Mentor Teacher Sample Clauses
Mentor Teacher. A. Each teacher in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned a Mentor Teacher by the Administration after consultation with the Association as identified in (Section 1526 of the Revised School Code). The Mentor Teacher shall be available to provide professional support, instruction and guidance. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information in a non-threatening collegial fashion.
B. Mentor Teachers shall be assigned in accordance with the following:
1. The ultimate and overriding criteria used in selecting a Mentor Teacher will be the candidate's recognition as a teacher skilled in the art and science of teaching with the capability to communicate these two areas.
2. The Mentor Teacher shall be a tenured teacher within the bargaining unit whenever possible.
3. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary.
4. The District shall notify the Association of those teachers requiring a mentor assignment.
5. Mentor Teachers and Mentees shall work in the same building and have the same or similar area of certification whenever possible.
6. The Mentee shall be assigned to only one (1) Mentor Teacher at a time.
7. The Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) year, subject to review by the Administration, Mentor Teacher and Mentee after three (3) months. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding years.
8. Mentor Teachers may have up to two (2) Mentees if mutually desired by the Mentor Teacher and building principal.
C. Because the purpose of the mentor/mentee match is to acclimate the teacher and to provide necessary assistance toward the end of quality instruction, the Board and the Association agree the relationship shall be confidential.
D. Upon approval of the building principal, reasonable release time may be made available so the Mentor Teacher may work with the Mentee in his/her assignment during the regular work day and school calendar year. Where possible, the Mentor Teacher and Mentee shall be assigned common preparation time.
E. Mentees shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen (15) days of professional development activities during their first three (3) years of classroom teaching. Professional development shall be scheduled within the parameters of Section 1526 of the Revised School Code and Article 6 of this Agreement.
Mentor Teacher. A. Each bargaining unit member in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned a Mentor Teacher by the Administration after consultation with the Association as identified in (Section 1526 of PA 335 (1993)). The Mentor Teacher shall be available to provide professional support, instruction and guidance. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information in a non-threatening collegial fashion.
B. Mentor Teachers shall be assigned in accordance with the following:
1. The ultimate and overriding criteria used in selecting a Mentor Teacher will be the candidate's recognition as a teacher skilled in the art and science of teaching with the capability to communicate these two areas.
2. The Mentor Teacher shall be a tenured teacher within the bargaining unit whenever possible.
3. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary.
4. The District shall notify the Association of those members requiring a mentor assignment.
5. Mentor Teachers and Mentees shall work in the same building and have the same or similar area of certification whenever possible.
6. The Mentee shall be assigned to only one (1) Mentor Teacher at a time.
7. The Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) year, subject to review by the Administration, Mentor Teacher and Mentee after three (3) months. The appointment may be renewed in succeeding years.
8. Mentor Teachers may have up to two (2) Mentees if mutually desired by the Mentor Teacher and building principal.
C. Because the purpose of the mentor/mentee match is to acclimate the bargaining unit member and to provide necessary assistance toward the end of quality instruction, the Board and the Association agree the relationship shall be confidential.
D. Upon approval of the building principal, reasonable release time may be made available so the Mentor Teacher may work with the Mentee in his/her assignment during the regular work day and school calendar year. Where possible, the Mentor Teacher and Mentee shall be assigned common preparation time.
E. Mentees shall be provided with a minimum of fifteen (15) days of professional development activities during their first three (3) years of classroom teaching. Professional development shall be scheduled within the parameters of PA 335 and Article XII of this Agreement.
Mentor Teacher. For the duration of this contract a mentor teacher will be selected from within the bargaining unit on a voluntary basis. Mentors shall not be required to evaluate their charges. There will be no compensation for the mentor assignment but should the work load of such assignment expand, the Board and the Association will meet to address the problem.
Mentor Teacher. A. A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in Section 1526 of the Revised School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher.
B. Mentor Teachers shall be assigned in accordance with the following:
1. Mentor Teachers shall be members of the bargaining unit, a retired teacher, or designated by the superintendent as provided for in the school code, in that order.
2. Every effort will be made to match Mentor Teachers and Mentees who have the same building level certifications.
3. Mentors shall be assigned to only one (1) Mentee Teacher at a time.
4. Mentor Teacher assignments shall be for one (1)
Mentor Teacher. 12.01 The Teacher Mentoring process is a cooperative arrangement between peers in which new teachers are provided ongoing assistance and support by skilled and experienced teachers. This relationship should be collegial in nature, and should be directed toward the development and refinement of effective teaching skills.
12.02 A Mentor Teacher shall be defined as a Master Teacher as identified in section 1526 of the School Code and shall perform the duties of a Master Teacher as specified in the code. The Mentor Teacher shall be a member of the bargaining unit.
12.03 As used in the context of this article:
A. NEW TEACHER: a beginning teacher within her/his initial three years of employment in teaching. (MENTEE)
B. MENTOR: a master teacher who voluntarily agrees to assist and support a new teacher within the context of an ongoing, caring relationship.
