ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. The COR/Project Inspector(s) will review and share the poor results to the Contractor, when applicable. The Contractor will have 24 hours to correct and poor performance. The COR may summarize the month’s inspections and calculate recommended payroll deductions on a Monthly Payment Analysis Form for each building.
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. All data will be collected in a spreadsheet. Contrast-enhanced CBBCT (CE-CBBCT) for breast imaging will be evaluated, tabulated, and analyzed in terms of lesion conspicuity and detail in comparison with the non-contrast CBBCT exam, mammogram, and contrast-enhanced breast MRI. We will evaluate wash in and wash out patterns and degree of enhancement of the lesion as compared to surrounding pattern. Demographic and clinical characteristics of the study population will be described using mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables such as age, or percentage and percentiles for qualitative variables such gender, race, and cancer staging. Reported adverse events will be tabulated according to its description, severity, and relationship to the specific imaging or clinical procedures. All patients will be included in the safety analysis. Paired t-test (for quantitative measurements such as tumor size, time of wash in and wash out) or XxXxxxx’x test (for qualitative data such as type of mass, type of calcification) will be used for comparisons between the CE-CBBCT and other modalities. Accuracy of diagnosis will be evaluated in terms of sensitivity and specificity by comparing the test results from each imaging modality to that of the biopsy (the gold standard). When sufficient data is available, comparisons between CE-CBBCT and the other modalities will then be conducted using XxXxxxx’x test. No imputation will be used for missing data (i.e., only patients who have the specific data available will be included in a particular analysis.) Statistical analysis will be performed using SAS (SAS Institute, Cary, N.C., U.S.A.). All tests will be 2-sided with the confidence level set to 95%. The recruiting sites will be responsible for providing source documentation, such as images and reports. In order to minimize the use of PHI in communications between the study coordinator and recruiting sites, study packets, each with a unique study identifier, will be provided to each recruiting site. At recruitment, each volunteer is issued a study packet with a unique study identifier. Unused ID numbers will not be re-issued. The recruiting sites will keep a database that connects the subject name and medical record number with the unique study ID number. This computer will be password protected and locked down when user not engaged and accessible only to study personnel at recruiting sites. The primary computer databases will be established at the Highland Breast Imagin...
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. The results will be analyzed over the 10 business days following the conclusion of the final measurement, in effect 3/8 to 3/21/2000.
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. The pricing in the Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx contract is for the term of the contract. Payment shall be adjusted by the appropriate Time of Delivery (XXX) factor listed in Appendix C of the contract. To assess the value of the contract, PG&E has compiled the Levelized Net Margin Metric ($/MWh) based on the same methodology used for the evaluation and selection of short listed bids from the 2009 RFO as well as other bilateral contracts either recently executed or under consideration. PG&E reports a Levelized Net Margin for the Xxxxxx Xxxx Xxxxxxx contract of . Also, the contract price is than the 2009 Market Price Referent (“MPR”) of $100.98/MWh for a 20 year contract beginning in 2011 but the comparable 2008 MPR of $117.30/MWh which was in effect when contract negotiations were initiated. From a qualitative perspective, the project would have ranked highly as well. The underlying generating facility is currently in operations, which eliminates project development risk. The project has secured site control, has been fully permitted and financed, and is already connected to the CAISO grid. Furthermore, the contract will result in deliveries of renewable energy in the near term.
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. 3.1. Determination of the anchor point for each gear ratio
3.2. Slope of the regression line for each gear
3.2.1 Calculation of the slope of the regression line for each gear ;
3.2.2 Slope of the regression line for each gear
3.3. Calculation of the linear sound level increase expected for each measurement
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. 3.5.1 SID-7969543 Analogs
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. AmericanAirlineshascodeshare flightswithBritishAirwaysto /from and withinthe UK andAfrica, Europe andthe Middle East.BritishAirwaysisa member oftheOneWorldalliance, a network of alliancesformed bytwelve of theworld's leading airlines: AmericanAirlines,BritishAirways, Cathay PacificAirways,Finnair,Iberia, Japan Airlines, LAN, MalévHungarianAirlines,Mexicana, Qantas Airways,RoyalJordanianandS7. TheOneWorldnetworkoffersflights toover 750destinations innearly 150 countries. U.S.Airways,as partof the newAmericanAirlines,joins thebusinesswith 28transatlantic routes, of which 27are new,includingdirect routes fromNorth Americato 18European destinations.The more than240destinationsin North Americathat this agreementprovides, it allowsto travelthroughnine distribution centersofAmericanAirlinesandU.S.Airways: NewYork (JFK), Miami, Chicago, Dallas / FortWorth, Los Angeles, Phoenix, Charlotte, Philadelphia andWashingtonDC, to cross theAtlantic to Europeinany of the fivecarriers. On the otherhand, in theNewYork-London route, ithas anunrivaledservice, withup to 17daily direct flightsbetween the two capitalsand a predominantproduct inthe business segment. The main benefits of this great deal are:
1) More flights, more routes, better schedules and connections and a greater number of premium seats.
2) Power to combine airlines and booking that suits the needs of the passenger through a simple transaction.
3) Access to VIP lounges at checkout facilities and luggage for members of loyalty programs, expanding opportunities to obtain and use miles.
4) Providing special assistance to passengers connecting with eleven main entrances to New York (JFK), Miami, Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles, London Heathrow, Madrid, Helsinki, Phoenix, Charlotte and Philadelphia.
5) A modern fleet: AA B777-300 ER, BA and the B787-380 and Finnair and Iberia and U.S. Airways A-330-300.
6) Increased coordination between companies in case of any incident may occur. The joint venture includes all scheduled flights operated by U.S. Airways American, British, Iberia and Finnair, members of the OneWorld alliance in which U.S. Airways has just joined in 2014 departing from Star Alliance. As reported by the British press, the compromise between the companies involved assumes revenue sharing. Airlines are allowed to coordinate schedules and prices between North America and Europe. In July 2010, the Commission of the European Union sets out the legally accepted undertakings offered by airlines British Airways, Am...
6.1 Respondents 20
6.2 Overview of current access services 22
6.2.1 The indexing, accessibility and presentation of metadata: The Finding Aids 22
6.2.2 The platform for providing access: The presentation tool 24
6.2.3 Workflows and technical settings 26 6.3 Users and their needs 27 7.1 Evaluation of gaps for identification process 31 7.2 Evaluation of gaps for request process 33 7.3 Evaluation of gaps for presentation process 34
ANALYSIS OF RESULTS. In this section the results from the information gathering will be analysed and used to create an overview of current solutions and to identify users’ needs for access services. The analysis of existing access services will be structured according to the three aspects defined in section 3.4 What is an access service? , namely: • The indexing, accessibility and presentation of metadata: The Finding Aids • The platform for providing access: The presentation tool • Workflows and technical settings And the analysis of users’ needs will be structured according to the three steps in their interaction with archives’ access services: • The identification process • The request process • The presentation process The analysis is made by using the survey results as a starting point and draw upon the interviews and the expert knowledge of E-‐ ARK partners to support and elaborate on the survey findings.