Purpose Musterklauseln

Purpose. 1Zweck der Gesellschaft ist der Erwerb, das Halten, das Verwalten, die Verwertung und der Verkauf, direkt oder indirekt, von Beteiligungen an Unternehmen in der Schweiz und im Ausland, insbesondere Unternehmen, die im Ingenieur- und Bauwesen, wie auch in Entwicklung, Konstruktion, Besitz und Betrieb von Kraftwerkseinrichtungen und Kraftwerken sowie in der Finanzierung dieser Aktivitäten tätig sind. 1The purpose of the Company is to acquire, hold, manage, exploit and sell, whether directly or indirectly, participations in businesses in Switzerland and abroad, including but not limited to businesses which are involved in engineering and construction services, the design, manufacture and ownership of power equipment and the ownership and operation of power production and power generation facilities as well as to provide financing for these purposes. Statuten / Articles of Association – Foster Wheeler AG 2Die Gesellschaft kann Zweigniederlassungen und Tochtergesellschaften im In- und Ausland errichten, kann sich an Unternehmen im In- und Ausland beteiligen, kann Vertretungen übernehmen, alle Geschäfte eingehen und Verträge abschliessen sowie alles unternehmen, was den Gesellschaftszweck fördert oder direkt und indirekt in den Geschäftsbereich der Gesellschaft fällt. Die Gesellschaft kann Finanzierungen für eigene oder fremde Rechnung vornehmen, sowie Garantien und ähnliche Rechtsgeschäfte zu Gunsten von assoziierten Gesellschaften oder Drittparteien eingehen. Die Gesellschaft kann Grundstücke erwerben, halten, verwalten, belasten und veräussern wie auch Patente, Lizenzen und weiteres geistiges Eigentum erwerben, verwerten, belasten und verkaufen. 2The Company is empowered to open and maintain domestic and foreign branch offices and subsidiaries, to participate in other domestic or foreign enterprises, to take over agencies, to engage in business and to enter into agreements, and to take all other measures or engage in any other activities which are appropriate to promote the purpose of the Company or are directly or indirectly within the scope of its activities. It may also undertake financing for its own account or for the account of third parties, as well as enter into promise agreements and provide guarantees in favour of associated companies and third parties. The Company may acquire, hold, manage, mortgage and sell real estate as well as acquire, exploit, encumbrance and sell patents, licenses and other intangible assets.
Purpose. The purpose of the Company shall be the following:
Purpose. The purpose of this Letter of Agree- ment is to govern the procedures for the conduct of mountain wave soaring operations (glider flying activities) in the HARZ gliding area.
Purpose. Die Gesellschaft bezweckt den Erwerb, die dauernde Verwaltung und die Veräusserung von Beteiligungen an in- und ausländischen Unternehmungen aller Art. Bei der Verfolgung ihres Gesellschaftszwecks strebt die Gesell- schaft die Schaffung von langfristigem, nach- haltigem Wert an. The purpose of the Company is the acquisi- tion, administration and disposition of partici- pations in all kinds of companies in Switzer- land and abroad. The Company shall, in pur- suing its business purpose, aim for long-term, sustainable value creation. Die Gesellschaft kann sich an anderen Unter- nehmungen beteiligen sowie Grundstücke und Immaterialgüterrechte erwerben, verwer- ten, verwalten und veräussern, Tochtergesell- schaften und Zweigniederlassungen im In- und Ausland errichten und ausserdem alle Rechtshandlungen vornehmen, die der Zweck der Gesellschaft mit sich bringen kann oder die geeignet sind, ihre Entwicklung oder dieje- nige von Gruppengesellschaften zu fördern. The Company may hold participations in other companies and acquire, exploit, admin- ister and dispose of real estate and intellec- tual property rights, establish subsidiaries and branch offices in Switzerland and abroad and carry out all acts implicated by its busi- ness purpose or which may be appropriate to promote its development or the development of group companies. Des Weiteren kann die Gesellschaft direkt oder indirekt an Konzernfinanzierungen teil- nehmen, insbesondere indem sie ihren direk- ten oder indirekten Gesellschaftern oder an- deren Gruppengesellschaften Kredite ge- währt oder für deren Verbindlichkeiten gegen- über Dritten Garantien, Bürgschaften oder andere Sicherheiten aller Art gewährt, auch wenn diese Kredite oder Sicherheiten im aus- schliesslichen Interesse ihrer direkten oder indirekten Gesellschafter oder anderer Grup- pengesellschaften liegen und unentgeltlich gewährt werden. Further, the Company may directly or indi- rectly participate in group finance transac- tions, in particular by providing its direct or in- direct shareholders or other group companies loans or by providing security in the form of guarantees, sureties or any other security in- terest to third parties even if these loans or security interests, which may be provided without charge or fee, lie in the exclusive in- terest of its direct or indirect shareholders or other group companies.
