Increased Safety definition

Increased Safety means a type of protection in which various measures are applied to reduce the probability of excessive temperatures and the occurrence of arcs or sparks in the interior and on the external parts of electrical apparatus that do not produce them in normal service. which may be used with flame-proof type of protection and such type of protection is referred in these regulations to as "Ex e";
Increased Safety. Protection - IEC 60079-7
Increased Safety. The proposed project will provide improved safety by completing UL certification for the DC fast charger (DCFC) designs. UL certification will be carried forward onto all subsequent DCFC production for the systems to be commercialized under this project. Moreover, reductions in peak period power demand will reduce the likelihood of blackouts and brownouts in state, improving potential safety conditions associated with those occurrences. The system will also provide EV charging capacity even when the grid is down, potentially reducing risk of stranding and range limitations for EV users. This Agreement will lead to technological advancement and breakthroughs to overcome barriers to the achievement of the State of California’s statutory energy goals by adding new grid-oriented and resiliency services to the Recipient’s existing EV charger systems. The project will specifically add the following advancements: 1) Resilient EV charging even when grid power is unavailable;

Examples of Increased Safety in a sentence

  • Department of Interior, Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf, (May 27, 2010).

  • To determine the savings to the Federal Government from reduced medical costs at- tributable to seat belt use, NHTSA will first estimate the impact of seat belt use on the number of fatalities and injuries, using methods described in the report ‘‘Estimating the Benefits from Increased Safety Belt Use.’’ 1 These methods establish a relation- ship between the effectiveness of seat belts, current use rates, and existing injury levels to determine the impact of increasing seat belt use on motor vehicle safety.

  • Oil and Gas and Sulphur Operations on the Outer Continental Shelf- Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf.

  • Periodic dredging of these areas would not significantly alter the overall benthic community structure of the areas adjacent to the Federal navigation channel of Conimicut Point Reach.

  • Fluorine-Containing Solvents for Lithium Batteries Having Increased Safety.

More Definitions of Increased Safety

Increased Safety. As California moves toward the higher renewables, bulk remote storage to serve the bulk needs of the grid will become more economic. High renewable grids may still need peaker-like ESS near loads, but most of the work will be done when transmission is unconstrained. Having a large flammable system in a remote area is a very dangerous prospect. Using non-flammable technology, on the other hand will prevent such catastrophes. Likewise, load pockets often require customer-side of the meter energy storage assets. However, load pockets are located close to a high concentration of customers and protecting those people will require a non-flammable technology. The recipient’s demonstration site, in particular is located among Tier 3 HFTDs and will greatly reduce fire risk by using a non-flammable technology. Specific to this grant, the outdoor module will be standardized and produced in an ISO certified factory and will not depend upon custom engineering or one-off installations. This will make the design safer as there is a lower probability of mistakes in engineering or workmanship across the various deployments. • Greater reliability: Flow batteries have a natural chemical ability for long system life and unlimited cycle life. Those attributes make them more predictable to grid operators and thereby will increase the reliability. However, the product packaging, subcomponents, design and system design elements that make the battery system more reliable must be developed and demonstrated at this phase of the development in order to bring the reliable-by-nature chemistry to market.
Increased Safety. The technology detects manufacturing and inherent physical defects earlier and more robustly than standard electrical methods. This dramatically reduces the likelihood of safety incidents from unexpected battery failures for EVs and ESS, as occurred in Arizona where it was determined that an internal short in a lithium-ion cell was the cause of an explosion in a large ESS container Technological Advancement and Breakthroughs:3 This Agreement is intended to lead to technological advancement and breakthroughs to overcome barriers to the achievement of the State of California’s statutory energy goals by reducing the cost of batteries and help to improve manufacturing processes and yields for EV and ESS applications, therefore easing taxpayer burden. Additionally, Echostat should enable faster development of new or improved battery technologies by providing the same fast, accurate physical insight to researchers and process developers, accelerating the development and scaling of new processes and techniques.
Increased Safety. All solid-state batteries use safer non-flammable electrolyte thereby enhancing the safety of Lithium batteries. This improvement can be obtained without impact on the performance of the battery.
Increased Safety. With the appropriate permitting process of energy storage systems, utility workers can be ensured that in the case of Public Safety Power Shut-offs (PSPS) events or grid outages, power lines are safely de-energized, and no energy storage systems are back-feeding to the grid while they are performing grid upgrades. AHJs will be able to accurately verify that systems are configured properly, provide best practices for fire safety and islanding capability and ensure that no electricity is back-fed to the grid when the grid is down. Safety will also be associated with those vulnerable medical baseline utility customers who will use energy storage as back-up systems in PSPS events and grid outages to ensure vital life sustaining medical equipment continues to run properly.
Increased Safety. The project will provide back-up to the Junior College in the event of grid outages, improving the safety of staff, students, and potentially local residents. Additionally, as the project will provide improved grid reliability through voltage and frequency regulation, the microgrid will reduce the likelihood of the local distribution grid suffering an outage, improving the safety of local residents.
Increased Safety. The AM has the potential to increase safety due to improved ability to control and integrate the site’s use of renewable power during islanding events. Curtailing the need to run the backup diesel generators will mitigate engine fatigue, failure, and maintenance caused during regular operation.
Increased Safety. Antora’s energy storage medium is solid graphite, which is not 38 flammable. The system does not contain toxic or reactive materials, improving system 39 safety relative to currently fielded technologies.