Export Control. 1. Setzt die von uns zu erbringende Lieferung eine vorherige Ausfuhr- oder Einfuhrgenehmigung einer Regierung und/oder staatlichen Behörde voraus oder ist die Lieferung aufgrund nationaler oder internatio- naler gesetzlicher Regelungen, insbesondere Sankti- onen, anderweitig beschränkt oder verboten, sind wir berechtigt, die Erfüllung unserer Liefer- und sonstigen vertraglichen Verpflichtungen so lange auszusetzen, bis die Genehmigung erteilt oder die Beschränkung bzw. das Verbot aufgehoben ist. Ist die Lieferung von der Erteilung einer Ausfuhr- oder Einfuhrgenehmi- gung abhängig und wird diese nicht erteilt, sind wir jederzeit berechtigt, vom Vertrag zurückzutreten. Wir haften nicht für Lieferverzögerungen, die sich aus den in dieser Ziffer genannten Gründen ergeben, oder dafür, dass eine Lieferung aufgrund von Export- kontrollvorschriften überhaupt nicht durchgeführt werden kann, es sei denn uns ist insoweit Vorsatz oder grobe Fahrlässigkeit anzulasten. Das gleiche gilt in Fällen des berechtigten Rücktritts nach dieser Ziffer. 1. If our deliveries require prior export or import author- ization of any government and/or state authority, or if the delivery is otherwise restricted or prohibited due to national or international laws, we shall be entitled to suspend performance of our delivery or other contrac- tual obligations until such authorization has been granted or such restriction or prohibition has been can- celled. If the delivery depends on the granting of export or import authorization and such authorization is not granted, we shall be entitled to withdraw from the con- tract at any time. We shall not be liable for any delays in delivery, which result for the reasons specified in this clause and shall not be liable in the event that a deliv- ery cannot be performed at all due to export regulations unless we have acted intentionally or with gross negli- gence. The same shall apply in the case of any justified withdrawal from the contract according to this clause.
2. Mit Vertragsschluss, spätestens durch Annahme der Lieferung versichert der Käufer, dass er keine Geschäfte mit den von uns gelieferten Gütern betrei- ben wird, die gegen anwendbare gesetzliche Aus- fuhrbestimmungen und/oder geltende EU-Sanktionen verstoßen, und insbesondere Weiterlieferungen, Verbringungen und Ausfuhren der gelieferten Güter nur unter Einhaltung anwendbarer gesetzlicher Ex- portkontrollbestimmungen durchführen wird.
Export Control. When passing on products supplied by Mondi and related documentation, the Customer shall comply with the applicable provisions of national and international (re-)export control law. In any case, the Customer shall observe the (re-)export regulations of the Republic of Austria, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the United States of America when passing on such products and/or services and shall, before passing on any such products and/or services, in particular, check and ensure by appropriate measures that - the Customer, by such passing on and/or by negotiating contracts regarding such products and/or services, does not violate any embargo of the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and/or the United Nations; - such products and/or services are not intended for any use in terms of armaments, nuclear technology or arms that is prohibited or subject to approval, unless the required approvals have been granted; - the regulations of all relevant sanctions lists of the European Union, the United Kingdom, the United States of America, and/or the United Nations regarding business transactions with companies, persons or organizations stated thereon are complied with. If required to conduct export control checks by the competent public authorities or upon reasonable ground for suspicion by Mondi, the Customer shall, upon request by Mondi, within reasonable time, provide Mondi with all information about the end-user, the final destination and the designated use of products delivered and/or services rendered by Mondi, as well as any export control restrictions applying in this context. Verwendungszweck der von Mondi gelieferten Waren bzw. erbrachten Dienstleistungen sowie diesbezüglich geltende Exportkontrollbeschränkungen zur Verfügung stellen.
