USE OF NON Sample Clauses
1. The Company may utilize a Flight Attendant who is traveling non-revenue to work any flight when circumstances at an out station present the need to delay or cancel a flight due to in-flight staffing shortage. The Company will offer such flying:
a. First, in seniority order, to a Flight Attendant who could work the flight without causing her/him to become illegal for their next sequence(s) and who has already listed in Paperless Employee Travel (PET) to fly out of the outstation on the same day prior to the creation of the staffing shortage.
b. Then, if no such Flight Attendant accepts the assignment, the Company will offer it, in seniority order, to those Flight Attendants who have already listed in PET to fly out of the outstation on the same day prior to the creation of the staffing shortage.
2. The non-revenue Flight Attendant is not under any obligation to work the flight. Should the Flight Attendant accept the flight:
a. S/he will be paid at one and one-half times (1.5x) the trip rate for all flights flown. All Minimum Pay Rules will apply. Reserve Flight Attendants will be paid above guarantee. S/he will suffer no loss of pay if the flying causes her/him to become illegal for her/his next scheduled sequence(s).
b. Duty time will start at the time the Flight Attendant accepts the assignment, or one (1) hour before original scheduled departure from the out station, whichever is later.
c. Once the assignment is accepted, all applicable contact provisions will apply. The Flight Attendant will be pay protected for any other loss of flying as a result of accepting the assignment, and be paid the greater of what was flown or credited.
d. If s/he requests, the Flight Attendant will be given online positive space travel on the next available flight to the non-rev’s originally intended destination if different than the actual destination, once her/his assignment is complete. If online travel is not available between the city sequences, the Company will purchase a ticket for the Flight Attendant on the next available flight.
3. A Flight Attendant may accept an assignment under the provision of 10.T. [Use of Non-Revenue Flight Attendant…] only once per bid month.
4. If more than one non-revenue Flight Attendant is available, the assignment will be offered, in seniority order, taking into account the Flight Attendant’s legalities. U. SCHEDULING COMMITTEE See Section 27.P.4. [Company Business…].
USE OF NON. Firm Point-To-Point Transmission Service by the Transmission Provider: A Transmission Provider will be subject to the rates, terms and conditions of this Tariff when making Third- Party Sales to be transmitted as Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service under (i) agreements executed after November 1, 1996 or (ii) agreements executed on or before November 1, 1996 to the extent that the Commission requires them to be unbundled, by the date specified by the Commission. A Transmission Provider will maintain separate accounting, pursuant to Section 8, for any use of Non-Firm Point-To- Point Transmission Service to make Third-Party Sales, to the extent not paid for under this Tariff.
USE OF NON. GOVERNMENT PERSONNEL BY THE MARYLAND PROCUREMENT OFFICE FOR CONTRACT CLOSEOUT (JUN 2001) Contractor personnel who have executed a non-disclosure agreement with this office may administratively handle documentation associated with this contract for Buyer: _____ Seller: _____ closeout purposes. Your signature on this document constitutes acknowledgement and acceptance of the Maryland Procurement Office's use of contractor personnel in the administrative closeout of this contract. Documentation may include, but is not limited to, proprietary information, rate information, billing information and supporting documentation. (End of Clause)
USE OF NON. GENUINE PARTS - Owners and users of HUMMER(R) Motor Vehicles reasonably expect that the vehicles sold by Dealer and the parts and accessories sold or used by Dealer in servicing Motor Vehicles are marketed by Company. If in the performance of service work other than work to be paid for by Company, Dealer sells or uses parts and accessories not marketed by Company, it will give Customers written notice, prior to the sale or service, that the parts and accessories are not marketed or warranted by Company. Dealer also will not represent that vehicle modifications not specifically authorized by Company are warranted or approved by Company.
USE OF NON. Danish labour
1.7.1 If the PPP company is a foreign business
1.7.2 If the PPP company uses foreign subcontractors Where the PPP company uses foreign subcontractors, the PPP company shall ensure that the foreign subcontractors have registered with the Register of Foreign Service Providers with the Danish Business Authority, cf. relevant rules applicable at any time. The registration shall be carried out no later than at the commencement of the work. Documentation from the subcontractor of registration in the Register of Foreign Service Providers shall be received by the PPP company no later than 3 days after commencement of the work. If the PPP company is not in receipt of the documentation within the deadline, or if the documentation shows that the subcontractor has provided incorrect information, the PPP company is obliged to report the facts to the Danish Working Environment Authority. At the request of the Contracting Authority, the PPP company shall provide documentation that registration in the Register of Foreign Service Providers has been carried out correctly. If the PPP company fails to provide documentation of its own registration in the Register of Foreign Service Providers or if the PPP company, at the request of the Contracting Authority, fails to provide documentation of subcontractors’ registration in the Register of Foreign Service Providers, this shall be considered a defect. It shall furthermore be considered a defect if the documentation shows that the PPP company or the subcontractor has stated false information. The Contracting Authority shall be entitled to withhold payments until the defect has been remedied. If the PPP company has had the work carried out by persons without valid residence permit or work permit, if such is required, and irrespective of the way in which this has been established and irrespective of whether the work may have been carried out by subcontractors/suppliers, the PPP company shall pay a penalty to the Contracting Authority corresponding to 0.5 per thousand of the Construction Sum, however no less than DKK 5,000 per Working Day in which the breach has existed.
USE OF NON. Participating Providers when an Enrollee is temporarily outside the service area. When an Enrollee temporarily lives, works, attends school or otherwise temporarily resides outside of the service area, requires medically necessary services that would be covered under the health benefit plan if the Enrollee were able to access care from contracted providers within the service area, and it is medically necessary that the services be provided promptly, locally and not delayed until the member's return to the service area, the managed care organization shall assist the Enrollee in locating a provider in the Enrollee's location that is contracted, otherwise affiliated or willing to arrange a single case agreement and that has the appropriate training and experience to provide the services that are medically necessary to meet the particular health care needs of the Enrollee. Coverage shall be consistent with the terms and conditions of the Enrollee's Contract for coverage of services obtained from a contracted provider within the service area. There shall be no additional liability to the Enrollee.
USE OF NON. Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service by the Transmission Provider: The Transmission Provider will be subject to the rates, terms and conditions of Part II of the Tariff when making Third-Party Sales under agreements executed on or after the effective date of the Tariff. The Transmission Provider will maintain separate accounting, pursuant to Section 8, for any use of Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service to make Third-Party Sales.
USE OF NON prescription drugs in a manner other than that suggested by the manufacturer or prescribed by a physician and which results in the impairment of job performance.
USE OF NON. Government Employees to Review Offers (May 2019)