Penalties Clauses Exemplaires

Penalties. By derogation to the stipulations of Article 14.1 of the CCAG FCS, if the time limits are not adhered to, the contractor shall incur a penalty calculated using the following formula: P = (V x R)/100, where: P = the penalty amount; V = the amount of the services on which the penalty is calculated; this amount is equal to the amount, excluding tax, of the portion of the delayed services, or all of the services if the delay in rendering some of the services results in all of the services being unusable; R = the number of calendar days of delay. Regardless of the circumstances, P cannot exceed V.
Penalties. By way of derogation from the conditions of article 14.1 of the CCAG‐ FCS, in case of non-compliance with the lead-times, the contractor shall be subject to a penalty calculated according to the following formula: P = (V x R) / 100, in which: P = the amount of the penalty; V = the value of the services for which the penalty is calculated, this value being equal to the amount excluding VAT of the fraction of the services delayed, or all the services if the delay in performing a fraction of them makes all of them unusable; R = the number of calendar days late. Whatever the case, P cannot exceed V. In addition, whatever the amount, the contractor cannot be exonerated from paying the penalties. The contractor is liable to penalties if it does not carry out the formalities mentioned in articles L. 8221‐3 à L‐8221‐5 of the Labour Code relating to dissimulated labour (by dissimulation of the activity or salaried employment). The amount of these penalties corresponds to 10% of the price of the order, including tax. However, it cannot exceed the amount of the fines stipulated by penal sanction by the Labour Code for dissimulated labour.
Penalties. Violators of these provisions may be excluded from the swimming pool at any time by the staff.
Penalties. When penalties and indemnities are mutually agreed, they are deemed to serve as a fixed and liquidated indemnification, and exclude any other type of sanction or indemnification. These contractual penalties are capped, and apply only to the part of supplies or services that is involved.
Penalties. Dans le cas d’une indisponibilité non-programmé de plus de 15 minutes consécutifs le
Penalties. The Contract provides for the applicable penalties as well as their amount and the calculation method, in particular : - in case of termination of the Contract for reasons of serious breach, as in Article 2.6.2. ; - in case of expiry of the deadlines foreseen in the Contract ; - in case of the breach of the confidentiality agreement as foreseen in Article 16 ; - in case of de breach of the obligations foreseen the Articles 15 and 17. Unless otherwise specified in the Contract, the amount of the daily penalty for the expiry of every contractual deadline is 0,1 % of the global value of the Contract without penalties and costs. The different types of penalties foreseen in this article or covering the compliance with the various deadlines are cumulative and does not discharge the Contracting party of its liabilities.
Penalties. 16.1 The penalty(ies) that may be levied by the Railway on the Licensee in any of the instances mentioned in Article 15 above shall include but not limited to the following: (a) forfeiture/appropriation of the Security Deposit in whole or part thereof, furnished by the Licensee; and/or (b) to annul the license and forthwith terminate the License Agreement; and/or (c) debar the Licensee from participating in the future similar contract/license of the Railway or the Indian Railway for a period of one (1) year. 16.2 The details of penalties have been explained in Annexure III of this Agreement.
Penalties. If a Driver does not drive at all during a race, the car will be disqualified, except in cases of force majeure acknowledged as such by the Stewards. If a Driver does not achieve his/her minimum driving time, a penalty will be imposed by the Stewards, up to disqualification. If a Driver exceeds his/her maximum driving time, a penalty will be imposed by the Stewards, up to disqualification.

Related to Penalties

  • Redevances 1. Les redevances provenant d’un Etat contractant et payées à un résident de l’autre Etat contractant sont imposables dans cet autre Etat. 2. Toutefois, ces redevances sont aussi imposables dans l’Etat contractant d’où elles proviennent et selon la législation de cet Etat, mais si le bénéficiaire effectif des redevances est un résident de l’autre Etat contractant, l’impôt ainsi établi ne peut excéder 10 pour cent du montant brut des redevances.