C onfidential Information definition

C onfidential Information. “Confidential Information” means all Buyer know-how, technical information, business information, data, designs, specifications, plans, drawings, experience or knowledge reasonably related to the transaction that is the subject of this Purchase Order, whether transmitted in writing, orally or electronically, including initial or preliminary discussions, to the extent the same is or are secret or confidential including without limitation: (a) confidential manufacturing plans, processes, procedures, operations, reports, drawings, manuals, equipment, engineering information, technical information, and plant and equipment layouts and configuration; (b) confidential product plans, prototypes, samples, formulae, and specifications, and information related to confidential project designs, marketing, advertising, quality, costs, configurations and uses; (c) confidential customer and vendor lists and information, business plans, sales volumes, profitability figures, financial information or other economic or business information; and (d) confidential computer software, firmware, data, databases, networks, security procedures, or other confidential information related directly or indirectly to computer systems or networks. Seller shall not, without express written consent of Buyer, use or disclose to any person, company or governmental agency any Confidential Information, except that Seller may disclose Confidential Information to those if its employees or professional advisors who need to know such information and who are bound to Seller not to disclose the Confidential Information to any other person, company or governmental agency. If Seller becomes legally compelled (by deposition, interrogatory, request for documents, subpoena, civil investigative demand or similar process) to disclose any Confidential Information, Seller will provide Buyer with prompt prior written notice of such requirements so that Buyer may seek a protective order or other appropriate remedy. If a protective order or other remedy is not obtained, Seller agrees to furnish only that portion of Confidential Information that Seller, upon written opinion of counsel, is legally required to disclose, and it agrees to exercise reasonable commercial efforts to obtain assurances that confidential treatment will be accorded such Confidential Information. Buyer agrees that this section will not apply to the extent that Seller can demonstrate the Confidential Information: (i) was known by the public pri...
C onfidential Information means all trade secrets, proprietary information, know-how, and confidential information disclosed to Executive or known by Executive as a result of Executive’s employment by AngioDynamics, not generally known in the trade or industry in which AngioDynamics is engaged, about AngioDynamics’ business operations, customers, suppliers, products, processes, machines, systems, and services, including research, development, manufacturing, purchasing, finance, data processing, engineering, marketing, designs, concepts, know-how, merchandising, and selling, and corresponding information about the products, processes, machines, and services of AngioDynamics, acquired by Executive during Executive’s employment by AngioDynamics. The fact that information is not patentable or copyrightable shall not affect its status as Confidential Information.
C onfidential Information means any information concerning or referring in any way to the bus xxxx s of one P arty, whether or not dis xxxx xx to or acquired by the other P arty through or as a cons equence of performance of this Agreement. F or purpos es of this Agreement, C onfidential Information cons is ts of information proprietary to one P arty which is not generally known to the public and which in the ordinary cours e of bus xxxx s is maintained by s uch P arty as confidential. By way of example and without l imitation, C onfidential Information cons is ts of computer s oftware, trade s ecrets , patents , inventions , copyrights , techniques , des igns , and other technical information in any way concerning or referring to s cientific, technical or mechanical as pects of one P arty' s products , concepts , proces s es , machines , engineering, res earch and development. C onfidential Information als o includes , without l imitation, information in any way concerning or referring to s uch P arty' s bus xxxx s methods , bus xxxx s plans , forecas ts and projections , operations , organizational s tructure, f inances , cus tomers , funding, pricing, cos t ing, marketing, purchas ing, merchandis ing, s ales , products , product information, s uppliers , cus tomers , employees or their D I S C L A I M E R T H E I N T E L L E C T U A L P R O P E R T Y R I G H T S T O T H I S R E P O R T P R O V I D E D H E R E I N I S O W N E D B Y A L G O H A S H I N C . ( A H ) . A N Y U N A U T H O R I Z E D U S E , I N C L U D I N G B U T N O T L I M I T E D T O C O P Y I N G , D I S T R I B U T I N G , T R A N S M I T T I N G O R O T H E R W I S E O F A N Y D A T A A P P E A R I N G I S N O T P E R M I T T E D W I T H O U T A H ’ S P R I O R C O N S E N T . A H S H A L L N O T H A V E A N Y L I A B I L I T Y , D U T Y O R O B L I G A T I O N F O R O R R E L A T I N G T O T H E C O N T E N T O R I N F O R M A T I O N ( “ D A T A ” ) C O N T A I N E D H E R E I N , A N Y E R R O R S , I N A C C U R A C I E S , O M I S S I O N O R D E L A Y S I N T H E D A T A , O R F O R A N Y A C T I O N S T A K E N I N R E L I A N C E T H E R E O N . I N N O E V E N T S H A L L A H B E L I A B L E F O R A N Y S P E C I A L , I N C I D E N T A L , C O N S E Q U E N T I A L D A M A G E S , A R I S I N G O U T O F T H E U S E O F T H E D A T A . T H I S R E P O R T D O E S N O T C O N S T I T U T E N O R S H A L L I T B E C O N S T R U E D A S A N O F F E R B Y A H T O B U Y O R S E L L A N Y P A R T I C U L A ...

