Table 6 definition

Table 6. Means of Male and Female Delinquent Groups for Eight Risk/Need Factors Group Male(n = 173)Female (n = 90)Correlations of predictor variables with Note. All univariate F-ratios are ns. Predictor variables (OFF - Prior and current offences/dispositions; FAM - Family Circumstances/Parenting; EDUC - Education/Employment; PEER - Peer Relations; SUB - Substance Abuse; LEIS - Leisure/Recreation; PERS - Personality/Behaviour; ATT - Attitudes/Orientations).3 Values in brackets refer to the maximum score observed in the group. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.Critical Evaluation
Table 6. Average Delivered Printing and Writing Paper Prices For Most Common Transactions: U.S. Dollars Per Short Ton: Coated Papers" in the issue of the Paper Trader that reports prices effective on that Pricing Date.
Table 6. Cutthroat/rainbow trout redds observed in three Lake Chelan tributaries, 2011. Survey Dates Tributary 4/20/11 5/04/11 5/17/11 Total Redds Fish Creek 0 0 0 0 Bear Creek 0 0 0 0 Safety Harbor Creek 0 NSa 0 0 Lake Chelan Level (ft.msl) 1084.1 1083.1 1084.8 aNS=No survey Table 7: Snorkel survey results for three Lake Chelan tributaries, 2011. Tributary Survey Dates Lake Chelan level (ft. msl) Survey Reach Length (m) Fish a Species Length of Fish (cm) <3 3-10 10-20 >20 Fish Creek 9/15/2010 1,098 100 XXX 0 18 29 11 WCT 0 1 1 0 UNK 3 0 0 0 Bear Creekb 9/15/2010 1,098 100 XXX 0 2 1 0 WCT 0 0 0 0 UNK 0 0 0 0 Safety Harbor Creek 09/29/2010 1,097 150 XXX 0 7 8 9 WCT 0 4 4 7 UNK 7 0 0 0 aRBT=rainbow trout; WCT=westslope cutthroat trout; UNK=either XXX or WCT (too small to determine); KOK=kokanee bThe water level was too high to effectively conduct a snorkel survey for Bear Creek. The USFS decided to not survey Lake Chelan tributary spawning grounds in 2012 due to the challenges of logistics, timing, and efficiency. Due to the occurrence of several fires that started in September, the USFS was only able to conduct one snorkel survey in 2012. The survey was conducted on September 12th on Fish Creek; 100 meters were snorkeled and zero fish were observed. In 2013 the USFS was unable to complete the work proposed in the 2013 work plan due to a change in district staffing. The USFS District Ranger has requested that the work planned for 2013 be rolled over to 2014.

Examples of Table 6 in a sentence

  • Software Subscriptions for Red Hat Enterprise Linux Desktops and Workstations are subject to the parameters set forth in Table 6 below.

  • The Government has established mechanisms to coordinate its efforts to address child labor, including its worst forms (Table 6).

  • The relative difference between the means for the control and effluent is smaller than the lower bound in Table 6 and this difference is statistically significant.

  • The test’s PMSD exceeds the upper bound in Table 6 and there is no significant difference between the means for the control and the effluent.

  • The test’s PMSD is larger than the lower bound (but not greater than the upper bound) in Table 6 and there is a significant difference between the means for the control and the effluent.

