Class Hours Sample Clauses
Class Hours. Morning Class is Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:00pm x 12 days. Evening Class is Monday through Friday, 5:30pm to 10:30pm x 14 days. Morning Class-½ hour lunch and 10-15 minute breaks are included Evening Class- One 15 to 20 minute break Clinicals for the Morning and Evening classes are usually held on the 2nd weekend from 6:00am to 2:00pm or 2:30pm to 10:30pm. If there are more than 8 students, clinicals may be split into 2 groups. The final decision will be left to the Administrator or Instructor and is based on the overall needs of the class.
Class Hours. One class hour shall be earned for every 60 minutes spent in a classroom situation.
Class Hours. Graduate Workers who must attend all classes to fulfill their teaching and/or grading responsibilities shall include the meeting periods of the class toward their weekly hourly expectation. Additionally, reasonable preparation time and other activities that occur outside of class shall be included toward Graduate Workers’ weekly hourly expectations. If the Graduate Worker and the Instructor of Record for the class do not agree on whether or not attending classes is necessary, the Graduate Worker’s employment unit will make the final determination.
Class Hours. Preschool is provided every day that teachers are required to report to work, including professional development and teacher work days. A substitute will be hired on required professional development days to supervise the staff children so that the preschool teacher can attend training with the Pegasus team. o Children may be brought to school no earlier than 7:00 a.m. and must be picked up by a designated adult no later than 5:15 p.m. Pegasus established hours are consistent among Pegasus campuses. o Pegasus established hours will be strictly followed. o A late penalty of $1.00 for every minute after 5:15 p.m. will be charged. Parents picking up their child after 5:15 will be sent a xxxx for the “over time.” Checks made out to PfISD (please include in the memo section: Pegasus program/over time) should be sent to Xxxxx Xxxxxxx, SpED Admin. o Consistent failure to pick up on time will result in a referral to the Pegasus Advisory Board for possible dismissal from the program. Parents who do not comply with late fee penalty payment practice face possible dismissal from the Pegasus program. ● Parents must sign their children in and out each day. Please also include the time in and time out for our records. ● Parents are strongly encouraged to have their child at school by 7:35 each day. Children showing up late is a disruption to the class. Please take this into consideration prior to placing your child in the Pegasus program. Breakfast is served upon arrival, and late comers impact breakfast, morning announcements and opening group activities. ● Please note that, during any district required Professional Development or workdays, parents are asked to bring their children no earlier than 7:30 and to pick up no later than 5:15. This should provide both elementary and secondary staff sufficient time for arrival and dismissal from each individual campus. This is a professional courtesy extended towards the Pegasus staff based on the fact that most employees have a slightly later start for their day during this week. Regular school hours begin on PfISD’s official first student start date. ● On “early staff dismissal days” (day before winter break, and the day before summer break) please be mindful and respectful of the Pegasus staff related to child pick up. ● In the event of an “inclement weather day” Pegasus programs will follow the PfISD start time. For example, if employees are to report to work two hours late, role models will begin their day two hours later ...
Class Hours. Morning Class is Monday through Friday, 8:30am to 3:00pm x 10 days. Evening Class is Monday through Friday, 5:30pm to 10:30pm x 12 days. Morning Class-½ hour lunch and 10-15 minute breaks are included Evening Class- One 15 to 20 minute break Classes are scheduled and it is assumed they shall be carried out as such. However, there may be an occasion where illness or other emergencies might attribute to the untimely absence of the Class Instructor. In such instances, at the discretion of the School Administrator, class hours (or clinical hours) may be extended to compensate hours lost. Rarely is this a concern and we certainly do not want to create any type of schedule changes or hardships on our students, so please bear with us should we need to adjust the schedule. Winter months can be unpredictable. When inclement weather conditions occur delays or/closings will be posted on our website class calendar; go to
Class Hours. Childcare is provided on YISD staff development days prior to the start of school and on district staff development days during the school year. To begin and end the day, children must be escorted to/from the classroom by an authorized adult. Children may be brought to the classroom as early as 7:00 a.m. and must be picked up no later than 5:00 p.m. A late fee of $5.00 will be assessed for every 15 minutes child is left after 5:00p.m. A sign in/out sheet will be maintained.
Class Hours. Classes or training sessions may coincide with an employee's regularly scheduled hours of work. The Executive Director may approve a temporary change in the employee's hours of work for attendance purposes, insofar as such flexibility does not inconvenience the department or impair successful completion of the employee's tasks. The Executive Director's decision to allow or disallow temporary changes in working hours is not subject to the grievance and arbitration procedure.
Class Hours. Class is Monday through Thursday, 9:00am to 1:00pm x 16 days. Clinicals are usually held on the 5th week from 6:00am to 2:00pm. If there are more than 8 students, clinicals may be split into 2 groups. The final decision will be left to the Administrator or Instructor and is based on the overall needs of the class.
Class Hours. The timing of the courses shall be set by mutual agreement between Mendocino Community College and Point Arena High School.
Class Hours a. The timing of the courses shall be set by mutual agreement between West Valley College MetroEd.