Work Tasks Sample Clauses

Work Tasks. Contractor will provide written translations for the official ballot and voter information guide and other election materials as requested. All translations shall be formatted to match the English version provided by the County. For state propositions, candidate names and ballot designations, County is required to use the translations provided by the State of California. Contractor shall utilize these translations, which will be provided by the County. From the completion of the first draft translation to the approval of final translation, all documents must go through a multiple-step quality assurance process which is responsive to the fast-paced election cycle and occasional court-ordered changes in ballot content. Once the English versions of election materials are approved, they are prepared for translation and sent to Contractor. Upon receipt of a translation from Contractor, County will read the document and compare it against the English version to check for any errors in content, grammar and format. County carefully reviews the translation to ensure not only that it is accurate but is also not inappropriate or offensive for the targeted audience. County also makes sure regional variance is taken into consideration in the translation. County will make corrections on the file and send it back to Contractor for revision, if necessary. County may need to further communicate with Contractor regarding required changes. Changes shall be considered revisions requested by County to ensure the accuracy, completeness, and local/cultural sensitivity of the translated materials, the format of the translation matches the English version, and the translation includes any court-ordered changes.
Work TasksThe Player's primary job for the Club is that of an ice hockey player. The Player has the right and obligation to participate in training, training camps and to complete the Club’s training programme. Furthermore, the Player has the right and obligation to participate in tasks connected to games and preparations for games. In addition to performing the tasks that are generally expected of an ice hockey player, the Player shall (within reason) participate in marketing contracts in compliance with the provisions in PART II, item 4.2.
Work TasksThe Contractor shall provide all labor, materials and equipment to perform the work detailed on Sheets 2-3 of the Plan entitled PORT INN BIORETENTION AND BUFFER RESTORATION, PORT INN, 000 XX XXX 0 XXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXX, XX, Xx. Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, PE, dated October 30, 2009, and Addendum A. The overall job entails installation of stormwater management practices as specified on the Plans and includes site preparation, site excavation, placement of materials, installation of underdrain plumbing, re-vegetation of site, and site finishing. The Contractor must provide all items within the project, as described below and as shown on the Plan or in specifications and Addendum A.
Work TasksThe Player's primary work task for the Club is that of a handball player. In addition to carrying out the tasks that can be expected in connection with the function of a handball player, hereunder involvement in marketing agreements in compliance with the provisions is PART II, clause 4.2, the Player shall execute the following tasks: ...................................................................................................... ……………………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………… The Player shall also participate in the following event(s): ....................................................................................................... …………………………………………………………………. and otherwise, within reason, according to the Club's provisions.
Work Tasks. The following describes the tasks that will be performed over the duration of the project. The description includes our proposed methodologies, rationale, procedures, techniques, and equipment to be utilized in order to successfully accomplish the CQA goals of the Module project.
Work Tasks. Forsyth County will resume its work to prepare a feasibility of a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Extension along SR-400 to terminate within the XxXxxxxxx LCI Study area. This new scope does not include previously completed work performed under a separate contract which terminated on December 31, 2022. Forsyth County and ARC anticipate the following outcomes from the study to be: • Potential route alignment • Station location(s) • Parking concepts • Station concepts The work to be accomplished under this contract is divided into the following tasks: Task 1– Route Feasibility:
Work Tasks. The City of Avondale Estates Laredo Intersection Study and Demonstration Project will examine the options for the development of a roundabout and other alignments at the Laredo Drive/Clarendon Intersection to reduce speeds and improve safety along the corridor. As part of the study process and public outreach, the City will implement a temporary demonstration project to convert an intersection into a roundabout (or realignment) and use a community created concept plan to show possibilities for complete streets along the same road using temporary, removable infrastructure. The work to be accomplished under this contract is divided into the following tasks: Task 1Technical Analysis:
Work Tasks. This scope of work outlines the minimum requirements which the City of Stonecrest must fulfill to receive funding from ARC. The Subgrantee may include additional or more detailed tasks in the contract with their consultants based on individual needs. Comprehensive progress reports detailing progress on each task shall be submitted to ARC with each invoice. The Subgrantee shall present deliverables to ARC for comment, involve ARC in relevant stakeholder and technical committee meetings, and notify ARC of public and private sector outreach activities. The Subgrantee shall also work directly with GDOT, relevant transit agencies, and all local jurisdictions within the study area, presenting deliverables to these organizations for comment, involving them in relevant stakeholder and technical committee meetings, and notifying them of key public and private sector outreach activities.
Work Tasks a. Instructional Analytics
Work TasksProject Management. GTC will maintain and manage correspondence between the City and the Subconsultants (Civil Engineering and Cost Estimator). As part of this work effort, GTC will manage the Subconsultant contracts, maintain the Project schedule, coordinate deadlines between the City and Subconsultants, compile deliverables for submittal to the City, manage materials for community meetings/workshops, maintain meeting minutes. • Block-by-Block Analysis. GTC will coordinate with the Civil Engineering Subconsultant and City staff to prepare a block-by-block analysis to review existing in-street facilities, utilities, street furniture, infrastructure, right-of-way dimensions, etc., along Santa Xxxxxx Boulevard. As part of this work effort, GTC will coordinate with the City to request and review data needs, including existing traffic counts, survey data, and City design standards, to support the Civil Engineering Subconsultant's scope of work. o Transportation Analysis. New morning, midday, and afternoon peak period traffic counts will be required at all intersections along Santa Xxxxxx Boulevard within the City limits. If peak period traffic count information is available from existing public data sources or derived from existing data at nearby locations, the budget would be reduced accordingly. GTC will work with the City to obtain counts that can be used for analysis. GTC will coordinate with the Civil Engineering Subconsultant to identify and review the specific considerations for each block in order to accommodate the protected bicycle lane implementation strategy. GTC will also provide feedback, as needed, and coordinate with the City to support the Civil Engineering Subconsultant's preparation of the civil design plans as part of the block-by-block analysis, as detailed below. GTC will prepare a level of service (LOS) analysis for up to 20 intersections based on the City's required methodology (i.e., Highway Capacity Manual) to review potential traffic operational constraints related to the implementation of the protected bicycle lane strategies developed by the Civil Engineering Subconsultant. GTC will evaluate Existing Conditions without and with implementation of the protected bicycle lane improvements for the weekday morning, midday, and afternoon peak periods. Contract_ProfLiab_Over25K – Sept 2016 Page 11 of 17