(2015L Sample Clauses
(2015L. During the period of leave, seniority shall continue to accumulate for the period of the leave.
(2015L. The Board will provide a current salary electronic statement which will be available on the staff web portal and the Board will provide email notification for each Teacher no later than November 30 of each year. Paper copies will be available upon request.
(2015L. The principal will give the teacher notice at least one (1) school day in advance where possible of a meeting that the member is requested to have with the administration when the conduct or competence of the Member is being considered.
(2015L. The Bargaining Unit shall have the right to conduct Federation business on the Board’s premises subject to the principal’s approval. Access to a private meeting space will be provided where available for a meeting between a Union Representative and a member.
(2015L. The Board and Federation agree there shall be no discrimination, interference, restriction or coercion exercised or practised by either party with respect to any employee by reason of any of protected grounds and described by Ontario Human Rights Code as amended from time to time. • Age • Ancestry, colour, race • Citizenship • Ethnic origin • Place of origin • Creed • Disability • Family status • Marital status • Gender identity, gender expression • Record of unrelated offences • Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding) • Sexual orientation Or dealings with persons identified by one of the other prohibited grounds.
(2015L. The teacher shall receive all salary increments for the year of leave proportional to the fraction of the academic year taught.
(2015L. The Bargaining Unit Chief Negotiator shall be granted sixty seven percent (67%) union leave. In addition, the Bargaining Unit chief negotiator shall be granted nine (9) days per school year which may be used at the Bargaining Unit Chief Negotiator’s discretion for work associated with contract maintenance. The Board shall also pay the Chief Negotiator any allowances provided for in L – Article 7 that may apply to the Chief Negotiator for their term of office and a Consultant/Curriculum Leader year 2 allowance as outlined in Article L7.
(2015L. The Bargaining Unit Benefits Officer shall be granted sixty seven percent (67%) union leave. In addition, the Bargaining Unit Benefits Officer shall be granted nine (9) days per school year which may be used at the Bargaining Unit Benefit Officer’s discretion for work associated with benefits administration. The Board shall also pay the Benefits Officer any allowances provided for in L – Article 7 that may apply to the Benefits Officer for his/her term of office and a Consultant/Curriculum Leader year 2 allowance as outlined in Article L7.03.05. The Board shall pay the entire cost of the Bargaining Unit Benefits Officer’s salary and allowances and the cost of the supply teacher for the nine (9) days. The Bargaining Unit shall reimburse the Board for an amount equal to sixty-seven percent (67%) of 0.666 FTE minimum Category II towards the cost of the replacement teacher and sixty-seven percent (67%) of the Consultant/Curriculum Leader Allowance.
(2015L. The Bargaining Unit President shall be granted a full-time union leave. The Board shall pay the entire cost of the President’s base. The Bargaining Unit shall reimburse the Board an amount equal to sixty-seven percent (67 %) of the Minimum of Category II towards the cost of the replacement teacher. The Board shall also pay the President any allowances provided for in Article 7 that may apply to the President for the term of the Presidency and a Consultant/Curriculum Leader year 2 allowance as outlined in Article 7.
(2015L. The Board shall reimburse a licensed Automotive Teacher that is scheduled to teach Transportation Technology up to $150.00 every three years for renewal of the required license. The Board shall reimburse an employee for required certification up to $150 every three years if • The Board requires the employee to have the certification; • The Board does not offer a course in the required certification; • The certification requirement is pre-approved by the Principal and the Human Resources Department. For clarity, this does not include any Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) fees paid by Teachers.