Maintenance Expenses definition
Examples of Maintenance Expenses in a sentence
The Developer and Connecting Transmission Owner shall each provide advance notice to the other Party, and to NYISO, before undertaking any work on such circuits, especially on electrical circuits involving circuit breaker trip and close contacts, current transformers, or potential transformers.10.5 Operating and Maintenance Expenses.
Maintenance Expenses shall mean and include all expenses for the maintenance, management, upkeep and administration of the Common Areas and Installations and for rendition of services in common to the Allottees and all other expenses for the common purposes to be contributed borne paid and shared by the Allottees of the said Project including those mentioned hereunder.
Pursuant to the Agreement each participant has an obligation to pay its share of debt service on the Beneficial Interest Certificates (Certificates) from the revenues of its electric system, subject only to the prior payment of Operating & Maintenance Expenses (O&M) of each participant’s System, and shall be on a parity with any outstanding and future senior electric system revenue bonds, notes or other indebtedness payable from any revenues of the System.
Maintenance spares have been worked out based on 15% of Operation and Maintenance Expenses.
Aquatic Maintenance: Expenses related to the care and maintenance of the lakes and ponds for the control of nuisance plant and algae species.