Authorization for Payroll Deductions. The Union shall submit any request to initiate, change, or cancel deductions of Contributions from represented employees’ pay according to the Controller’s “Union Deductions Procedure” (“Procedure”), which the Controller may amend from time to time with reasonable notice to the Union. “Contributions” as used in this Section I.G means Union membership dues, initiation fees, political action funds, other contributions, and any special membership assessments, as established and as may be changed from time to time by the Union.
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. 52. a. The Union shall submit any request to initiate, change, or cancel deductions of Contributions from represented employees’ pay according to the Controller’s “Union Deductions Procedure” (“Procedure”), which the Controller may amend from time to time with reasonable notice to the Union. “
Authorization for Payroll Deductions.
a. The Union shall submit any request to initiate, change, or cancel deductions of Contributions from represented employees’ pay according to the Controller’s “Union Deductions Procedure” (“Procedure”), which the Controller may amend from time to time with reasonable notice to the Union. “Contributions” as used in this Section I.J. means Union membership dues, initiation fees, political action funds, other contributions, and any special membership assessments, as established and as may be changed from time to time by the Union.
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. BY: Name of Employee (Please Print) TO: Executive Board of the Shore Educational Collaborative Effective , I hereby request and authorize you to deduct Association dues from my earnings. The amount shall be paid to the Treasurer of the Shore Collaborative paraprofessionals of the LEA Professional Association, Local 3954, MFT, AFT, AFL-CIO, and represents payment of my Association dues. Employee’s Signature (Employee’s Address) (School)
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. Association Dues - The Association, which is the legally recognized exclusive bargaining representative of the employees, as described in the "Recognition" clause of this Collective Bargaining Agreement, shall have
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. 2.2.1 The Union shall submit any request to initiate, change, or cancel deductions of Contributions from represented employees’ pay according to the City’s “Union Deductions Procedure” (“Procedure”), which the City Manager or designee may amend from time to time with reasonable notice to the Union. “Contributions” are defined as Union membership dues, initiation fees, premiums for Union-sponsored insurance programs, political action funds, other contributions, and any special membership assessments, as established and as may be changed from time to time by the Union.
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. 35. a. The Association shall submit any request to initiate, change, or cancel deductions of Contributions from represented employees’ pay according to the Controller’s “Association Deductions Procedure” (“Procedure”), which the Controller may amend from time to time with reasonable notice to the Association. “
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. 71. a. The Union shall submit any request to initiate, change, or cancel deductions of &RQWULEXWLRQV IURP UHSUHVHQWHG HPSOR\ ³8QLRQ 'HGXFW L³R3QUVR F3HUGRXFUHHG´X U H ´Z KLFK WKH from time to time with reasonable notice to the Union. ³&RQWULEXWLRQV´ this Section I.J. means Union membership dues, initiation fees, political action funds, other contributions, and any special membership assessments, as established and as may be changed from time to time by the Union.
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. Employee previously authorized the deduction of dues from earnings, an amount established by the Association as annual dues. The amount deducted shall occur through payroll deduction.
Authorization for Payroll Deductions. In connection with my election in the Subscription Agreement to participate in the Plan, I hereby request and authorize my employer, Autodesk de Mexico S.A. de C.V. (“Autodesk-Mexico”), to withhold during each pay period the percentage of my Compensation (from 0% to 15%) indicated on the Company’s online enrollment tool during the Offering Period in accordance with the Plan. This withholding will continue until I inform the Company to stop such payroll withholding. I hereby further request that the accumulated payroll deductions to which the preceding paragraph refers shall be delivered by Autodesk-Mexico to the Company and shall be used by the Company or its designated Plan broker to purchase shares of Common Stock in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Plan and the Subscription Agreement. I acknowledge and agree the participation of Autodesk-Mexico in the Plan is limited to acting as an intermediary in delivering to the Company the amounts withheld from my paycheck each pay period and that the benefits under the Plan are not fringe benefits provided by Autodesk-Mexico. Autodesk-Mexico will make no additional salary payment or other compensation to me as a result of the Plan. I further acknowledge that the withholding I have requested is not a loss of salary and that I have received in full my entire salary for each pay period during my participation in the Plan.