Pro bono definition
Examples of Pro bono in a sentence
Pro bono work and community service are mitigating circumstances.
Pro Bono is short for the Latin pro bono publico, meaning “for the public good.” Pro bono work uses professional skills to provide services to those who are unable to afford them.
Director means the Director of the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR), pursuant to 8 CFR 1001.1(o), and shall also include any office or official with- in EOIR to whom the Director dele- gates authority with respect to subpart E of this part.(2) Pro bono legal services.
Pro bono legal services are those uncompensated legal services performed for indigent individuals or the public good without any expectation of either direct or in- direct remuneration, including referral fees (other than filing fees or photocopying and mailing expenses), although a representative may be regu- larly compensated by the firm, organi- zation, or pro bono referral service with which he or she is associated.(3) Organization.
Pro bono attorneys will need to update and supplement this material, but the greater portion of time will be spent working with the client to establish and document the individual aspects of the client’s claim.