Another Sample Clauses
Another. IEP conference shall be held with the receiving teacher(s) and the special education representative(s) within thirty school days to review and assess the resulting placement and delivery of educational services. This meeting shall be scheduled at the time of the IEPC meeting but may be convened sooner at the teacher's request.
Another. Does this project require the use of? In Lab* Location 1. Laminar flow biological safety cabinets. x __ 2. Centrifuge x __ 3. Autoclave x __ 4. Sonication Equipment x __ *equipment located in rooms listed on first page.
Another. No change or rejection of this Agreement or consent to the deviation of one side of this provision has the strength if they are not formalized in writing and are not signed by each part of this Agreement on the territory. Any change, refusal or consent has power only in a particular case and for a specific purpose for which it was assigned. The refusal of the party to violate this Agreement is not and should not be interpreted as the refusal of this side of the subsequent violation. b) All messages or other messages required or permitted in this document should be in writing and are considered sufficient if they are delivered personally by fax or sent by custom -made mail or courier to the next or any other address. In writing, the parties notified: if BMP: C / O Blackstone Group L.
Another mixed methods study by Xxxxxx et al. (2014) that interviewed 16 HIV care providers and 18 HIV positive patients enrolled in care in Swaziland revealed that women were concerned dual methods would amplify men’s resistance to using condoms. Lastly, in Xxxxxxxx et al. (2015), participants who reported being comfortable asking their partner to use a condom had significantly higher odds of dual method use (AOR 3.58, 95% CI=2.04-6.25). Xxxxxxxxxx et al. (2011) found that 5% of PLHIV reported dual methods before diagnosis and 23% reported dual methods after receiving their diagnosis. Xxxxxxxx et al. (2015) found that receiving a diagnosis of HIV in the past year significantly increased the odds of dual method use compared to three or more years (AOR 1.45, 95% CI=1.02-2.06). Three studies reported on the impact of CD4 cell count on dual method use, with mixed findings. Chibwesha et al. (2011) found that women who had CD4 cell count ≥ 351cells/µL had significantly higher odds (AOR 1.25, 95% CI=1.09-1.45) of dual method use while Xxxxxxxxxx et al. (2011) found that higher CD4 cell counts decreased the odds of dual method use (ORmen 0.73 per increase of 50 cells/µL; ORwomen 0.75 per increase 50 cells/µL). However, Xxxxxxxx et al. (2015) reported that CD4 had no significant impact on odds of dual method use. Xxxxxx and colleagues (2014) found that participants viewed dual methods as cumbersome due to the extra effort and money it requires. This extra effort compounded with changes in sexual behavior and energy level due to illness deterred participants from using dual methods (Church et al., 2014). In addition, history of tuberculosis and recent injection drug use were also related to dual methods. Xxxxxxxxx et al. (2011) reported that participants with no prior history of tuberculosis were more likely to report dual method use (AOR 1.17, 95% CI=1.01-1.35). Xxxxxxxx and colleagues (2009) reported that participants who reported recent injection drug use were significantly more likely to choose dual methods over condoms alone (prevalence ration=1.3). Additionally, the study found women who had previously used oral contraceptives (prevalence ratio=1.3) and never or sometimes used condoms in the past year (prevalence ratio=1.9) were more likely to choose dual methods (Xxxxxxxx et al., 2009). influenced uptake of dual methods, Xxxxxxxx et al. (2015) found that current receipt of anti-retroviral therapy did not have a significant relationship with dual method use. HIV care ...
Another. All expenses necessary for the Applicant and/or his legal representative to participate in the Program, such as printing, scanning and sending the required documents by mail (or by any other means), Internet and mobile phone traffic, as well as other expenses, the Applicant and/or his legal representative shall bear from their own funds.
