ABSTRACT Klausul Contoh

ABSTRACT. XXXXXXX XXXXXX. The Breach Of Contract in Car Hire Purchase (Supervised By Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx and Xxxxxx Xxxx). The aim of the study was to discover the agreement between the hire purchase parties according to the effective law and its implementation and legal efforts done by the parties in settling the dispute in the breach of contract. The study was conducted in Makassar municipality. The data were collected through interview. The number of respondent was 20 people from both parties selected by purposive sampling. The data were analyzed qualitatively. The results of the study indicate that the contract is based on civil code on the rights and obligations of both parties. The contract stated the standard clause may not contradict to article 18 UUPK on standard clause. There are many deviations in the implementation of the contract. Therefore, the contract is not in accordance with the regulations mentioned above due to the deviations. Legal efforts that can be done by both parties in the settlement of the dispute in the breach of contract are by giving a chance to the hiring party to fulfill his obligation by paying the installment arrears in a grace period for one month. When one of the parties revoked the agreement due to the breach of contract by the hiring party, the settlement of the dispute must be done by judge’s verdict.
ABSTRACT. Profit sharing agreement is a form of return (acquisition of return) of an investment contract, from time to time, uncertain and not fixed. The amount of the recovery depends on the results that actually happened. The implementation of profit-sharing agreements in the financial system in Islamic banks must be accordance with applicable laws and regulations, not based in conflict with Islamic sharia. This study aimed to analyze the implementation of profit sharing agreements in financial system of Bank Xxxxx Xxxxxxx Medan to analyze the obstacles in implementation of profit sharing agreements and to analyze the role of the sharia supervisory board in supervising the implementation. This research is an analytical descriptive through empirical juridical approach. The type of research that used is normative and empirical. Normative legal research is a research conducted by selecting library material or secondary data and empirical legal research is legal research by examining primary data obtained directly from the source. The subjects of this study were the employees of Bank Sumut Syariah Medan with a purposive sampling technique. The results obtained by both primary and secondary data were analyzed qualitatively and presented descriptively. Based on the research results of the implementation of profit sharing agreements in the financing system regulated in Undang-Undang Number 21 of 2008 concerning about Islamic banking. However, on its implementation, Bank Sumut Syariah Medan have set some nominal figures in conducting financial activities. The obstacles of implementation can be seen from internal factors, namely the lack of socialization by banks to the public regarding product activities using sharia principles and also external factors seen in public awareness to conduct banking activities based on sharia principles, especially for Muslim communities. Supervision conducted by DPS on Bank Sumut Syariah Medan has not been maximized due to the lack of DPS members who oversee the implementation of sharia bank product. Keywords: Implementation, Profit Sharing Agreement, Financial System Alhamdulillahirrobbil’alamin dengan mengucapkan puji syukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang maha pengasih lagi maha penyayang atas segala limpahan rahmat dan karunia-Nya dan tidak lupa juga shalawat dan salam semoga senantiasa curah kepada junjungan Xxxx Xxxxxxxx XXX, keluarga serta sahabatnya yang telah menuntun kita umat Islam ke jalan yang benar sehingga tesis ini dapat diselesaik...
ABSTRACT. Xxxxxx, Xxxx Aji, 2020. Analisis Kinerja Karyawan Sebelum Dan Sesudah Penerapan Absensi Online Pada PT. Borwita Citra Prima Sidoarjo. Thesis / Final Project, Human Resource Management Study Program (HRM), Faculty of Economics, Islamic University of Majapahit (UNIM).
ABSTRACT. Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, 15220093, Rubber Planting Cooperation and Sharia Agreement Law from the Ulama's Perspective in Kutai Kartanegara Regency Thesis, Sharia Economic Law, Sharia Faculty, Xxxxxxx Xxxxx Xxxxxxx State Islamic University Malang, Supervisor Xxx Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, X.Xx Keywords: Cooperation, Sharia Agreement Law, Regency Religious Leaders, rubber planting Most of the villagers of Rapak Lambur are farmers, especially in the plantation sector, apart from managing independently, they employ other people to work according to the agreed profit-sharing system or local customs. The purpose of this research is to explain how the rubber plantation cooperation from the perspective of religious leaders in the village of Rapak Labur, Kutai Kartanegara Regency, and to describe how the cooperation of rubber plantations in the Rapak Labur village of Kutai Kartanegara Regency is formed. The formulation of the problem in this research is how is the form of cooperation in rubber planting in Rapak Lambur Village, Tenggarong District, Kutai Kartanegara Regency and How are the views of religious leaders in Kutai Kartanegara Regency on special rubber planting cooperation in Rapak Lambur Village, Kutai Kartanegara Regency. In writing this thesis, the type of research used by the author is field research, where the data source is collected from the results of field data management, which is closely related to the topic title of this thesis. The types and sources of data in this study are primary and secondary data types, especially data from the field which is considered the main material in the discussion of this thesis as well as data from books. Profit sharing in growing rubber plants in Rapak Lambur village is an application of cooperation in the agricultural sector. The profit sharing method is carried out according to Islamic law, which stipulates profit sharing as half, two thirds and one third and there is no element of fraud or usury. From the point of view of NU, Muhammadiyah and MUI, all the pillars of the cooperation agreement have been implemented, so that the law of cooperation in Rapak Labur village, according to NU, MUI, Muhammadiyah, Tenggarong sub-district, district. Kutai Kartanegara is legal. There are several things that make the cooperation contract deviate from Islamic law, such as verbal agreements without witnesses or evidence, unclear cooperation terms, and profit sharing adjustments due to rising rubber prices. suddenly in Indonesia. h...
