Examples of Lieu day in a sentence
F.02 The Lieu day can be scheduled forty-five (45) days prior to and up to ninety (90) days following the paid holiday and will be taken on a mutually agreeable time between the nurse and the Employer.
Should employees fail to earn the Lieu day taken early, appropriate deductions will be made in the following pay period.
Early selection of Lieu days for the above Statutory and Designated Holidays will only be considered when the selected Lieu day is within 30 days in advance of the day being earned.
Lieu day requests will be granted on a first-come, first-served basis.
Should employees fail to earn the Lieu day taken early, appropri- ate deductions will be made in the following pay period.
Such Lieu day, resulting from the scheduling of full time stats, may be scheduled on the weekend provided that a request to do so has been made prior to the schedule being posted and such request shall not be unreasonably denied.
Early selection of Lieu days for the above Statutory and Desig- nated Holidays will only be considered when the selected Lieu day is within 30 days in advance of the day being earned.
Lieu day exchanges may be made only with other members of the crew or group present in the workplace provided the number of shifts are equal.
Lieu day for stat holiday shall be taken within 30 days of the stat.
A Lieu day for Christmas Day and Boxing Day may be carried over to the next year to be used prior to Victoria Day weekend.