Another individual level study conducted among mother-infant dyads in an urban, community, teaching hospital found that the most common reasons for formula supplementation were perception of inadequate milk supply, desire for sleep, and a plan to breast and bottle feed (Xxxxxx et al., 2016). A nation-wide analysis using data from the Maternity Practices in Infant Nutrition and Care survey (a national survey of maternity hospitals in the US completed by hospital staff that collects hospital level data) examined frequency of the reason for the provision of formula supplementation among healthy, term, breastfed newborns. This analysis found that 65% of breastfed infants were supplemented with infant formula for mothers’ choice, 25% for doctors’ orders, and 8.7 % for nurses’ recommendations (Xxxxxx et al., 2016). In summary, studies have examined individual-level reasons for formula supplementation. However, little is known about reasons for formula supplementation, particularly at the hospital level using an open-ended question approach to examine the most common reasons for formula supplementation. Previously conducted national analyses may not capture the various factors that influence infant formula supplementation due to the use of a closed-ended question with the options of mothers’ choice, doctors’ orders, and nurses’ recommendation (Xxxxxx et al., 2016). Examples of other potential factors include sociodemographic factors, physical conditions that may require additional lactation management support but are not medical indications for formula supplementation such as birth weight and maternal knowledge of lactation management (Xxxxxx et al., 2017; Xxxxxxxx & Xxxxxxx, 2019; Xxxxx, 2008; Xxxxxx, 2009; Xxxxxx & Xxxxx-Xxxxxxxx, 2015). Therefore, an open-ended question could potentially help further understand the various common reasons for formula supplementation at the national level.
Another. The lender may want to impose a fine for a prepayment, which is different from the one used in the previous version. If so, the box should be selected. In addition, the exact amount of the fine and all the relevant information on how to calculate it must be placed in the available location behind the other label.
Another. It is possible that roommates and / or landlords are conducted in other policies (except for additional costs and services). If so, check this list and submit a record of all instructions and agreements on compliance with roommates and landlords. XIII. First (1) monthly rent (42) after execution. Article XIII determines when roommates must rent in the first month. If this rent is paid under this Agreement, select the first billing. This means that roommates should provide landlords for at least a month until these documents have been signed. With this option, a roommate may not sign this contract with the first monthly lease to the landlord.
Another strength of this study is that the same researcher performed all data collection to avoid inter-rater variability. Further, in contrast to other studies, the current study compared muscle strength LSI values in injured subjects who went through ACLR. Previous studies have only compared peak torque strength values in healthy subjects. To assess which instruments should be used clinically for strength assess- ment in ACLR rehabilitation it is important that they have been tested in participants who have undergone ACLR. One major limitation of this study is that agreement between two instruments that measures different types of strength (isometric vs. isokinetic) was assessed. This may imply that there may not be a good agreement between the two instruments. However, in this study LSI values were used in the data analysis for agreement. The LSI values are independent of both demographic factors and what type of strength that is tested since the variable is a ratio between the participants’ injured and uninjured leg. This means that it is not the instruments per se that are compared against each other, but the LSI values. Also, to avoid bias associated with gravitational forces,36,37 only isometric torque at 90° of knee flexion was assessed, which may have contributed to the poor agreement between measurements. It may fur- ther be argued that 90° of knee flexion is not a functional position with regards to knee injury risk.38 Although, in a recent study Xxxxx et al. confirmed that testing isomet- ric quadriceps strength with a dynamometer is dependent on the angle of the knee joint and that quadricep strength should be tested in either 90° or 30° of flexion to detect asymmetries similar to the IKD,39 future studies investi- gating if strength deficits, assessed in 90° of knee flexion, are associated with relevant outcomes, such as RTS and risk of second injuries are warranted. Due to practical reasons, isometric knee flexion torque was assessed in a prone po- sition, whereas the isokinetic knee flexion torque was as- sessed in a seated position, according to the IKD standard- ization. Although a prone position is proposed to be more functional,40 the difference in testing position may consti- tute another reason for the lack of agreement in the current study. Furthermore, LSI presumes that the strength and func- tion in the uninjured leg corresponds to the patient’s strength and function in the injured leg before the ACL in- jury. However, the ACL injury may ...