delivered to your residence, while the furniture is located outside of your residence, while the furniture is in storage or being moved to or from storage or between residences; (AT) Wear & Tear caused by repeated use such as scuffing, soiling, hair/body oil, perspiration, surface abrasions, pilling or fraying of fabric, loose joints; (AU) Stains or damage covered under any manufacturer warranty, recall, homeowner, renter or other insurance policy; (AV) Stains or damage caused by structural problems, appliance malfunctions, Acts of God or natural disasters, theft, vandalism or illegal activity (AW) Stains or damage caused by independent contractors

  • Retrenchment At any time during an individual’s service, the individual may be subject to retrenchment in accordance with the provisions of Article 22 of the Agreement. In such cases, the notice provisions and all other terms of that article shall apply, anything above to the contrary notwithstanding.

  • Safety Shoes 3901 Employees who are required to wear steel-toed safety shoes will receive $200 toward the purchase and/or replacement of these shoes in the first quarter of each year. Any employee out on an authorized leave shall receive payment within thirty days of their return to paid duty. New employees who are required to wear steel- toed safety shoes will receive $200 toward the purchase of shoes in their first paycheck; for employees hired on or after December 1, he/she shall not receive an additional $200 in the first quarter.

  • Hourly Rate (A) The amounts shall be computed by multiplying the appropriate hourly rates prescribed in the Agreement by the number of direct labor hours (DLH) performed. Fractional parts of an hour shall be payable on a prorated basis. The hourly rates shall include wages, indirect costs, general and administrative expenses, and profit. (B) Hourly rate means the rate(s) specified in the Agreement for payment for labor that meets the labor category qualifications of a labor category specified in the Agreement that are performed by the Seller, performed by the subcontractors, or transferred between divisions, subsidiaries, or affiliates of the Seller under a common control. (C) Labor hours incurred to perform tasks for which labor qualifications were specified in the Agreement will not be paid to the extent the work is performed by individuals that do not meet the specified qualification. (D) Seller shall substantiate invoices (including any subcontractor hours reimbursed at the hourly rate in the Agreement) by evidence of actual payment and by individual daily job timecards, records that verify the employees meet the qualifications for the labor categories specified in the Agreement, or other substantiation approved by Company. (E) Unless otherwise prescribed in this Agreement, Company may withhold five percent of the amounts due under this paragraph, with the total amount withheld not to exceed $50,000. The amounts withheld shall be retained until the execution and delivery of a release by Xxxxxx as provided below. (F) Unless this Agreement prescribes otherwise, hourly rates shall not be varied by virtue of Seller having performed work on an overtime basis. If overtime rates are provided, the premium portion will be reimbursable only to the extent the overtime is approved by Company.

  • Air Conditioning If the Apartment has been provided with a ledge for split air conditioning system with suitable provision for keeping outdoor units of the AC system and also the route to take refrigerant piping, which the Allottee shall have to strictly follow while installing AC units

  • Check Meters Developer, at its option and expense, may install and operate, on its premises and on its side of the Point of Interconnection, one or more check meters to check Connecting Transmission Owner’s meters. Such check meters shall be for check purposes only and shall not be used for the measurement of power flows for purposes of this Agreement, except as provided in Article 7.4 below. The check meters shall be subject at all reasonable times to inspection and examination by Connecting Transmission Owner or its designee. The installation, operation and maintenance thereof shall be performed entirely by Developer in accordance with Good Utility Practice.