Bibliography Sample Clauses
Bibliography. Xxxx, X. & Xxxxxxxx, X. A New Reference Grammar of Modern Spanish. London: Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, 1989 (varias eds.). Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxx y escribir correctamente: gramática normativa del español actual. Madrid: Arco/Libros. 2006. Real Academia Española, Asociación de Academias de la Lengua Española. Nueva gramática de la lengua española: Manual. Madrid: Espasa, 2010. Xxxxxxx, M.S. Spanish/English Contrasts: a Course in Spanish Linguistics. Georgetown University Press. 2002. (The Instituto Xxxxxxxxx Didactics Library) (Interactive didactic activities aimed at students of Spanish) (A selection of proverbs and proverbial phrases in Spanish with their equivalents in a range of other languages.) (Diccionario de la Real Academia de la Lengua Española) (Diccionario inglés-español-inglés) Final Grades will be calculated with the following distributive basis in mind: - Regular class attendance: 10% - Classwork undertaken: 15% - Active participation in class sessions: 25% - The successful completion of an assignment based on the prose work, Xxxxxxxxx xx Xxxxxx: 15% - A final exam which will involve testing all Course-content: 35% - Grading on a scale of 10 as maximum: Fail (0-4’9); Pass (5-6’9); Very Good (7- 8’9); Excellent (9); With Distinction (10). Course FA-37 PAINTING IN LITERARY SEVILLE (45 class hours) Lecturer: Xxxx Xxxxx ( Substitute Lecturer: Xxxx Xxxxxx Xxxx (
Bibliography. [9] Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxxx Xxxxxx. Examples of CM curves of genus two defined over the reflex field. LMS J. Comput. Math., 18(1):507– 538, 2015. [10] Xxxxx Xxxxx. Advanced topics in computational number theory, vol- ume 193 of Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, New York, 2000. [11] Xxxxx X. Xxx. Primes of the form x2 +ny2. Pure and Applied Math- ematics (Hoboken). Xxxx Xxxxx & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, second edition, 2013. Xxxxxx, class field theory, and complex multiplication. [12] Xxxxx Xxxxxx. The structure of Galois groups of CM-fields. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., 283(1):1–32, 1984. [13] Xxxxx Xxxxx et al. Echidna algorithms for algebra and geometry experimentation. xxxx://˜xxxxx/ dbs/complex_multiplication2.html. [14] Xxxx X. Xxxxx and Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx. Genus 2 curves with complex multiplication. Int. Math. Res. Not. IMRN, (5):1068–1142, 2012. [15] Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx. Algebraic geometry. Springer-Verlag, New York- Heidelberg, 1977. Graduate Texts in Mathematics, No. 52. [16] Xxxx Xxxxxxx. Diophantische Analysis und Modulfunktionen. Math. Z., 56:227–253, 1952. [17] Pınar Kılı¸cer. Sage packages for computing (non-biquadratic) quartic fields with CM class number one. xxxx://xxx.xxxx. xxxxxxxxxx.xx/˜kilicerp/codes/, 2015. [18] Pınar Kılı¸cer and Xxxxx Xxxxxx. The CM class number one problem for curves of genus 2. xxxx://, 2015. [19] Xxxxx Xxxxx and Xxxxxxxx Xxxx. Construction of XX Xxxxxx curves. [20] Xxxxx Xxxx. Complex multiplication, volume 255 of Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Math- ematical Sciences]. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1983. [21] Xxxxx Xxxx. Algebraic number theory, volume 110 of Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, New York, second edition, 1994. [22] Xxxxx Xxxx. Algebra, volume 211 of Graduate Texts in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, New York, third edition, 2002. [23] St´ephane Louboutin. On the class number one problem for nonnor- mal quartic CM-fields. Tohoku Math. J. (2), 46(1):1–12, 1994. [24] St´ephane Louboutin. CM-fields with cyclic ideal class groups of 2-power orders. J. Number Theory, 67(1):1–10, 1997. [25] St´ephane Louboutin. Explicit upper bounds for residues of Dedekind zeta functions and values of L-functions at s = 1, and explicit lower bounds for relative class numbers of CM-fields. Canad. J. Math., 53(6):1194–1222, 2001. [26] St´ephane Louboutin. Explicit lower bounds for residues at s = 1 of Dedekind ze...
