Confidentiality Vzorová ustanovení

Confidentiality. Both parties hereby agree to keep confidential the money-related and further commercial terms of this Agreement. Licensee shall not publish the Agreement in whole or in part. However, the parties shall be allowed to disclose the money-related and further commercial terms of this Agreement if such disclosure is required by law or otherwise (e.g. tax authorities, chartered accountants etc.) as well as to any third party involved in the production of the PROGRAMME, in particular film subsidy institutions and co-producers or share holding companies.
Confidentiality. Each party hereto shall, except as required by law or to perform this Agreement, keep strictly confidential all information contained in this Agreement and all information resulting from the implementation of this Agreement, and not use this confidential information in any way other than for the performance of its obligations hereunder. This shall not apply to such information as is publicly available when received by such party or then becomes publicly available otherwise than as a result of such party’s breach of this Agreement, or to any disclosure or use as authorized by the other party in writing. This Clause 6 shall survive termination of this Agreement for 3 years.
Confidentiality. 10.1 Neither party (including any Amgen Group or Buyer Group member) shall use or disclose any confidential information (including trade secrets, technical information, regulatory information, information of commercial value and any other information which from its nature, content or circumstances in which it is provided may reasonably be supposed to be confidential) concerning the other, any corporate entity of the Amgen Group or the Buyer Group, or the Products other than for the proper performance of its obligations under this Agreement. 10.2
Confidentiality. The Parties undertake to consider as confidential this Agreement and all the documents, information and data, irrespective of the media on which they are found, which the Parties have exchanged during the preparation and negotiation of this Agreement or will exchange during the performance of this Agreement. Accordingly, the Parties shall refrain from making any communication or disclosure thereof to any third party for any reason whatsoever without the prior written consent of the relevant Party. Such undertaking shall remain in force also after the expiration of this Agreement.
Confidentiality. Both Parties agree that they shall not disclose the terms of this Agreement to any person, other than their respective officers, employees, accountants, lawyers or agents whose province is to know the same, without the other Party’s prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld, provided, however, that disclosures may be made (i) to the extent necessary to comply with government disclosure requirements or applicable laws and (ii) as may be necessary and appropriate in connection with the proper performance and enforcement of this Agreement.
Confidentiality. Recipient will hold in confidence and use no less than reasonable care to avoid disclosure of any Confidential Information to any third party, except for its employees, affiliates, and contractors who have a need to know (“Permitted Recipients”). Recipient: (a) must ensure that its Permitted Recipients are subject to written confidentiality obligations no less restrictive than the Recipient’s obligations under this EULA, and (b) is liable for any breach of this Section by its Permitted Recipients. Such nondisclosure obligations will not apply to information that:
Confidentiality. 11.1 The Buyer is aware that the information disclosed to it by the Seller within their business cooperation is marked by the Seller as confidential (with the intended consequences, besides others, within the meaning of the provision of Section 1730, Par. 2 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, or the provision of Section 2366, Par. 2 of the same act) and that some of this information forms a part of the Seller's trade secret especially within the meaning of the provision of Section 2985 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code, as amended, and within the meaning of business customs.
Confidentiality. 15.1 The Supplier is obliged to treat the contractual relationship and its completion as such, as well as any information it receives in the course of the contract, as confidential, unless the Supplier can prove to SCHOTT that it was already aware of this information or that it was made available to him later without a confidentiality obligation by a third party authorized to do so, or that they were or later became generally accessible to the public without the Supplier being at fault for this.
Confidentiality. The contractual parties undertake not to disclose or otherwise make available to third parties without the prior written consent of the other contractual party the terms and conditions of the agreement or any other information concerning their mutual business relations, including after the termination or extinction of the Agreement. Each of the contractual parties shall make available the content of this agreement and information relating to its subject matter only to those employees, workers, members, shareholders and expert advisers who need to know it in connection with the performance of the tasks pursuant to this agreement. The confidentiality obligation shall not apply to the following information: that is publicly known; that becomes known to the public otherwise than through breach of the provisions of this agreement; that is legitimately available to the other contractual party before it is made available to such contractual party; that the contractual party obtains from a third party who is not bound by the confidentiality obligation. The contractual parties shall also be required to provide information to the extent and in the manner as required by generally binding legal rules and regulations or based on decisions of courts or administrative authorities. The contractual parties hereby agree that should it be necessary to publish this agreement in the register of contracts pursuant to Act No. 340/2015 Coll., on special conditions for the effectiveness of some contracts, the publication of these contracts, and the register of contracts (the “Act on the Register of Contracts”), the customer shall be obliged to publish this agreement. The contractual parties also state that the calculation of the volume-based bonus as specified in Annex 1, 2 and 3 to this agreement falls within the scope of exemptions from the obligation of publication pursuant to Section 3(2)(b) of the Act on the Register of Contracts. In this context, the customer shall be obliged not to disclose information which constitutes trade secret pursuant to Section 504 of the Civil Code, unless this is contrary to the Act on the Register of Contracts in the present case. The supplier considers especially Annex 1, 2 and 3 its trade secret. The customer shall be obliged to publish the agreement in the register of contracts within five business days following the date of its signing by both contractual parties. It shall inform the supplier of such publication without undue delay and shall ...
Confidentiality. 1. The ECB shall keep confidential all sensitive or secret information, including when such information relates to payment, technical or organisational information belonging to the participant or the participant's customers, unless the participant or its customer has given its written consent to disclose.