Secrecy Musterklauseln

Secrecy. The documents, knowledge, and experiences provided to the customer are subject to secrecy and may only be used for the purposes of this contract and not made accessible to third parties unless they are intended to be made accessible to third parties.
Secrecy. The Supplier is to maintain strict secrecy in dealings with third parties regarding all experience, know-how and documents of our company of which it gains knowledge in conjunction with the order. Without our approval, drawings may neither be duplicated nor otherwise used. The manufacture of items based on our drawings beyond an awarded order is not permitted. This also applies to the own purposes of the Supplier.
Secrecy. 12.1 The contracting parties undertake to treat as business secrets all commercial and technical details which are not in the public domain and which become known to them through the business relations. 12.2 Drawings, models, templates, samples and similar items may not be made available or otherwise made accessible to unauthorized third parties, may only be used for the purposes of the respective contract between the supplier and us and may not be used for any other purposes of the supplier. The reproduction of such objects is only permitted within the scope of operational requirements and copyright regulations. 12.3 Subcontractors shall be obligated accordingly. 12.4 The parties to the contract may only advertise their business relationship with prior written consent.
Secrecy. 9.1. The Contracting Parties shall keep secret the business information, business secrets and know-how ("confidential information") of the other Party which they have been given or otherwise become aware of, even after termination of the business relationship, unless such information is publicly known or has been permissibly obtained from third parties. 9.2. Confidential information of the Disclosing Party may only be made available to those employees and persons who must become aware of it for the purpose of fulfilling the contract, but only to the extent necessary and only if these employees and persons have been obliged to maintain secrecy. 9.3. All documents made available by Xxxxxxxxxxxx, in particular or including but not limited to illustrations, construction plans, drawings, calculations and samples ("documents") as well as all copies thereof must be returned to Hirtenberger after completion of the project/contractual service and upon Xxxxxxxxxxxx'x request. 9.4. The disclosure of confidential information to third parties is only permitted with the prior written consent of the Disclosing Party and only to the extent expressly agreed. In such cases, the Receiving Party shall be obliged to ensure that the third party in question has undertaken to comply with an obligation of confidentiality at least as strict as that contained in this Agreement prior to receiving any confidential information and shall ensure compliance therewith even after termination of the contractual relationship between the receiving Party and the third party. The Receiving Party shall be liable for any breach of such corresponding confidentiality obligations by third parties in the same way as for any breach by itself. 9.5. The Customer undertakes not to use or exploit
Secrecy. All commercial or technical information and data originating from Bosch, as long as and insofar as they are not demonstrably public knowledge, shall be kept secret from third parties and may only be made available in the User’s own business to persons who are required by necessity to make use of them and who are also under obligation of secrecy. Such information and data shall remain the exclusive property of Bosch. Information and data of this nature shall not be reproduced or employed for commercial purposes without Xxxxx’x prior written consent. All information and data originating from Bosch (including any copies or recordings that have been produced) shall be returned to Bosch or destroyed immediately and in their entirety at Xxxxx’x request. Bosch disposes of all rights in respect of the above-mentioned information and data.
Secrecy. 1. The customer is obligated to treat all not obvious commercial and technical information and knowledge that becomes known from the business relationship between TheKnot and the customer as business secret.
Secrecy. 1. The supplier is obligated to treat all not obvious commercial and technical information and knowledge that becomes known from the business relationship between TheKnot and the supplier as business secret.
Secrecy. 1. All information and all documents becoming known to the Contractor in connection with the Order must be treated in strict confidence, even after the Order has been concluded, and even if the Order fails to be executed. The Contractor may use copies of its contractual work for its own advertising purposes only with the prior written agreement of the Client.
Secrecy. The supplier must maintain the strictest silence to everyone concerning the order, the resulting work, associated processes and all related technical and commercial documents and equipment, unless otherwise is absolutely necessary to fulfil the order. The supplier shall, while maintaining its own obligation in this respect, ensure that all third parties involved in the fulfilment of the order are bound by an identical obligation to maintain silence. TCG UNITECH GmbH Xxxxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx 00 Landesgericht Steyr, FN 168053 m, 0000 Xxxxxxxxx/Xxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx/Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, Europe UID-NR. ATU44885406 T. +00 0000 000-0 UniCredit Bank Austria AG F. +00 0000 000-00 Kto.-Nr. 80016 257 200, BLZ 12000 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx IBAN XX000000000000000000 xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx SWIFT/BIC XXXXXXXX Certified acc. DIN ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949, EN ISO 14001 TCG UNITECH Systemtechnik GmbH Kollingerfeld 2 Landesgericht Steyr, FN 123618 t, 0000 Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Europe UID-NR. ATU22406607 T. +00 0000 000-0 Raiffeisenlandesbank OÖ F. +00 0000 000-00 Xxx.Xx. 65.979, BLZ 34000 xxxxxx@xxxxxxxxxx.xx IBAN XX000000000000000000 xxx.xxxxxxxxxx.xx SWIFT/BIC RZ00AT2L Certified acc. nach DIN ISO 9001:2008, ISO/TS 16949, EN ISO 14001
Secrecy. The Managing Director shall be held to maintain the strictest secrecy as to any strengstes Stillschweigen zu bewahren. Diese Verpflichtung dauert auch nach einem Ausscheiden aus den Diensten für die Ge- sellschaft fort.