Examples of C onfidential Information in a sentence

  • The SPI identifies basic privacy and security controls with which CONTRACTOR must comply to protect HHS C onfidential Information.

  • These sections are essentially thin-walled members with moderate to very high flat width to thickness ratio of the web or flange plate components.

  • CONTRACTOR will exercise reasonable care and no less than the same degree of care CONTRACTOR uses to protect its own confidential, proprietary and tradesecret information to prevent any portion of the C onfidential Information from being used ina manner that is not expressly an Authorized Purpose under this DUA or as Required by Law.

  • Termination or Expiration of this DUA will not relieve CONTRACTOR ofits obligation to return or Destroy the C onfidential Information as set forth in this DUA and to continue to safeguard the Confidential Information until such time as determined by HHS.

  • Except as Required by Law, CONTRACTOR will not disclose or allow access to any portion of the C onfidential Information to any Person or other entity, other than Authorized User's Workforce or Subcontractors (as defined in 45 C.F.R. 160.103) of CONTRACTOR who have completed training in confidentiality, privacy, security and the importance of promptly reporting any Event or Breach to CONTRACTOR's management, to carry out CONTRACTOR’s obligations in connection with the Authorized Purpose.

More Definitions of C onfidential Information

C onfidential Information means non-public information of an Affiliate or a party to this Agreement that is identified as or would be reasonably understood to be confidential and/or proprietary. Confidential Information of Infor includes, without limitation, the Documentation, the Component Systems, all software provided with the Component Systems and all algorithms, methods, techniques, code (Source Code and Object Code) and processes revealed or utilized therein. Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is or becomes known to the public without fault or breach of the Recipient; (ii) the Discloser regularly discloses to third parties without restriction on disclosure; (iii) the Recipient obtains from a third party without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a non-disclosure obligation; or (iv) is independently developed by the Recipient without access to Confidential Information.
C onfidential Information means any information which EQS Group or the Customer protects against unrestricted disclosure to third parties or which is considered confidential under the circumstances of such disclosure or its contents. In any event, without limitation, the following information shall be considered confidential information of EQS Group: all software, programmes, tools, prices, data or other materials which EQS Group makes available to the Customer prior to or based on the Agreement. EQS Group may use data collected during the term in an aggregated, anonymised form, provided that such data is aggregated from more than one customer and does not identify the Customer, the Customer's employees or the Customer's customers.
C onfidential Information. Means, unless the applicable Award Agreement states otherwise, any data, information or documentation(including such that is received by third parties) that is competitively sensitive or commercially valuable and not generally known to the public, including data, information or documentation related or pertaining to: (1) finance, supply or service; (2) customers, suppliers or consumers, including customer lists, relationships and profiles; (3) marketing or product information, including product planning, marketing strategies, marketing results, marketing forecasts, plans, finance, operations, reports, sales estimates, business plans and internal performance results relating to past, present or future business activities, clients and suppliers; and (4) scientific or technical information, design, process, procedure, formula or improvement, computer software, object code, source code, specifications, inventions or systems information, whether or not patentable or copyrightable, and that is not otherwise a Trade Secret.