Export Control. The supplier confirms that
Export Control. You may not use, export, re-export, import, sell or transfer the Service or Apple Software, or any part thereof, except as authorized by United States law, the laws of the jurisdiction in which You obtained the Service or Apple Software, and any other applicable laws and regulations. In particular, but without limitation, the Service and the Apple Software may not be exported or re- exported (a) into any U.S. embargoed countries or (b) to anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Denied Persons List or Entity List or any other restricted party lists. By using the Service or Apple Software, You represent and warrant that You are not located in any such country or on any such list. You also agree that You will not use the Service or Apple Software for any purposes prohibited by United States law, including, without limitation, the development, design, manufacture or production of nuclear, missile, chemical or biological weapons.
Export Control. The user is solely responsible for complying with any applicable national and international foreign trade law regulations, as well as any other applicable export requirements. If, in conformity with these provisions, the user provides the software to a third party, then the user is solely responsible for complying with all applicable national and international foreign trade law regulations, as well as with any other applicable export requirements. To this extent, the user releases HEIDENHAIN from all obligations.
Export Control. The customer recognises that the supplies may be subject to Swiss and/or foreign legal provisions and regulations on export control and are not allowed to be sold, leased or otherwise transferred or used for a purpose other than the agreed without an export or reexport permit of the competent authority. The customer undertakes to comply with such provisions and regulations. He is aware that these may change and that they apply to the contract in the current valid wording.
Export Control. 17.1 The Supplier shall comply with all applicable national, European and US export control regulations including all European or US sanction lists and other embargoes against particular individuals (jointly referred to as “Export Control Regulations”).
17.2 The supplier undertakes not to supply us directly or indirectly with any products originating from the Russian Federation that fall under 12g of Regulation (EU) No. 833/2014. The supplier must ensure that this provision is also complied with by the companies downstream in the purchasing chain. Any violation constitutes a serious breach of duty on the part of the supplier and entitles VOSS to take appropriate legal action.
17.3 The supplier shall notify us unsolicited in the event that the goods to be supplied or their components are listed in the export list, the Annexes I and IV or the CCL, providing the specific AL or ECCN number.
17.3.1 Im Einzelnen wird er uns mitteilen: − für US-Waren die ECCN (Export Control Classification Number) gemäß US Export Administration Regulations (EAR), − den handelsrechtlichen Ursprung seiner Güter (nach dem Zollkodex) und der Bestandteile seiner Güter, einschließlich Technologie und Software, − ob die Güter durch die USA transportiert, in den USA hergestellt oder gelagert, oder mit Hilfe US- amerikanischer Technologie gefertigt wurden, − die statistische Warennummer (HS- Code) seiner Güter, sowie − einen Ansprechpartner in seinem Unternehmen zur Klärung etwaiger Rückfragen zu technischen Details und Fragen zur Exportkontrolle.
17.3.2 Auf unsere Anforderung ist der Lieferant verpflichtet, uns alle weiteren Außenhandelsdaten zu seinen Gütern und deren Bestandteilen schriftlich mitzuteilen sowie uns unverzüglich (vor Lieferung entsprechender hiervon betroffener Güter) über alle Änderungen der vorstehenden Daten schriftlich zu informieren. 17.4 Der Lieferant ist verpflichtet, uns alle ihm nach dem Vertragsabschluss bekannt werdenden Umstände, welche die Annahme eines möglichen oder tatsächlichen Verstoßes gegen Exportkontrollvorschriften begründen, unverzüglich schriftlich mitzuteilen.
Export Control. 1 TTI points out that the delivery of goods (merchandise, software, technology) may be subject to restrictions and prohibitions under the export control law. In particular, these are German and European requirements of the foreign trade legislation. Furthermore, there are European and national embargo regulations against certain countries and persons. These embargo regulations may prohibit deliveries or make them subject to approval. U.S. made goods or goods with a 10 or 25 % share of U.S. made goods, goods from U.S. controlled companies may be subject to the U.S. (re-)export laws, in addition to the above-mentioned laws and regulations. All deliveries of TTI are therefore subject to the reservation that they are admissible according to the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany, to the laws of the United States of America as well as to any other applicable national and international regulations of foreign trade legislation, and that they are not opposed by any embargo directives, export restrictions and/or controls or any other sanctions.
