WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. The minimum rates of pay for each classification and work related allowances are set out in APPENDICES ‘A’ & ‘B’, attached to this Agreement.
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. 11.1 The wage rates and allowances paid in accordance with this Agreement are in substitution for any wage and allowance entitlements provided by the Award (including annual leave loading). 11.2 The hourly wage rates set out in Appendix A of this Agreement incorporate the relevant industry allowance provided by the Award. Other allowances provided by the Award which may be payable to Employees covered by this Agreement are not incorporated into this Agreement, except for relevant allowances referenced in clause 11.1 hereof. 11.3 All hours worked outside the hours provided by Clause 9.1 of this Agreement will be paid as follows: 11.3.1 Daily overtime after 10 hours of work each day (Monday to Friday) will be paid at 200% of the Award rate applicable to the Employee's classification. 11.3.2 Overtime on Saturday will be paid at 150% of the Award rate applicable to the Employee’s classification for the first two (2) hours and 200% of the Award rate applicable to the Employee's classification thereafter (with a minimum of three 11.3.3 All time worked on Sundays will be paid at 200% of the Award rate applicable to the Employee's classification (with a minimum of four (4) hours’ engagement). 11.3.4 All time worked on public holidays will be paid at 250% of the Award rate applicable to the Employee's classification (with a minimum of four (4) hours’ engagement). 11.4 Throughout the term of this Agreement, the wage rates and allowances set out in Appendix A of this Agreement will increase by two percent (2%) each year effective from the first full pay period on or after the anniversary date of this Agreement commencing legal operation. 11.5 Wages will be paid weekly or fortnightly (in keeping with current practice), by electronic funds transfer into an Employee’s nominated bank or financial institution account. 11.6 On termination of employment, wages and other amounts (as applicable) due to an Employee will be paid in the first payroll processed on or after the date of termination.
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. Wages and allowances shall be as set out in Appendix A to this agreement
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. (a) Wage Rates The parties have agreed to the following annual percentage increases over the life of the agreement: From:
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. The following wage rates and allowances apply from the first pay period commencing on or after: 3.1 Wage Rates 3.1.1 A thirty-eight (38) divisor shall apply for the calculation of the hourly rate for part- time and casual employees. 3.1.2 An employee required undertaking re-training in a lower associate level shall be paid the lower rate for the duration of the re-training period. 3.1.3 If an employee is required to perform duties of a higher level classification for: (a) less than two (2) hours a day, the employee is entitled to the higher classification rate for that time; (b) two (2) or more hours a day, the employee is entitled to the higher classification rate for the day. Provided that Level 1 employees shall only be entitled to the higher rate when performing Level 3 or higher duties on a regular basis. 3.1.4 By agreement between an employee and the employer, an employee’s earnings may be annualized which will take into account work that is likely to be performed by the employee outside ordinary hours.
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. 3.1 Rates of Pay 3.2 Apprentices 3.2.1 Wages per Week (Percentage of Tradesperson’s Rate)
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. 40.1 In recognition of the productivity measures identified in this Agreement the following wage increases shall be available to Employees:- 40.1.1 From the first full pay period after 1st July 2012 rates of pay for all Employees will be the rate of pay shown in Table 1 Appendix 8. 40.1.2 From the first full pay period after 1st July 2013 the new rates of pay for all Employees will be the rate of pay as shown in Table 2 Appendix 8. 40.1.3 From the first full pay period after 1st July 2014 the new rates of pay for all Employees will be the rate of pay as shown in Table 3 Appendix 8. 40.1.4 From the first full pay period after 1st July 2015 the new rates of pay for all Employees will be the rate of pay as shown in Table 4 Appendix 8 40.2 Casuals are paid this Agreement rate + casual loading as of 25% on their all purpose rate for their respective classification.
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. Wage rates for Trainees will be as prescribed below, where the percentage refers to a percentage of the Level 1 wage classification. Stage 1 68% Stage 2 78% Stage 3 90% (1) Stages will be measured against a competency based assessment as detailed in the Training Contract All other allowances and entitlements (including fares and travel allowance) shall be paid in accordance with the Agreement. In any state in which any statute relating to apprentices or trainees is now or hereafter in force or in which any authority with statutory power has issued or may issue any regulation relating to apprentices or Trainees, such statute and such regulations shall operate in such State provided that the provisions thereof are not inconsistent with this agreement. Except as provided for in this clause all other conditions as provided in the Agreement shall apply.
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. 10.1 A weekly employee of a classification defined in Clause 18 of this Agreement shall be paid the following:
WAGE RATES AND ALLOWANCES. 7.1 Wage Rates In consideration for the implementation of the measures and commitments set out in the Agreement, the wage rates set out below will be payable as noted: (a) The following rates of pay will apply to the classifications listed hereunder from the first pay period to commence on or after 21 November 2003. CLASSIFICATION WEEKLY RATE Storeman & Packer Probation 620.00 Storeman & Packer Level 1 640.00 Storeman & Packer Level 2 690.00 Storeman & Packer Level 3 715.00 (b) The following rates of pay will apply to the classifications listed hereunder from the first pay period to commence on or after 21 November 2004. CLASSIFICATION WEEKLY RATE Storeman & Packer Probation 638.60 Storeman & Packer Level 1 659.20 Storeman & Packer Level 2 710.70 Storeman & Packer Level 3 736.50 7.2 Allowances (i) In addition to the above rates, the following allowances will be paid: Leading Hand From the first pay period to commence on or after 21 November 2003 - $35.00 per week. From the first pay period to commence on or after 21 November 2004 - $36.10 per week. Dangerous Goods Certificate - an employee who is required to hold a Dangerous Goods Certificate issued by an appropriate certifying authority and is required by the Company to exercise the responsibilities under the Certificate will be paid an allowance: From the first pay period on or after 21 November 2003 - $20.00 per week. From the first pay period on or after 21 November 2004 - $20.60 per week. Training Allowance - a training allowance will be paid to employees to recognize the skills and competencies attained and utilized whilst progressing from Storeman & Packer Level 1 to Storeman & Packer Level 2 and from Storeman & Packer Level 2 to Storeman & Packer Level 3. The amount of the allowance will be: The Training Allowance is paid where the employee has been assessed by the Warehouse Manager as possessing certain predetermined specified skills and competencies deemed to be essential to the performance of the duties and responsibilities of the next higher Level classification. (ii) other allowances will be increased by: (i) 3% from the first pay period to commence on or after 21 November 2003 (ii) 3% from the first pay period to commence on or after 21 November 2004