Bibliography. Xxxxxx, X. (1994, Jan). Numerics of Gram-Xxxxxxx Orthogonalization. Linear Algebra and its Applications 197-198, 297–316. Xxxxxxxx, X., X. Dorigo, and G. Theraulaz (1999). Swarm Intelligence: from Natural to Artificial Systems. Number 1. Oxford university press. Xxxxxxx, X.-F., X. X. Xxxxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxxx, and X. X. Xxxxxxxxxxxx (2006). Numerical Optimization: Theoretical and Practical Aspects. Springer Science & Business Media. Xxxx, X. and X. Xxxxxxxxxxxx (2004). Convex Optimization. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press. Xxxxxxx, X. (1996). Bagging Predictors. Machine Learning 24 (2), 123–140. Xxxxxxx, X., X. Friedman, X. X. Xxxxx, and X. X. Xxxxxx (1984). Classification and Regression Trees. CRC press. Xxxxxxxxx, D., X. Xxxxx, X. Xxxxxx, X. X. Xxxxxx, and X. Xxxx (2010). Mirrored Sampling and Sequential Selection for Evolution Strategies. In X. Xxxxxxxx, X. Xxxxx, X. Xxxxxxxxx, and X. Xxxxxxx (Eds.), Proceedings of the 11th inter- national conference on Parallel problem solving from nature: Part I, PPSN’10, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 11–21. Xxxxxxx, X. X. (2003). Radial Basis Functions: Theory and Implementations, Volume 12. Cambridge university press. Xxxxxxxx, X., X. X. X. Xxxxxxxx, and X. Xxxxxx (2013, February). A Framework for Evaluating Approximation Methods for Gaussian Process Regression. X. Xxxx. Learn. Res. 14 (1), 333–350. Xxxx, X. and X. Xxx (2009, March). Bagging for Gaussian Process Regression. Xxxxxxxxx, X. and X. Xxxxxxxxxxx (2013). Fast Computation of the Multi-points Expected Improvement with Applications in Batch Selection. In X. Xxxxxxx and X. Xxxxxxxx (Eds.), Learning and Intelligent Optimization, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 59–69. Springer Berlin Heidelberg. Xxxxxxx, N. (1990). The Origins of Kriging. Mathematical geology 22 (3), 239–252. Xxxxxxx, N. (2015). Statistics for spatial data. Xxxx Xxxxx & Sons.
Bibliography. [Ben83] Xxxxxxx Xxx-Or. Another advantage of free choice (extended ab- stract): Completely asynchronous agreement protocols. In Proceed- ings of the second annual ACM symposium on Principles of distrib- uted computing, pages 27–30. ACM, 1983.
Bibliography. The bibliography below should be seen as an index of those texts which can be made use of by students as a way of delving deeper into the subject-units made available. - ANONYMOUS (Bachiller Revoltoso), 1995 [1750]. Libro de la Gitanería xx Xxxxxx de los años 1740 a 1750 que escribió el bachiller revoltoso para que no se imprimiera. Prólogo y Edición de Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Xxxxxxx. - XXX XXXXXX, X. 2002: “El arte flamenco como campo de producción cultural. Aproximación a sus aspectos sociales”. En Anduli, Revista Andaluza de Ciencias Sociales, nº 1. - BALTANÁS, E. y XXXXXX P. M. 1998: “El flamenco y los gitanos en The Zincali xx Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx”. EN STEINGRESS, X. x X. XXXXXXXX (Eds.) 1998: Flamenco y nacionalismo. Aportaciones para una sociología política del flamenco. Universidad xx Xxxxxxx y Fundación Xxxxxxx. Sevilla, pp. 81-92. - XXXXXXX, M. 2000 [1972]. Ese difícil mundo del flamenco. Universidad xx Xxxxxxx. - XXXXXX, A. M. 1989: “Sobre el campesinado andaluz y el flamenco”. En VV.AA. 1989: Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx. 100 años que murió y aún vive. Ayuntamiento xx Xxxxxxx, pp. 51- 58. - XXXXXX, X.X. 1999: Los Zíncali: los gitanos de España. Madrid. Xxxxxx. - CONSEJERÍA DE TURISMO Y DEPORTE (REGIONAL BOARD OF TOURISM AND SPORT). 2002. Guía del Flamenco de Andalucía. Sevilla, Junta de Andalucía. Incluye 2 CDs. Los archivos de texto y de sonido se puede descargar del sitio: - CRUCES XXXXXX, X. 2004/2002: Más allá de la Música: Antropología y Flamenco (I) y (II). Signatura Ediciones. Sevilla. - CRUCES XXXXXX, X. 2001: Flamenco y Patrimonio. Bienal de Flamenco xx Xxxxxxx. Sevilla.
