PREVAILING RIGHTS. All rights, privileges, and working conditions enjoyed by the employees at the present time which are not included in this Agreement shall remain in full force, unchanged and unaffected in any manner, during the term of this Agreement unless changed by mutual consent.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. All matters within the scope of meeting and conferring which have previously been adopted through rules, regulation, ordinance or resolution, which are not specifically superseded by this Memorandum of Understanding, shall remain in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. Rights, privileges, benefits, and working conditions enjoyed by the employees at the present time, as listed below, except as modified by this agreement, shall remain in full force, unchanged and unaffected, during the term of this Agreement unless changed by mutual consent of the County and the Union: A. Existing Optical Plan; B. Physical Exams; C. Retirement and Pension Benefits; D. Educational Salary Differential and other pay differentials;
PREVAILING RIGHTS. All rules, regulations, fiscal procedures, working conditions, departmental practices, and manner of conducting the operation and administration of the Tulsa Fire Department currently in effect on the effective date of any negotiated agreement shall be deemed a part of this Agreement, unless and except as modified or changed by the specific terms of this Agreement.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. All rights, privileges and working conditions enjoyed by the employees at the present time which are not included in this Agreement will be presumed to be reasonable and proper and will not be changed arbitrarily or capriciously.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. ‌‌ 26.01 All rights, privileges, and working conditions enjoyed by Bargaining Unit members which are not included in this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect unless changed by mutual consent.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. Section 43.1 This Agreement governs the wages, hours, and terms and w or ki ng conditions of public employment covered by this Agreement. All rights, privileges, terms and working conditions of employment and all other benefits enjoyed by the employees at the time of the execution of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect, unchanged and unaffected in any manner, during the terms of the Agreement unless changed by mutual written consent by both parties.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. All matters within the scope of meeting and conferring which have previously been adopted through rules, regulations, ordinance or resolution, which are not specifically superseded by this MOU, shall remain in full force and effect throughout the term of this Agreement.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. The prevailing rights of the employees covered hereunder are those specifically set forth or incorporated by specific reference in this Agreement.
PREVAILING RIGHTS. 18.1 This Agreement shall not operate to reduce any benefits specified in this Agreement which are now more favorably enjoyed by any employee’s covered herein.