Examples of Enterprise Bargaining Committee in a sentence
Any disputes arising from the operation of this Agreement shall be dealt with through the following steps: 27.2.1 Any dispute shall be notified to the Enterprise Bargaining Committee which shall attempt to resolve the matter by negotiation.
The Enterprise Bargaining Committee will be appointed by a vote of eligible employees to comprise representatives of both management and staff of Bega Cheese, together with any of the respondent Unions with the clear intention that the Enterprise Committee will continue to represent the mutual interests of both management and staff of Bega Cheese.
The Enterprise Bargaining Committee shall meet as required to resolve issues affecting employees in regards to this Agreement; to discuss matters relating to improving the efficiency and productivity of the organisation; and to evaluate the achievement of the productivity outcomes.
The Enterprise Bargaining Committee, comprising the Employee's representative and Management representatives, shall be maintained for the duration of this Agreement as a cooperative forum for reviewing the progress of this Agreement and for addressing any workplace issues.
The parties agree that the consultative structure for negotiating, reviewing and monitoring Enterprise Agreements and resolving concerns and/or disputes arising from the operation of the Enterprise Bargaining process is the Enterprise Bargaining Committee.
Any disputes arising from the operation of this Agreement shall be dealt with through the following steps: * Any dispute shall be notified to the Enterprise Bargaining Committee which shall attempt to resolve the matter.
This Committee shall include two employees who are FSU members and reflect the establishment of the Enterprise Bargaining Committee for this Agreement.
The Enterprise Bargaining Committee for this Agreement shall consist of: Employer representatives.42.1 Employee representatives An Independent person to assist with the negotiation process, if required.
The Enterprise Bargaining Committee (EBC) has a crucial role to play in monitoring the implementation and progress of this Agreement The Enterprise Bargaining Committee for this Agreement shall consist of: • Employer representatives employed by the Council.
The Enterprise Bargaining Committee shall serve as the appropriate consultative forum to deal with the introduction of change.