C onfidential Information means all information regarding the Company, its activities, business or clients that is the subject of reasonable efforts by the Company to maintain its confidentiality and that is not generally disclosed by practice or authority to persons not employed by the Company, but that does not rise to the level of a Trade Secret. "Confidential Information" shall include, but is not limited to, financial plans and data concerning the Company; management planning information; business plans; operational methods; market studies; marketing plans or strategies; product development techniques or plans; lists of current or prospective customers; details of customer contracts; current and anticipated customer requirements; past, current and planned research and development; business acquisition plans; and new personnel acquisition plans. "Confidential Information" shall not include information that has become generally available to the public by the act of one who has the right to disclose such information without violating any right or privilege of the Company. This definition shall not limit any definition of "confidential information" or any equivalent term under state or federal law.
C onfidential Information means (a) with respect to Targacept, all tangible embodiments of Targacept Technology, (b) with respect to AstraZeneca, all tangible embodiments of AstraZeneca Technology and the Excluded Data and (c) with respect to each Party, (i) all tangible embodiments of Joint Technology (other than the Excluded Data) and (ii) all information, Technology and Proprietary Materials (other than Targacept Technology, AstraZeneca Technology or Joint Technology) disclosed or provided by or on behalf of such Party (the “disclosing Party”) to the other Party (the “receiving Party”) or to any of the receiving Party’s employees, consultants, Affiliates or Sublicensees (including, by way of example only, information, Technology and, if applicable, Proprietary Materials regarding an actual or potential future Option Compound provided pursuant to Section 5.10.2 or regarding an ROFN Indication Opportunity provided pursuant to Section 5.10.3); provided that none of the foregoing shall be Confidential Information if: (A) as of the date of disclosure or delivery, it is known to, or in the possession of, the receiving Party or its Affiliates as demonstrated by credible written documentation, other than by virtue of a prior confidential disclosure tosuch receiving Party; (B) as of the date of disclosure or delivery, it is in the public domain or is otherwise publicly available, or it subsequently enters the public domain or becomes otherwise publicly available through no fault of the receiving Party; (C) it is obtained by the receiving Party from a Third Party having a lawful right to make such disclosure or delivery free from any obligation of confidentiality to the disclosing Party unless disclosed to the receiving Party by such Third Party at the direction, or with the consent of, the disclosing Party; (D) with respect to any Proprietary Materials, it is supplied by a Third Party without breach of any obligation to the disclosing Party, or (E) it is independently developed by or for the receiving Party without reference to or use of any Confidential Information of the disclosing Party as demonstrated by credible written documentation. Notwithstanding anything herein to the contrary, but subject toSection 7.5, (x) the terms of this Agreement shall constitute Confidential Information of each Party, (y) to the extent Joint Technology solely claims or covers one or more Collaboration Candidates, Active+ Compounds, Collaboration Compounds, Candidate Drugs or Products (other than Terminat...
C onfidential Information. Will be in accordance with DIR Contract No. DIR-CPO-4491 to the extent allowable by the State of Texas Public Information Act. For the purpose of this Agreement Confidential Information means non-public information of an Affiliate or a party to this Agreement that is identified as or would be reasonably understood to be confidential and/or proprietary. Confidential Information of Vendor includes, without limitation, the Documentation, the Component Systems, all software provided with the Component Systems and all algorithms, methods, techniques, code (Source Code and Object Code) and processes revealed or utilized therein. Confidential Information does not include information that: (i) is or becomes known to the public without fault or breach of the Recipient; (ii) the Discloser regularly discloses to third parties without restriction on disclosure; (iii) the Recipient obtains from a third party without restriction on disclosure and without breach of a non-disclosure obligation; or (iv) is independently developed by the Recipient without access to Confidential Information.
C onfidential Information means, without limitation, all information, software, data, manuals, conceptsnot for its own or the benefit of any third party. Telkom for any disputes, claims or to report account discrepancies or system issues. Telkom