Common Area and Facilities definition
Examples of Common Area and Facilities in a sentence
No Unit Owner or Guest or guest shall permit anything to be done or kept in his/her Unit or on Common Area and Facilities which will result in the cancellation ofinsurance on the buildings or contents thereof or which would be in violation of any public law, ordinance or regulation.
The Committee reserves the right to restrict the use of the Common Area and Facilities by Unit Owner and Guests if the Owner is not current in payment of assessment or is in violation of the Declaration, Bylaws, or any Rules of the Association.
Due to Insurance requirements to avoid a fire hazard, there shall be no use of any Barbecues on or under any balcony, deck or stair on Common Area and Facilities.
The upkeep and appearance of the landscaping in the Common Area and Facilities is a major expense.Therefore, if you wish to plant any flowers, trees or shrubs or special plants around your Unit, you must first contact the management company.
All pets must be leashed and in the control of a responsible individual while on the Common Area and Facilities or decks.
No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be bred or kept on Common Area and Facilities or in any Unit, EXCEPT an orderly dog, or cat may be kept in the residence.
Owners of registered dogs must promptly clean up and properly dispose of their pet's droppings in all cases, and shall not permit their pet to urinate or defecate on the Common Area and Facilities.
All Owners are personally responsible for any damages to any Common Area and Facilities by such Owner or Owner’s Guests or Pets.
The Lessee shall notify the Lessor within a reasonable delay, of any defect or deterioration which is susceptible of damaging the Leased Premises, the Building or the Common Area and Facilities.
This is because the parking areas are limited, commercial vehicles detract from the desired residential setting of the Common Area and Facilities, and the Common Area and Facilities are not intended to be a parking area or storage space for anyone’s business endeavors.