Export Control. 1. AN ist verpflichtet, AG über etwaige Genehmigungspflichten oder Beschränkungen bei (Re-)Exporten seiner Ware gemäß Englischen, deutschen, europäischen, US Ausfuhr- und Zollbestimmungen sowie den Ausfuhr- und Zollbestimmungen des Ursprungslandes seiner Güter in seinen Geschäftsdokumenten zu unterrichten und für genehmigungspflichtige Ware folgende Informationen rechtzeitig vor der ersten Lieferung und unverzüglich bei Änderungen (technische, gesetzliche Änderungen oder behördliche Feststellungen) zu senden: Siltronic Materialnummer, Warenbeschreibung, Alle anwendbaren Ausfuhrlistennummern einschließlich der Export Control Classification Number gemäß U.S. Commerce Control List (ECCN), Handelspolitischer Warenursprung, Statistische Warennummer (HS-Code), einen Ansprechpartner in seinem Unternehmen zur Klärung etwaiger Rückfragen.
1. Supplier must inform Customer in Suppliers business documents of any applicable (re-)export license requirements or restrictions for products under English, German, European or US export control law and customs regulations as well as the export control law and customs regulations of the country of origin of its products. For products subject to approval, Supplier must provide the following information in a timely manner and must notify Customer before the first delivery and promptly after any changes (technical or legal changes or official statements): Siltronic product number, product description, all applicable export list numbers including export classification numbers pursuant to the U.S. Commerce Control List (ECCN), trade-policy place of origin, statistical goods number, details of a contact person in its company in order to clarify any questions.
2. Der AN ist verpflichtet, bei Warenlieferungen über Zollgrenzen hinweg alle erforderlichen Dokumente wie Handelsrechnung, Lieferschein und Informationen für eine vollständige und korrekte Importzollanmeldung, der Lieferung beizufügen.
2. For any supplies crossing customs boundaries, Supplier is obliged to provide all necessary documents such as commercial invoice, delivery note and information for a complete and correct import duty registration with the delivery of such supplies.
3. Der AN hat AG mit allen rechtlich möglichen Mitteln zu unterstützen, die zur Reduzierung oder Minimierung der Zahlungsverpflichtungen des AG hinsichtlich Zöllen bzw. Kosten für Zollabfertigung erforderlich sind.
Export Control. 6.1 Customer acknowledges that all goods, software, and technology purchased from R-Biopharm AG may be subject to export controls, economic sanctions, or other provisions of foreign trade law, which may restrict or prevent delivery.
6.2 If legal authorities require any shipping permits or approvals, the enforceability of the purchase order concerned is subject to such permit or approval.
6.3 R-Biopharm AG may withdraw from a contract insofar as contract fulfillment is made impossible due to applicable foreign trade law provisions, in particular through imposition of embargoes or other sanctions. In such case, Customer has no claims against R-Biopharm AG.
6.4 R-Biopharm AG's goods are trademarked in many countries. Customer agrees to respect such existing trademarks and rights of exclusion. Customer must therefore check beforehand whether the resale of goods requires the prior consent of R-Biopharm AG and, if necessary, request such. Such consent must be in writing for evidentiary reasons. Customer remains responsible for ensuring that all applicable national and international foreign trade regulations are observed even if R-Biopharm AG's consent is given.
6.5 Customer must provide R-Biopharm AG with all information and documents necessary to enable export control checks by relevant authorities, for compliance with foreign trade law, and for possible export permit applications, which may in particular include end user certificates and information on end users. This may include in particular information on end users and issuance and delivery of end-use certificates to the extent necessary.
6.6 Customer must indemnify, defend, and hold R-Biopharm AG harmless from all damage resulting from breaches of Sections 08/2023, Seite/page 2 6.4 - 6.5 for which Customer is responsible.