More Definitions of Table 6

Table 6. Means and standard deviations of dive rates, dive segments and dive depths for selected dive types of three adult females. N = 12 for each dive type. Rate (m/see) Duration (rein) FemaleDiveTypeDescentAscent TotalBottom(m) Gi D 1.96.43 1.10.16 17.342.77 4.021.34 54797 A1.86.461.02.13 17.772.61 68793 B.55.05.88● 17 22.223.94 44970TdD1. 19.821.828.282.0056992 A. 18.042.84 718127 B.411.22 24.94 436 D.07.65.392.73 4.6523.10 7.0564491(1985) . 13.883.041.5973 E.402.3230.0014.74284 Depth .12 .99 2.85 3.20 37 Legends to Figures
Table 6. Present paradigm of màgnare “eat” in Italian, Verona dialect (Bondardo, 1972, p. 150) sg pl 1 xxxxx magnémo 2 màgni magne 3 màgna màgna The Rumanian example shown in Table 3 is another example of a directional syncretism In this case, the first person singular form is dependent on the first person plural form, historically marked in the Romance languages (and, generally, in the Indo-European languages) by the bilabial nasal /m/. In addition to situations where syncretic forms constitute a coherent class of morphosyntactic properties (natural-class syncretism), and situations where pairs of syncretic forms exhibit a sort of directionality (directional syncretism), there are also instances of syncretism where the relation between pairs of syncretic forms may be seen as symmetrical, in that neither pair derives its exponence from the other pair. This type of syncretism has been called morphomic or symmetrical syncretism (Xxxxx, 2016, p. 179). The data on syncretism discussed above challenges the morpheme-based approach and provides further evidence for the paradigm-based approach presented in Section 2.0. In order to account for the ergative/dative syncretism in Yir-Yoront (Table 4) and the third person singular/plural syncretism in Italian (Verona dialect) (Table 6) paradigms are “irreducible” because they identify patterns in which two different paradigm cell license the same word forms. For the third person singular/plural syncretism in Italian, morpheme-based accounts would try to model the relationship between content and formal exponence in the following way (cf. [2a] in the Theoretical framework section):
Table 6. SUPPORT CLASSIFICATION BETWEEN MCC AND RSC The Table below describes, without limitation, the major functions of the MCC and the RSC. INSCOPE OWNER OUT OF SCOPE ------------------------------------- ------------ ------------- [**] [**] [**] [**] Escalation Management MCC Exchange administration MCC [**] [**] [**] [**] 2nd and 3rd Tier support MCC Crisis management MCC [**] [**] 3rd party contracts management MCC System management & maintenance o Install patches o Change parameter o File system modifications MCC o User setup [**] [**] [**] Remote traveling users MCC Hardware break/fix RSC Hardware replace RSC [**] [**] [**] PORTIONS OF THIS AGREEMENT HAVE BEEN OMITTED PURSUANT TO A REQUEST FOR CONFIDENTIAL TREATMENT FROM THE SEC Statement of Work (SOW) In scope Owner Out of scope ----------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------- 1st Tier support RSC General Software support RSC All Customer purchased application on RSC make it work basis
Table 6. Clustering performance (mean standard deviation) on the MirFlickr dataset. Per- formance metrics Accuracy and Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) are shown. Paired t-tests are performed and the symbol indicates that MMRSC is significant better than the corresponding algorithm at p value< 0.05. The best performance is indicated in bold. Dataset MirFlickr Method Accuracy (%) NMI (%) ConcatKmeans 28.5±3.2 † 31.4±3.7 † 35.7±2.5 † 33.4±2.5 † 31.5±2.0 † 24.0±0.9 † 21.0±1.3 † 36.6±3.6 37.9±1.9 13.3±4.8† 16.4±4.5† 22.2±3.3† 18.7±2.5 † 17.1±2.1 † 12.0±2.3 † 6.6±0.6 † 21.5±3.1 † 23.2±1.3 ConcatNMF ConcatSC ConcatGraphSC CollNMF MultiNMF CONMF-W CONMF-B MMRSC accuracy of 0.21. As we mentioned before, the drawback of CoNMF is that it is impractical to select the best performing coefficient matrix, thus limits its application. MMRSC signifi- cantly outperforms CoNMF-B for the NMI metric, and also has a better performance than CoNMF-B for the Accuracy metric. It shows that on the heterogeneous dataset Mirflickr, MMRSC can achieve a better performance.
Table 6. Additional provisions for class E passing beam Part B (bending modes): Table 1 Part A applies, however with the lines No.1, 2, 7, 13 and 18 being replaced by those listed hereunder
Table 6. Helper methods for a ratchet tree 𝜏 and its nodes. add or remove), the protocol applies the modification and returns a message, which the user can upload to the mailboxing service. Second, Receive is used to process messages downloaded from the service. Third, with Key user gets the current group key. The formal syntax of saCGKA protocols is defined as part of our security definition in App. D. In particular, an saCGKA protocol must expose the same interface as the ideal CGKA functionality.
Table 6. Targets for coastal reforestation in the project area, average figures Total 30 42,000 37,000 Key partners for delivery of Output 1.2.3: SNPA, XXXXX, District Administrators, Ephelia Resort Budget: GEF - $229,284 Outcome 1.3: Required technical and legal documents completed for gazetting of six Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) in upland forest ecosystems that produce significant downstream impacts on coastal and marine ecosystems Output 1.3.1: Strengthened management capacity and status for 6 KBAs covering 2,235 ha of upland forest ecosystems, with a focus on conserving biodiversity and carbon stocks Key partners for delivery of Output 1.3.1: MEECC, Watershed Committees, MCSS, other NGOs and community groups, local landowners Budget: GEF - $183,762 Outcome 2.1: Improved frameworks for forest landscape management and restoration, and implementation of on-the-ground management activities in KBAs