Storage Musterklauseln

Storage. Grisebach will store the work of art acquired at auction until it is picked up, doing so at the longest for one (1) week counting from the date on which the Purchase Offer is accepted, and will insure it at its own cost, the amount insured being equal to the purchase price. Thereafter, Grisebach is entitled to store the work of art with a spe- cialized fine art shipping agent and to have it insured there. At its choice, Grisebach instead may store the work of art in its own prem- ises, charging a monthly lump-sum fee of 0.5% of the purchase price for the costs of storage and insurance.
Storage. E.1 Outside and inside communal areas must be kept free of private items of storage. In particular, this applies to cor- ridors, staircases, sanitary facilities, kitchens, TV rooms, balconies; the same also applies to the open areas in the house.
Storage. No unoccupied tent or caravan may be left on the site without the management’s authorisation, and, if granted, only on the pitch indicated. A fee may be applied for this service.
Storage. Bei dem Servicemodul „Virtual Server“ wird für jede Leistungsklasse eine vordefinierte Menge an Storage („Storage Enterprise“) für das Betriebssystem, die Applikationen und die Daten zur Verfügung gestellt. In einem separaten Bereich steht die gleiche Menge an Sicherungs-Storage („Storage Backup“) zur Verfügung, welche für die Datensicherung verwendet wird. Die vorgegebene Menge an Speicherplatz kann erweitert werden, wobei die parallele Verwendung der beiden Festplattentypen Storage Enterprise und Storage Capacity innerhalb eines vServers (zB 100GB für Betriebssystem mit 1TB für Datenablage) technisch nicht realisierbar ist. Für diesen Fall muss ein separater vServer erstellt werden. Bei „Virtual Server Infrastructure“ ist keine Storage im Standardpaket vorgesehen. Die gewünschte Menge an Speicherplatz der Storageklasse Enterprise und /oder Capacity, sowie ggf. Storage Backup, die für Betriebssystem, Applikationen, Daten und deren Datensicherung verwendet werden soll, ist separat zu bestellen. Details dazu unter 3.3 Storage Erweiterung. Storage Übersicht Beschreibung Storage Enterprise Storage Capacity
Storage. If the delivery dates agreed in the Order should change for reasons outside the Contractor’s control, the Contractor agrees to arrange for proper storage on behalf of the Principal for up to 6 (six) months at the Contractor’s risk and expense. Payments affected by such storage arrangements may be released against a confirmation of storage, certificate of transfer of ownership, bank guarantee, etc. If goods are stored, whole or partial deliveries are only permitted upon receipt of written release for shipment by the Principal. The provision of Supplies/Services prior to their due date is only permitted with the Principal’s written approval and shall not entitle the Contractor to early payment.
Storage. (3) Customs warehousing

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