Compensatory Days Sample Clauses
Compensatory Days. 1. An Employee who is required to work (scheduled to work) on a holiday may, at his option and upon notification to his Supervisor, elect to work at time and one-half rate on these holidays and receive one (1) paid compensatory (“comp.”) day off at his regular straight time rate for each day worked, in lieu of holiday pay.
2. Such time off must be taken as a comp/swap. Employee taking the comp. day off must arrange for another qualified Employee to work his shift. The Employee working his shift will be compensated at the straight time rate and must be able to work his own normal shift(s) as scheduled. The Company may, at its sole option, grant the comp. day request without requiring the comp/swap provisions based on the needs of service.
3. Employees not scheduled to work, or scheduled to work but not required to work, on the above mentioned holidays, will be compensated for the day equal to the number of regularly scheduled hours at their regular straight time rate and shall receive no additional time off, or may at his option receive one comp. day off at his regular straight time rate. Such time off will be taken as outlined in item #2 above.
4. Any Employee wishing to use a comp. day must provide the Company with no less than five (5) days and no more than fourteen (14) days written notice. The granting of a comp. day will be made no more than seven (7) days nor less than three (3) days before the day requested. When more than one Employee requests a comp. day, seniority under the Agreement will govern. Once granted, senior Employees will not be permitted to take comp. days already awarded to a junior Employee. If an Employee gives less than the minimum required five (5) day notice, the Company may, at its sole option, grant the comp. day request under the provision outlined in item #2 above.
5. The maximum number of comp. days to be accrued will be three (3) days. Thereafter, no further accrual will be permitted and the Employee will be paid the applicable rate for the holiday.
6. All comp. days not taken by December 31st in the year earned will be paid at the straight time rate of pay by January 31st of the next year.
7. The priority for the granting of comp. time off will be as follows: Personal Day (PDO), Day-at-a-Time (DAT) vacation then comp. day off (holiday).
8. Comp. time accrued through the last day of work will be paid to any Employee leaving the service of the Company.
Compensatory Days. 1. All K-12 teachers will be allowed to bank one (1) hour of compensatory time for every one (1) hour of par- ticipation in committee work or assigned responsibility from the building principal that falls outside the normal working day, which begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m.
2. For each seven (7) hours accumulated in their bank, a teacher will be entitled to a compensatory day.
3. The principal must be given written notice not less than 48 hours before such absence, unless it is of an emergency nature for which the teacher provides an acceptable explanation.
4. Granting of these compensatory days shall be based on availability of substitute teachers and on a firs- come, first-served basis.
5. A compensatory day cannot be taken the day prior to or the day following scheduled vacation days (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas or Spring Break), or in conjunction with personal days used to extend one of these scheduled vacation times.
6. No teacher may use more than two (2) compensatory days in any one year.
7. Principals will make every effort to limit “professional Development” or training to not more than a 15-minute segment of a building staff meeting called outside a school day. If the time exceeds thirty (30) minutes, compensatory time will be granted.
Compensatory Days. Section 41.1 It is mutually understood that the education profession necessarily involves the acceptance of responsibilities that go beyond the normal work day. It is further understood that some "after hours" assignments are compensable by the Employer as beyond the normal scope of teaching responsibilities.
Compensatory Days. Employees assigned to twenty-four (24) hour shifts shall be granted one-hundred and forty-four (144) hours per year in lieu of all federal or state declared holidays, regardless of the number of declared holidays within their work schedule. For purposes of accrual, the year shall be considered the calendar year. New employees will receive a prorata share of the annual accrual, as determined by the employee's appointment date. Employees not employed for the full calendar year shall receive only a prorata share of the annual accrual. As provided for under this Article, compensatory accrued leave must be used during the calendar year earned. Unused accrued leave at the end of the calendar year shall be lost.
Compensatory Days. For every consecutive sixteen (16) days of assigned work, the employee will receive one comp day. This day must be used within three (3) months of accrual. Comp days cannot be paid out upon termination of employment. If the demands of the project do not allow for the timely use of these days, the time period can be extended by approval of the Regional Director.
Compensatory Days. 1. The Director of Public Safety/Chief of Police will issue a schedule of employment for the year, within ten (10) days of the execution thereof. Within thirty (30) days thereafter, each employee shall notify the Director/Chief concerning his or her preference for scheduling of compensatory days. Within the needs of the Department, and subject to the availability of personnel and emergencies, said days shall be granted. If two (2) or more employees request the same day, seniority shall apply.
2. Employees shall have three (3) years in which to utilize their currently accumulated compensatory days, subject to the conditions set forth in Section 1 hereof.
Compensatory Days. Effective January 1, 2000, employees assigned to twenty-four
Compensatory Days. 1. All K-12 teachers will be allowed to bank one (1) hour of compensatory time for every one (1) hour of participation in committee work or assigned responsibility from the building principal that falls outside the normal working day, which begins at 7:45 a.m. and ends at 3:15 p.m. For each seven (7) hours accumulated in their bank, a teacher will be entitled to a compensatory day.
2. The principal must be given written notice not less than 48 hours before such absence, unless it is of an emergency nature for which the teacher provides an acceptable explanation.
3. Compensatory days requested five (5) or more school days in advance shall be granted. Compensatory days requested less than five (5) school days in advance shall be granted based on availability of substitute teachers. After a substitute is secured, the day shall be granted.
4. A compensatory day cannot be taken the day prior to or the day following scheduled vacation days (i.e., Thanksgiving, Christmas or Spring Break), or in conjunction with personal days used to extend one of these scheduled vacation times.
5. No teacher may use more than two (2) compensatory days in any one year.
6. Principals will make every effort to limit “professional Development” or training to not more than a 15-minute segment of a building staff meeting called outside a school day. If the time exceeds thirty (30) minutes, compensatory time will be granted.
Compensatory Days. Up to an additional two (2) compensatory days may be earned at the rate of 6.5 hours per day by fulfilling either lunch duty or bus supervision assignments to the extent either position is available with the permission of the building administrator where the duty is performed. Teachers wishing to avail themselves of above duties must serve no less than one full grading period, or be available as a substitute to earn the time, for a grading period. In addition, up to one (1) unused compensatory day may be reimbursed for substitute’s pay and up to one (1) unused compensatory day can be converted to sick leave.