Claims Musterklauseln

Claims. All claims must be made in writing within eight days from receipt of the of the goods concerned. The supplier has to be informed in writing by registered mail of faults not previously or obviously apparent at the latest eight days after their discovery. In case of justified claim the supplier can, at his described in our documentation (such as better linearity) and this even if this was the case in previous deliveries. The liability of Grünewald GmbH is limited exclusively to the correct functioning of its products according to the agreed specifications. It cannot be extended to a system into which these products might be integrated. Liability for indirect damages, loss of expected profits and other damages is excluded. The contract is exclusively governed by German law. The place of jurisdiction is also Hamm (Westf.) Unless notification to the contrary is received within 3 days, the above terms and conditions of sales and delivery are considered to have been accepted by the purchaser. Xxxxxxxxx GmbH • Xxxxxxxxxxx Xxx 0 • X-00000 Xxxx • Tel.: (+00) 0 0000 000000
Claims. Notification of defects must be made in writing and within 8 days of receipt of the goods ordered. Within a further 30 days, TRISA AG is to be notified of the precise extent of the defect. A warranty obligation shall exist for TRISA AG only to the extent that notification of defects has been duly made within the time specified.
Claims. Customer may file a complaint about the Bank by sending to WeltSparen, Xxxxxxxx 00 00 00, 00000 Xxxxxx. If customer service has not given an answer within 30 (thirty) days; or if the answer was not entirely or partly favourable to customer, or if acceptance of the complaint was not implemented, customer may reach out to the following organizations before pursuing legal procedure: - the Banking and Financial Arbitrator if the value of the dispute does not exceed 100,000 euro, by using the forms available on the website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx; - the Banking and Financial Mediator, to initiate a mediation proceeding, which consists in the attempt to reach an INFORMATIONSBLATT agreement with the Bank with the assistance of an independent mediator. The Banking and Financial Mediator (an entity entered in the Register kept by the Ministry of Justice) my can be contacted, by using the forms available on the website xxx.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xx. The term deposit agreement is governed by Italian law (and in particular the Italian Civil Code, the Consolidated Banking Law, and the Consumer Code) and, limited to deposits and withdrawals, Legislative Decree 11 of 27 January 2010, as well as the relevant European Union regulations applicable to the Service. At customer's discretion, the court with jurisdiction is the Court of Milan or the one where he/she resides or has elected as domicile. The term deposit agreement, the notices and all information concerning the related documents will be provided to customer in writing and in English language. A courtesy translation in German may be provided to customer: In the event of any discrepancies, the English language version will prevail.
Claims. 9.1. Any claim or contestation on the part of the Buyer with regard to merchandise supplied, must be forwarded in writing to the Vendor within10 working days of the date of delivery of the goods and sent to the Vendor’s registered offices, following the instructions contained in Vendor’s website
Claims. If you are witness of abuses or violations, you may contact us by mail Meemento 00 Xxx Xxxxxx xx xx Xxxxx-Xxxxxxx, 00000 Paris or email ( at anytime. You may also ask us to terminate the Service.
Claims. Claims shall be notified in writing without undue delay. EBSCO/Xxxxxx reserves the right to examine the legitimacy of a complaint. EBSCO must be notified without undue delay in writing of apparent defects but at the latest, how- ever, within two weeks after delivery. The defective merchandise delivered shall be held by the Customer for purposes of inspection by EBSCO in the condi- tion in which it was at the date of the determination of the defect. A breach of the afore-mentioned obli- gation shall preclude any warranty claims. In the case of a justified complaint by the Customer, the Customer may claim from EBSCO/Seller the Kunden hat dieser gegenüber EBSCO/Verkäufer einen Anspruch auf eine kostenlose Nachlieferung mangelfreier Exemplare bzw., wenn dies nicht möglich ist, auf eine Gutschrift in Höhe des Preises des bzw. der mangelhaften Exemplare. Der Kunde kann statt der Gutschrift ferner nach seiner Xxxx von EBSCO/Verkäufer Minderung oder − für den Fall, dass der Mangel erheblich ist und der Kunde an den übrigen Lieferungen aus dem Abonnement o. ä. kein Interesse hat − Rückabwicklung des Einzelvertrages über das von der Reklamation betroffene Abonnement verlangen. Reklamationen von fehlenden Zeitschriften- heften sind spätestens innerhalb von 2 Monaten nach Erscheinungstermin an EBSCO zu richten. EBSCO übernimmt jedoch keine Gewährleistung bei von ihr nicht zu vertretender Unmöglichkeit der Lieferung oder Gutschriftserstellung. Da die Lieferung gemäß Ziffer 3 ausschließlich auf Gefahr des Kunden erfolgt, haftet EBSCO/Verkäufer weder für Verlust- noch Transportschäden. EBSCO/Verkäufer ist jedoch verpflichtet, dem Kunden etwaige eigene Ansprüche gegenüber Dritten abzutreten. Weitergehende Gewährleistungsansprüche sowie Schadenersatzansprüche aus Unmöglichkeit der Leistung, wegen Nichterfüllung, positiver Forderungsverletzung, aus Verschulden bei Vertragsschluss, aus Verzug, aus unerlaubter Handlung sind sowohl gegen EBSCO/Verkäufer als auch gegenüber ihren Erfüllungs- und Verrichtungsgehilfen ausgeschlossen, soweit der Schaden nicht vorsätzlich oder grob fahrlässig verursacht wurde. Dies gilt nicht für die Verletzung vertragswesentlicher Pflichten, für die die Haftung von EBSCO/Verkäufer jedoch auf den vertragstypischen vorhersehbaren Schaden beschränkt ist; vertragswesentlich sind free replacement and delivery of substitute copies which are free from defects or, if this is not possible, the issuance of a credit note in the amount of the price of the defe...
Claims. Claims must be made immediately on receipt of the goods and in writing, as other- wise such claims will not be accepted by us. Amendments to or deductions from invoices will not be accepted. The customer in not entiled to make claims above the nominal value of the goods involved. Damages in transit are to be claimed with the carrier.

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