ABSTRACT. Worker or often known as laborer is every person who works or is bound in a work relationship under the order of the employer, who receives wages or other forms of compensation. Along with the development of government regulations regarding these workers, Indonesia itself has begun to implement a contract work system, where recruitment of workers can be carried out by PKWT (Specific Time Work Agreement) and PKWTT (Unspecified Time Work Agreement). In the case of this contract work system, there are still many regulatory provisions that are less clear and provide more benefits for the employer as the employer. So that there are often regulations that can harm the rights of the workers themselves. For this reason, the authors raise two issues, namely, what are the rights of workers with PKWT system status that exceed 5 (five) years, and how to resolve termination of employment with the PKWT system that exceeds 5 (five) years. The type of research used by the author in this research is normative legal research, using the legal approach, historical approach, conceptual approach, and case approach. Based on the research conducted, it can be seen that the rights of workers with PKWT system status that exceed 5 years, then workers are still entitled to the rights that should be obtained in accordance with the contents contained in the PKWT. And regarding the settlement of termination of employment with the PKWT system that exceeds 5 years, the procedure can be carried out in accordance with the provisions in force in the work copyright law.
ABSTRACT. Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx * Xxxxx Xxxxx ** Xxxxxxx Xxxxx ***
ABSTRACT. After the international agreement on Reciprocal Assistance in Criminal Matters between the Republic of Indonesia and the Swiss Confederation on 4 February 2019 in order to speed up criminal law processes in the Requesting State, at the level of implementation it is still not effective and there are no concrete steps in returning assets resulting from corruption in Switzerland. From these problems, the research method used is normative legal research by reviewing and analyzing international law and national law, including the agreement concerned. The results of the discussion are that in substance the agreement does not specifically or specifically confirm the resolution of the dispute and does not formulate provisions for ratification. In addition, it takes a long time to ratify the agreement into law through the DPR's approval process. Therefore, the substance of the agreement needs to be amended again and in a state of urgency by observing the principle of pacta servanda and the principle of freie emmessen. The ratification of the agreement should be through a presidential decree or presidential regulation to assist state resources in sustainable development and to be able to prosper the people, nation and Indonesian state.
ABSTRACT. From the author's research data, there are five trading companies in Lewoleba City, Lembata Regency that service employment relationships with unwritten or verbal employment agreements, where workers can only work on one agreement. Workers are granted a probationary period, but are paid less than the applicable minimum wage, working hours are also not in accordance with the original agreement when applying for a job, and workers are also given overtime hours that are not in accordance with the agreement. According to the author's research data, many imbalances occur in work relationships that are unwritten/oral. Therefore, the aim of this study is to find out unwritten labor agreements between employers and employees in the city of Lewoleba, Lembata Regency, examine the effectiveness of implementation and examine the legal force. The type of research is empirical legal research, i.e. research with field data as the main data source, such as the results of interviews and observations. Findings and discussions gleaned from this study concern the effectiveness of the implementation of unwritten employment agreements and the legal force of unwritten/verbal employment agreements. Based on the responses from employers and employees in the 5 trading companies, consisting of 5 employers and 5 employees, it was examined that the agreements made in an unwritten/verbal employment agreement were invalid. The invalidity of the implementation of the employment agreement is examined based on the Law No. 13 of 2013 on Employment, Contract Theory and Theory of Legal Validity according to Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx based on two factors, namely the legal factor itself and community factors.
ABSTRACT. Credit Card is one of Bank‟s facility which has been new life style for the latest social people lifestyle while the increasing of money using efficiency. Bank is one of credit card issuer which people consider, because it gives many facilities and the easy way of applying the credit card application form. Issuing credit card takes two parties, they are Bank as the issuer and the card holder as the applicant. Both of them are bound by the agreement of credit card issuing. Author use normative or doctrinal research. This kind of research has the same meaning as doctrinal research which is based on literatures which focus on reading and exploring primary and secondary legal literatures. This research has statute approach and case approach. Good faith is one of the requirements to legalize an agreement, on which both parties have obligation to do their duty. The obligations are duty to disclose and duty to search. This research is willing to find the implementation of Good faith in the process of credit card agreement whether on the negotiation or the on going of agreement. The research always tries to analize what would be the legal consequences if both parties don‟t implement good faith.