Bibliography. [Ben83] Xxxxxxx Xxx-Or. Another advantage of free choice (extended ab- stract): Completely asynchronous agreement protocols. In Proceed- ings of the second annual ACM symposium on Principles of distrib- uted computing, pages 27–30. ACM, 1983. [BG89] Xxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxxx X Xxxxx. Asymptotically optimal distributed consensus. Springer, 1989. [BGP89] Xxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxx X. Xxxxx, and Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxx. Towards optimal distributed consensus (extended abstract). In 30th Annual Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, USA, 30 October - 1 November 1989, pages 410–415, 1989. [BT85] Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx and Xxx Xxxxx. Asynchronous consensus and broadcast protocols. Journal of the ACM (JACM), 32(4):824–840, 1985. [DGM+11] Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx. Stabilizing Consensus with the Power of Two Choices. In Proceedings of the Twenty-third Annual ACM Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures, SPAA, June 2011. [DS83] Xxxxx Xxxxx and X. Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx. Authenticated algorithms for byzantine agreement. SIAM Journal on Computing, 12(4):656–666, 1983. [FG03] Xxxxxxxx Xxxxx and Xxxx X Xxxxx. Efficient player-optimal protocols for strong and differential consensus. In Proceedings of the twenty- second annual symposium on Principles of distributed computing, pages 211–220. ACM, 2003.
Bibliography. Keeping in mind the custom in universities in the United States of employing a single text, from our standpoint, the text offering the clearest picture of the subject in hand is: XXXXXX, Xxxxxxx: España en democracia, 1975-2000 (Barcelona: Plaza y Xxxxx), 2001. The book itself contains a bibliographical index which can help those students wishing to amplify information regarding specific subject areas, as well as providing help when carrying out assignments.
Bibliography. Boeing Aerospace Operations, Inc. (Boeing), 1993a. Position Paper 148-156. January 22 , 1993b. Report of Findings, Phase I Building Assessment Building 45. April Brady and Associates, Inc. 1994. Final Environmental Assessment, Moffett Field Comprehensive Use Plan, Moffett Field, California. August Chemical Waste Management Inc., 1993a. Draft Preliminary Site Assessment, Hangar 1, Buildings 32, 33, 83, 118, 119, 120, 347, and 584, Naval Air Station, Moffett Field, California. February 1 , 1993b. Draft Preliminary Site Assessment, Area 8, Buildings I A, 105, 249, 256A, 329, 331, 400. May 17 , 1993c. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment Area 4, Buildings 77, 449, and 454. June 1 , 1993d. Phase I Environmental Assessment, Building 567 Public Works Warehouse, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, California. August 25 , 1993e. Surface Soil Lead Survey, Naval Air Station, Moffett Field California. October 29 , 1994. Naval Weapons Bunkers and Laboratory Declassification Survey, NASA Ames Research Center. January 12 Chou, Joseph, Regional Water Quality Control Board, San Francisco Bay Region, 2000. Personal communication - telephone. Conversation regarding USB and comments and draft EBS. October 4 Department of the Anny (Anny), Headquarters 124th U.S. Anny Reserve Command, 1994. Memorandums discussing Radon Survey Results to USAR Aviation Support Facility 27 and to 3rd BN, 12th Special Forces Group. July 8 Harding ESE, Inc. (Harding ESE, formerly Harding Lawson Associates), 1988. Remedial Investigation Report, Middlefield -Ellis-Whisman Area, Mountain View, California 2000. Draft Air Quality Investigation, 476 and 543, Ames Research Center. July 14 ICF-Clement, 1988. Endangerment Assessment for the Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman Site, Mountain View, California, June 15. Insituform Technologies, Inc. 1997a. BAMSI, Inc. Solicitation #MSSC-C-96-026, Sewer Rehabilitation, Moffett Field, California January , 1997b. DMJM Engineers, NASA Ames Research Center, Repair Sanitary Sewer System, Moffett Field, California. May IT Corporation, 1993. Operable Unit 2 Remedial Investigation Report, Naval Air Station Moffett Field, California Vol. 1. May Iwamura, T.I., 1980. Saltwater Intrusion in the Santa Clara Valley Bay/ands Area, California. Santa Clara Valley Water District. September Locus Technologies, 1999. Remedial Action Report Regional Ground Water Remediation Program Middlefield-Ellis-Whisman Site Mountain View, California. December NASA -ARC, 1989. Memorandum to Steve Brisbin fr...
