DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. When the amount of work becomes excessive, the District shall direct itself to the problem (i.e.; overtime, additional personnel, reduction of duties, etc.). Whenever an employee is absent for extended periods of time, or a position once vacant is not filled, the workload will be distributed equally among existing personnel.
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. The distribution of the Work is intended to be described under the appropriate trades and, except for filed sub-bid work, may be redistributed, except as directed herein, provided that such redistribution shall cause no controversy among the trades and no delay in the progress of the Work.
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. The parties named below agree that work will be distributed based on the following guidelines. The agreement on the distribution of work does not apply to work which is specifically remunerated as piecework. 1. The working hours can be temporarily shortened on the following terms, when it has been agreed on a local level and an application for such has been approved by the organisations. The submitted application must contain the CPR no. and names of the employees covered by the application. The enterprise is obliged to inform the job centre in accordance with the applicable rules (no later than one week before the arrangement enters into force). 2. The weekly working hours can be shortened with at least one week’s notice following local agreement and the approval of the organisations. Time off in lieu of overtime within the past 13 weeks must have been taken before the start of the shorter working hours. Shorter working hours cannot normally be set to last for more than 13 weeks in 12 consecutive months. Shorter working hours must be scheduled such that at least two days a week on average are worked - preferably with whole weeks of work and whole weeks of time off. The shorter working hours must take the form of whole days. 3. Individual temporary lay-off periods combined with a distribution of work arrangement cannot last more than two weeks. 4. The labour force may not be increased while shorter working hours are in force. Employees - or their replacements - who leave during the shorter working hours are exceptions to this rule. When shorter working hours are in force, employees do not have a duty to give notice of resignation. Nor may dismissals take place. 5. A distribution of work arrangement can only be changed or discontinued with at least the same period of notice which was given on its introduction (one week). Prior written notice of the discontinuation of an arrangement must be given to the organisations. Changes to an arrangement must be approved by the organisations in accordance with the same rules applicable on the introduction of the arrangement. Discontinuation and changes to existing arrangements can be made on a departmental level regardless of whether or not the arrangement exists for the whole enterprise. 6. If unexpected urgent orders make it necessary to move to full working hours, two working days’ notice must be given and notification must be sent immediately to the organisations.
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. A. Overtime and additional hours shall be offered and distributed to bargaining unit members within each classification and school building as equally as possible. 1. Overtime and additional hours will be organized by the use of a rotation list and will be offered to each bargaining unit member on a rotating basis beginning with the most senior bargaining unit member with the least number of overtime or additional hours. 2. Bargaining unit members assigned to more than one (1) building shall be offered overtime or additional hours on a rotating basis within each of their assigned buildings. The opportunity for overtime or additional hours in one (1) of the assigned buildings shall not adversely affect the bargaining unit member's opportunity for overtime or additional hours in another assigned building. 3. Overtime, when available, shall be offered to qualified members of the bargaining unit. The foregoing shall not prevent the Employer from hiring temporary help for seasonal or special projects provided that such hiring of temporary help shall not adversely affect the regular hours of members of the bargaining unit. 4. The immediate supervisor and the head custodian shall distribute overtime, additional hours and keep the rotation list current and accessible to all bargaining unit members who are in the building/classification he/she supervises. The immediate supervisor and the head custodian shall be mutually responsible for the implementation of Section A. 5. For purposes of maintaining the rotation list, a bargaining unit member's absence on any day that overtime time or additional hours are offered or are available shall be recorded as if they had been accepted. 6. For purposes of maintaining the rotation list, the refusal of an offer of overtime or additional hours shall be recorded as if they had been accepted. 7. Upon completion of the probationary period, a bargaining unit member shall be added to the rotation list and shall be charged with the same number of hours that are recorded for the bargaining unit member holding the greatest number of overtime or additional hours. 8. Overtime and additional hours shall be voluntary. 9. The rotation list shall continue in effect from year to year. 10. Overtime and additional hours shall not be offered to, or authorized for, substitute employees who are not members of the bargaining unit except when there are no bargaining unit members in the building who are available to do the work. If there are no substi...
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. The Employer will assign or direct sales on the basis of what is best for the customer, and will also utilize the following criteria: a) availability of appropriate agents b) workload of the agents
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. 52.01 This agreement recognizes the classifications which include, but shall not be limited to: (i) Principal (ii) Vice-Principal (iii) Program Specialist (iv) Department Head (v) Guidance Counsellor (vi) Other teachers allocated under the teachers’ salary regulations W(vii) Teaching and Learning Assistant 52.02 During the term of this Agreement, neither Government nor any School Board shall eliminate existing classifications covered by this Agreement. 52.03 Where a new classification covered by this Collective Agreement is created during its term, the NLTA shall be consulted on the manner of inclusion of such classification.
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. The Employer reserve the right to distribute the work for which Tender have been called, among more than one parties, if found necessary. No claim in this respect shall be considered and the contractor shall agree to cooperate with other agencies appointed by the Employer.
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. Other than as required by M.G.L. c. 149A and any other applicable provisions of the Massachusetts General Laws and these Contract Documents, the CM shall be responsible for distributing the Work in the best interests of the Project.
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. The Board shall hold the administration responsible for the equitable distribution of work among members of the staff.
DISTRIBUTION OF WORK. NeighborImpact shall assign work orders to Contractor for each project. All work must be authorized in advance in writing by NeighborImpact staff.