Computation of Seniority Sample Clauses

Computation of SeniorityFor the purpose of calculating the length of service of a regular full- time employee, one year will be credited for each year of service beginning on the employee’s initial date of hire as a regular full-time employee. For the purpose of calculating length of service of a regular part- time employee, one year of service will be credited for every 2080 hours of paid work and paid leave. In the event a regular part-time employee is appointed to a position as a regular full-time employee, the seniority accrued as a part-time employee will be added to the seniority as a full-time employee.
Computation of SeniorityWhen employees complete the probationary period, their seniority will be computed in accordance with this Agreement as of their initial day of full-time or part-time employment.
Computation of Seniority. (a) All employees shall accrue seniority. Seniority will include all time worked within the bargaining unit unless otherwise specified in this Agreement. Seniority earned to March 31st 1982 shall be based on the date of commencement of employment within the bargaining unit. Effective April 1st 1982 seniority shall be prorated in accordance with the percentage of time worked. (b) Employees who leave the bargaining unit for any length of time to fill a position with the College outside the bargaining unit and then return to the bargaining unit shall retain their seniority excluding that period of service outside the bargaining unit.
Computation of Seniority. The seniority of part-time and temporary employees shall be determined on the basis of the number of months worked, i.e. 152 hours equals one (1) month. (Months determined by multiplying the number of hours in the work week by fifty-two (52), then dividing by twelve (12). This definition of month is to apply to the computation of seniority only.) If employees move or wish to move to one of the other groups of employees as defined under Article 2.01, their total service time as recorded on the appropriate seniority list will be counted for seniority purposes.
Computation of Seniority. Seniority" shall be computed on the basis of the employee’s uninterrupted length of continuous service with the Employer and also by classification. Any break in service of employment lasting more than thirty (30) days shall constitute a break in continuous full-time service. Once continuous service is broken, the employee loses all previously accumulated seniority. An approved leave of absence does not constitute a break in continuous service, provided the employee follows the proper procedure for such leave and returns to active service immediately following the expiration of the approved leave.
Computation of Seniority. 17.4.1 In computing years of District service for purposes of layoff, time in paid status as a regular permanent or probationary employee will be counted. Certain types of service/non-service will not count toward seniority, including: Employment as a temporary or substitute employee (Education Code 88127); Non-paid status such as Board-granted unpaid leaves or loss-of-pay absences. (Exception stated in Section 17.4.2) 17.4.2 The District shall compute time worked prior to July 1, 1971, on an annual hours basis as though each unit member had worked full time. Board-granted unpaid leaves and loss-of-pay absences will be disregarded during this period. Computation after July 1, 1971, will be based on actual hours in paid status, excluding overtime. All computations are subject to the exclusions stated under this section. (88027) 17.4.3 Time worked in temporary reclassification will not count as seniority in a higher class.
Computation of Seniority. 13 Seniority shall be in accordance with the following rules: 14 1. Part-time work will count on a full-time basis. 15 2. Time on authorized leave taken with pay will count. 16 3. When an authorized leave without pay exceeds thirty (30) days, no time 17 spent on that leave will count except in the following circumstances: 18 a. An unpaid leave is protected by FMLA/OFLA or the Uniformed 19 Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) shall count. 20 b. An unpaid leave of up to one-hundred and eighty (180) days 21 protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act, ORS 659A.040 to ORS 659A.069 22 (injured worker’s right to reinstatement), and ORS 659A.270 to ORS 659A.290 (leave for 23 victims of domestic violence) shall count. 24 4. When a layoff exceeds thirty (30) days, no time spent on layoff will count. 25 5. Time spent working for another government in an equivalent job profile will 26 count if the employee was transferred to Multnomah County pursuant to ORS 236.610 27 through 236.650. 28 6. Time spent in an unclassified or management service appointment status 29 shall not count, except for purposes of vacation accrual. Seniority accrued while in the 30 bargaining unit shall not be forfeited due to promotion into management service. 31 7. Seniority shall be forfeited by discharge for cause, voluntary termination, or, 1 after layoff, by removal from all recall lists pursuant to "Section IV" of this Article, transfer 2 or promotion out of the bargaining unit. 3 8. Service is broken for purposes of this Article by discharge; voluntary quit 4 from employment with Multnomah County; or transfer out of the bargaining unit except 5 employees who have not completed an initial trial service period following promotion will 6 be returned to the position previously held; employees who do not complete a trial service 7 period; or, expiration of the layoff list.
Computation of SeniorityFor purposes of promotion, vacation, and other benefits, an Employee’s seniority shall be equal to his years of service or employment with the Town in a position covered by this Agreement unbroken by any of the reasons for termination of seniority specified in Section 2, below. Employees with the same seniority date shall use their dates of birth to determine seniority, the employee with the oldest birth date shall be senior.
Computation of Seniority. Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, seniority shall be computed on an employee's uninterrupted length of continuous service in the department. Continuous service shall be broken by; resignation, discharge, retirement, failure to report for work when recalled from layoff in accordance with Article 14 herein, failure to return from an authorized leave of absence in accordance with Article 16 herein, or is absent without leave for one (1) day or more. Employees with the same employment date shall be assigned to the seniority list in order of their ranking on the Civil Service certified eligibility list.
Computation of Seniority a) An employee's continuous service with other plants of Novelis Inc., including predecessor and/or affiliated companies, will be included in seniority records upon completion of a probationary period as outlined in Section V. For purposes of promotion, demotion or lay-off the plant seniority of employees covered by this clause shall date from their transfer to Kingston Works. b) Seniority will not be broken by any approved absence. c) When an employee is duly elected or selected by the Union to an office of the Union, he shall be granted approved absence for a period up to two (2) years, and this approved absence may be extended beyond two (2) years by the Company under special circumstances. d) Approved absence for any reason may be extended by one (1) year by the Company under special circumstances, however, in such cases there must be mutual agreement between the Company and the Union regarding the retention and accrual of classification and bargaining unit seniority. e) Lay-off in excess of thirty (30) months (thirty-six (36) months in the case of an employee with twenty (20) or more years of seniority at time of lay-off), resignation, termination under Section VIII or Clause 5.10(c), quitting, discharge for cause and retirement shall terminate an employee's seniority and employment. If the employee is rehired, he shall be rehired as a new employee and his seniority shall date from the time of rehiring.