12.04 A new teacher in her/his first three (3) years of employment shall be assigned a Mentor Teacher. The purpose of the mentor assignment is to provide a peer who can offer assistance, resources and information in a non-threatening collegial fashion.
12.05 A teacher, assigned to a new position within their certification, may request, a mentor teacher for one year. This request must be made in writing to the Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources, by October 1st. If approved, the mentor teacher would be compensated at 1% of the BA base.
12.06 A Mentor Teacher shall be assigned in accordance with the following:
A. The Mentor Teacher shall be a tenured member of the bargaining unit and shall have worked in a similar grade level or discipline within the last five years.
B. Participation as a Mentor Teacher shall be voluntary. Assignments are made by the administration. Administrators will not participate as Mentor Teachers.
C. The Association President shall be notified of all those bargaining unit members requiring a mentor assignment. The notification shall include the Mentee’s teaching assignment.
D. Every effort will be made to match Mentor Teachers and Xxxxxxx who work in the same building and have the same area of certification or work assignment (school social worker, etc.).
E. Mentee shall only be assigned to one (1) Mentor Teacher at a time.
F. Subject to renewal each year, the Mentor Teacher assignment shall be for one (1) year and shall be reviewed by the Mentor Teacher and Mentee at the end of the year with the approval of the administration.
G. Because of the nature of the Mentor/Mentee program ...
Mentor Teacher. A Mentor Teacher is a teacher trained and assigned to provide professional support to a Resident Educator following the guidelines and protocols of the Resident Educator Program.
i. Mentor Teachers shall be allotted up to 9 half days of release time. The Board will pay all training fees and expense required for Mentor Teachers to receive the mandatory ODE mentor training.
ii. Mentor Teachers may be assigned one or more Resident Educators as determined by the needs of the Program.
iii. Participation as a Mentor Teacher is voluntary.
Mentor Teacher. Mentor teachers shall be provided to teachers in the first three (3) years of their teaching career. However, the District may provide a mentor to any probationary teacher.
Mentor Teacher. A. A mentor teacher shall be a tenured teacher.
B. Each teacher in his/her first three (3) years in the classroom shall be assigned one or more mentor teacher(s)
Mentor Teacher. As required by law, the principal shall assign a mentor teacher to a probationary teacher. Mentor teacher’s participation shall be voluntary. The principal shall give specific goals and concrete suggestions as to where the probationary teacher needs help and guidance. This assignment must meet with the approval of the two (2) teachers involved. The mentor teacher will serve in an advisory capacity only.
Mentor Teacher. For the duration of this contract, a certified teacher may be recruited from the teaching staff by an administrator in order to work with and mentor new, non-tenured teachers. The objective is to help the new teacher become as effective as possible during the period of pre-tenure. This mentor should have at least five years of successful teaching experience and be willing to volunteer time to meet with and advise the new teacher in close concert with the principal; however, the mentor should take no part in the actual appraisal process, rather he/she should aid the newcomer in receiving a positive appraisal by an administrator. Since the position of mentor is voluntary, he/she may withdraw from the process at any time. Year One 70% of the BA Base calculation Year Two 80% of the BA Base calculation Year Three 90% of the BA Base calculation Year Four 100% of the BA Base calculation Cheerleading 3% Varsity Volleyball 14.75% Junior Varsity Volleyball 6.5% Basketball-Boys Varsity Coach 14.75% Basketball-Boys J.V. Coach 6.5% Basketball-Girls Varsity Coach 14.75% Basketball-Girls J.V. Coach 6.5% Basketball-Boys Jr. High Coach 3.5% Basketball-Girls Jr. High Coach 3.5% Basketball-Freshman Coach (Boys or girls) 4% Basketball-Elementary Boys' 1.5% Basketball-Elementary Girls' 1.5% Hockey Varsity Coach 14.75% Hockey Varsity Assistant 5.7% Cross Country Coach 5% Competitive Swimming 5% Track 5% Golf Coach 3% Year Book Advisor 2% Chaperons-Per Occasion $17.00 Safety Patrol 3.5% LSSI Director 1.0% School Play Director 2.8% Senior Advisor 1.2% Junior Advisor 1.2% Class Advisor (Grades 7 - 10) 0.6% Homeroom Teacher (Elementary) 0.6% New Teacher Mentor 1.0% Timing & Scoring Basketball Games-J.V. $10.00 Timing & Scoring Basketball Games-Varsity $10.00 **Music Director 9.5% Student Council Director 3% Junior High Track 1.1% Junior High Volleyball 3.5% History Day Advisor 1.0% (If overnight) Xxxxxx Director 1% Xxxxxx Fund Raiser 1% Xxxxxx Staff 1% MATHCOUNTS/MCTM 1% National Xxxxx Xxxxxxx 2% High School Bowl 1% Art Club 0.5% Book Club 0.5% 4th Grade Orientation 100.00 Kindergarten Roundup 100.00 Junior High Liaison 200.00 The Board agrees to pay employment at the following rate for extra services performed. Longevity in an extra-curricular position does not denote tenure. Assignments will be made at the discretion and approval of the administration prior to any paid activity.