Bibliography. The Bibliography section lists all referenced documentation used as source material in the compilation of the report. This information can include but is not limited to:
a) criteria, methodology, program scheme documentation;
b) technical reference documentation; and
c) developer documentation used in the evaluation effort. It is critical for the sake of reproducibility that all developer documentation is uniquely identified with the proper release date, and proper version numbers. The following information is provided for inclusion on all certificates issued on behalf of Participants to this Recognition Agreement.
Bibliography. [ABD16] Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, Xxx Xxx, and Xxx Xxxxx. A subfield lattice attack on overstretched NTRU assumptions. In: Springer, 2016, pages 153–178. [AD21] Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx and Xxx Xxxxx. Lattice Attacks on NTRU and LWE: A History of Refinements. In: Compu- tational Cryptography: Algorithmic Aspects of Cryptol- ogy. London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series. Cambridge University Press, 2021, pages 15–40. [ADPS16] Xxxxx Xxxxx, Xxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, and Pe- ter Xxxxxxx. Post-quantum Key Exchange–A New Hope. In: 2016, pages 327–343. [AEN19] Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxx, and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx. Random Lattices: Theory And Practice. Available at xxxxx://xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xx/bin/random_lattice. pdf. 2019. [AFG13] Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx. On the efficacy of solving LWE by reduction to unique-SVP. In: Springer, 2013, pages 293–310. [AGPS20] Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, and Xxxx X. Xxxxxxx. Estimating quan- tum speedups for lattice sieves. In: Springer, 2020, pages 583–613. [AGVW17] Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, and Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Revisiting the expected cost of solving uSVP and applications to LWE. In: International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and Information Security. Springer. 2017, pages 297–322. [Ajt99] Xxxxxx Xxxxx. Generating Hard Instances of the Short Basis Problem. In: ICALP. 1999, pages 1–9. [AKS01] Xxxxxx Xxxxx, Xxxx Xxxxx, and X. Xxxxxxxxx. A sieve algorithm for the shortest lattice vector problem. In: STOC. 2001, pages 601–610. [AL22] Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx and Xxxxxxx Xx. Predicting BKZ Z- Shapes on q-ary Lattices. Cryptology ePrint Archive, Re- port 2022/843. 2022. [Alb+15] Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxx, Xxxx-Xxxxxxx Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx. On the complex- ity of the BKW algorithm on LWE. In: Designs, Codes and Cryptography 74.2 (2015), pages 325–354. [Alb+19] Xxxxxx X. Xxxxxxxx, Xxx Xxxxx, Xxxxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, Xxxxxx X Xxxxxxxxxxxxx, and Xxxx Xxxxxxx. The general sieve kernel and new records in lattice reduction. In: Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Tech- niques. Springer. 2019, pages 717–746. [ALL19] Xxxxxxx Xxxxxx, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxxxx, and Xxxxxxxx Xxxxxxxx. Decoding Challenge. Available at http : / / 2019. [AN17] Xxxxxxxxx Xxxx and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxx. Random xxx- xxxxx revisited: lattice enumeration with discrete prun- in...