Examples of Divisional Commander in a sentence
When an incident occurs which requires disciplinary intervention and, the circumstances are such as to not warrant intervention by way of a formal process, the Divisional Commander or their designate shall be responsible for determining the stage of Informal Discipline that is to be invoked.
However, notwithstanding unforeseen circumstances, and subject to authorization by the Divisional Commander such requirement may be waived.
Admonition means a disposition in the form of a warning or reprimand in writing, administered by the Divisional Commander or designate and applied to the involved member being disciplined by the Informal Process.
Brigadier Cronje, Divisional Commander of the Northern Transvaal, was present when Captain Hendrik Prinsloo assaulted an unknown MK operative.
General Erasmus, who was Divisional Commander of the Eastern Cape and Witwatersrand Security Branches at the time of Mr Stanza Bopape’s detention and death, told the Committee that he accepted that violence was used as part of interrogation.
In handling domestic violence incidents, the Police has introduced a new measure since September 2001 in which the Divisional Commander is required to assess each domestic violence incident and decide whether or not follow-up visits to the victim / abuser are required, unless the case has been referred to the SWD for service or the victim and his / her children have moved to a safe place or a shelter to ensure their safety.
Reports on the performance of the Police and Fire and Rescue Services will be submitted by the Divisional Commander, Police Scotland or by the Area Manager, Scottish Fire and Rescue Service.
As a result, members shall be granted a compensating day off, to be taken by the member outside of prime season at the discretion of the Divisional Commander.
Those responsible reported the matter to their Divisional Commander, Brigadier Gerrit Nicholas Erasmus, who in turn informed the Officer Commanding the Security Branch, General Johan van der Merwe.
The cases prosecuted according to these laws, as well as other cases prosecuted in military and national courts during the era unequivocally endorsed the notion that a participant in an unlawful common purpose/plan/designmay be held criminally responsible for acts committed in its execution even if the accused did not physically perpetrate the acts.