Indexed Note definition
Examples of Indexed Note in a sentence
It is also a Dual Currency Note and/or a Partly Paid Note or an Indexed Note (where payment in respect of principal is linked to an Index and/or Formula) depending in each case on the Redemption/Payment Basis shown in the applicable Final Terms and the appropriate provisions of these Terms and Conditions will apply accordingly.
In respect of an Indexed Note the amount payable in respect of principal at maturity (the “Redemption Amount”) shall be determined in accordance with the applicable Final Terms and each such Indexed Note shall, unless previously redeemed or purchased and cancelled as provided below, be redeemed at the applicable Redemption Amount on the Maturity Date.
Upon the date on which any Floating Rate Note, Dual Currency Note or Indexed Note in definitive form becomes due and repayable, unmatured Coupons and Talons (if any) relating thereto (whether or not attached) shall become void and no payment or, as the case may be, exchange for further Coupons shall be made in respect thereof.
In respect of an Indexed Note where the amount payable on an early redemption in respect of principal only, principal and interest or interest only shall be determined in accordance with the applicable Final Terms.
For special provisions relating to Multi-Currency Notes or Indexed Notes, see the related Multi-Currency or Indexed Note Prospectus Supplement.
This Note is to the extent specified in the applicable Pricing Supplement a Fixed Rate Note, a Floating Rate Note, a Zero Coupon Note, an Indexed Note or a Dual Currency Note, or any appropriate combination thereof.
If a third party is appointed to calculate or announce the Index for a particular Indexed Note and this third party either suspends the calculation or announcement of such Index or changes the basis upon which such Index is calculated, in a manner that is inconsistent with the applicable pricing supplement, then the Company will select another third party to calculate or announce the Index.
If a third party is appointed to calculate or announce the Index for a particular Indexed Note and the third party either suspends the calculation or announcement of such Index or changes the basis upon which such Index is calculated in a manner that is inconsistent with the applicable pricing supplement, then the Company will select another third party to calculate or announce the Index.
Establishing bid, documents establishing the Bidder’s eligibility to bid and itsBidder’s qualifications to perform the contract if its bid is accepted.Eligibility and Qualification13.2The documentary evidence of the Bidder’s eligibility to bid shall establish to the Purchaser’s satisfaction that the Bidder, at the time of submission of its bid, is eligible as defined under ITB Clause 2.
In the case of a Floating-Rate Note or Indexed Note with interest that resets annually, the Interest Payment Date shall be a date, as specified in the applicable Pricing Supplement, that occurs the month of each year specified in the applicable Pricing Supplement.