Purpose. (1) The Company may acquire, dispose of and administer participations in other companies as well as establish subsidiaries and branch offices in Switzerland and abroad. (2) The Company may provide services for other group companies. It may provide loans and borrow money to the extent that this is necessary to achieve the Company's main purpose or to foster the Company's economic prosperity. The Company may engage in any business which is associated with the purpose of the Company. The Company may acquire and dispose of real estate.
Purpose. Conclusion of the loan contract
Purpose. 1The purpose of the Company is to acquire, hold, manage, exploit and sell, whether directly or indirectly, participations in businesses in Switzerland and abroad, including but not limited to businesses which are involved in engineering and construction services, the design, manufacture and ownership of power equipment and the ownership and operation of power production and power generation facilities as well as to provide financing for these purposes. Statuten / Articles of Association – Foster Wheeler AG 2 2Die Gesellschaft kann Zweignieder-lassungen und Tochtergesellschaften im In- und Ausland errichten, kann sich an 2The Company is empowered to open and maintain domestic and foreign branch offices and subsidiaries, to participate in Unternehmen im In- und Ausland beteiligen, kann Vertretungen übernehmen, alle Geschäfte eingehen und Verträge abschliessen sowie alles unternehmen, was den Gesellschaftszweck fördert oder direkt und indirekt in den Geschäftsbereich der Gesellschaft fällt. Die Gesellschaft kann Finanzierungen für eigene oder fremde Rechnung vornehmen, sowie Garantien und ähnliche Rechtsgeschäfte zu Gunsten von assoziierten Gesellschaften oder Drittparteien eingehen. Die Gesellschaft kann Grundstücke erwerben, halten, verwalten, belasten und veräussern wie auch Patente, Lizenzen und weiteres geistiges Eigentum erwerben, verwerten, belasten und verkaufen. other domestic or foreign enterprises, to take over agencies, to engage in business and to enter into agreements, and to take all other measures or engage in any other activities which are appropriate to promote the purpose of the Company or are directly or indirectly within the scope of its activities. It may also undertake financing for its own account or for the account of third parties, as well as enter into promise agreements and provide guarantees in favour of associated companies and third parties. The Company may acquire, hold, manage, mortgage and sell real estate as well as acquire, exploit, encumbrance and sell patents, licenses and other intangible assets.
Purpose. The purpose of the Corporation is to provide telecommunications and radiocommunication services in and outside Switzerland, and to offer products and services related thereto. The Corporation may enter into all transactions which the business purpose entails, including the purchase and sale of real estate, the procurement and investment of funds on the money and capital markets, the establishment and purchase of interests in corporations and other means of co-operation with third parties.
Purpose. 3.1 The purpose of using the Moodle platform is to enable applicants to take part in the application process for a scholarship awarded by TalentOrange GmbH. Applicants take part in a placement test, which is used in the decision to award the scholarship. 3.2 Another essential purpose is the use of the Moodle platform as a teaching tool, for example for course-internal communication and provision of learning content by the teachers, as well as the completion of tests, exams or homework by the talents. 3.3 If tests or homework assignments are completed by the talents via Moodle, their results may be included in the assessment of whether the talent is still eligible to receive the scholarship. Test results in are not published to other users in individual courses. 3.4 In addition, Moodle LMS is used for internal statistical evaluations. 3.5 Test results will not be passed on to third parties.
Purpose. These terms and conditions of purchase describe the binding framework to which the purchases of production material, spare parts and immediate means of manufactur-­‐ ing are subject. They apply in general for all business of SUPPLIERS with any of the companies belonging to Reutter Group. Reutter GmbH Leutenbach (DE); Xxxxxxx G.m.b.H., St. Johann, (Aut); Xxxxxxx SK sro (SK); Reutter LLC (USA); Reutter S. de. RL (MEXICO) and Jost Automotive GmbH Leu-­‐ tenbach (DE). In the following the respective company contracting with a SUPPLIER will be called “Reutter Group”.