A E Compensation. For the PROJECTS/SERVICES authorized under this AGREEMENT, A/E shall be compensated in accordance with the following:
A E Compensation. For the services properly authorized and performed by A-E, Team Members and approved subcontractors under this Agreement, A-E shall be compensated in accordance with the following:
A E Compensation. 12 For the SERVICES authorized under this AGREEMENT, A-E shall be 13 compensated in accordance with the following:
A E Compensation. A. Engineering not-to-exceed amount of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000), excluding extra work. The work to be performed and the payment method must be approved in writing by the DIRECTOR prior to start of work. A/E must submit billing rates for all employees at the time they submit their proposal which shall be attached hereto as Exhibit B. Budgeted amounts may be reallocated between tasks as set forth in additional exhibits to this AGREEMENT based on the actual work required under each task and upon written approval by DIRECTOR.
A E Compensation. A. Environmental Document Preparation Services ($400,000), excluding extra work. The work to be performed and the payment method must be approved in writing by STAFF prior to start of work. A/E must submit billing with rates for all employees in accordance with Exhibit B, attached hereto. Budgeted amounts may be reallocated between tasks as set forth in additional exhibits to this AGREEMENT based on the actual work required under each task and upon written approval by STAFF.
B. Extra Work
C. Reimbursable Items of Work
1. Identifiable postage (large packages or express, overnight, or next day mail charges), other than for general correspondence, required in the performance of the work.
2. Identifiable printing or reproduction services, commercial printing and binding, and similar costs that are not applicable to general overhead required for the performance of the work.
3. Third party services directly applicable to the work, such as: specialized engineering services which cannot be accomplished by the A/E or subcontracted under Section A, paragraph 3 of the AGREEMENT; special accounting expenses; special consultants; outside laboratory charges; and, similar costs that are not applicable to general overhead. Compensation for this paragraph shall not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total AGREEMENT not to exceed amount. All work conducted by special consultants on behalf of A/E under this paragraph shall be considered as part of the allowable portion of the AGREEMENT that can be accomplished by sub-consultants pursuant to Section A, Paragraphs 3, 4, and 5 of the AGREEMENT. NOTE: computer expense reimbursement is for third-party services only. A/E's in- house computer time is not considered a Reimbursable Item and should be included as part of A/E fee, listed in Exhibit B.
4. Materials used for in-house testing, laboratory and field supplies.
5. Permit fees, application fees, and filing fees. Permit, filing, and application fees shall not be considered as eligible for the 10% service charge set forth for in paragraph 7 below.
6. Mileage and parking fees for field work and meetings outside Orange and Los Angeles Counties, which shall not exceed a total of five thousand dollars ($5,000) for the entire term of the agreement, unless otherwise allowed for in advance in writing by the STAFF. Requests for an increase in disbursements under this reimbursable item of work must be approved prior to the start of work and the A/E’s incurrence of such costs.
7. Payment ...
A E Compensation. A. Project Tasks As stated in Section V above, the method of payment shall be per a time and materials basis with a total not-to-exceed amount per task. Per COUNTY statutory limitations, A/E cannot and will not be reimbursed for any work initiated or completed prior to receipt of written Notice-to-Proceed by the DIRECTOR. A/E must submit billing rates for all employees based on the Fee Schedule in the Board of Supervisors’ approved AGREEMENT (Exhibit “B”). Total amount invoiced by A/E shall not exceed the amount specified per task. Task subtotal reallocations shall not be allowed without written approval of DIRECTOR. A/E shall submit monthly invoices for services including those provided by others, if any. Total payment to A/E invoiced on a monthly basis shall not exceed the total authorized amount per task, and in no event shall the cumulative amount paid for completion of all tasks exceed four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) excluding extra work, unless approved in writing by COUNTY’s Board of Supervisors. A/E’s monthly invoices shall be subject to COUNTY’s approval in accordance with the PROPOSAL described in section V above. A/E shall include with its monthly invoice, the title of the project, agreement number, COUNTY assigned work order number, total dollar cost of each task, dollar amount of invoice for each task, and remaining dollar amount of PROPOSAL. The invoice shall list each task, time spent on each task by each staff member by name and job classification and hourly rate, adding up to the amount invoiced per task and the total amount of the invoice. CONSULTANT shall also show on the invoice a complete accounting for Reimbursable items as described in the detailed scope of work/ PROPOSAL (see section V above). Payment to A/E shall be within forty five (45) days of receipt by COUNTY of an approved invoice. Ten percent (10%) shall be withheld each month from the cumulative amount due to CONSULTANT on each separate item of work. Payment of the remaining ten percent (10%) on each separate item of work shall be made upon acceptance and approval of all items of work by the DIRECTOR.
A E Compensation