Local Policies Sample Clauses

Local Policies. Agency offices may adopt dress policies that are tailored to local circumstances and do not create problems for the Agency. These policies may allow for business casual attire in a more expansive manner than the policies established in this Article.
Local Policies. For Spokane’s HAP, an analysis was conducted to assess displacement risks and housing needs. The analysis followed the guidelines in the Washington State Department of Commerce methodology for Housing Action Plans, but key variables were not available for the entire city. An alternative but comparable method was therefore used: the Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) produced by the federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry.57 The intended use of the SVI was for assessing the support levels needed by communities during and after hazardous events. The factors that influence the SVI overlap with the factors that influence displacement, making it a reasonable alternative. Some of these factors include poverty level, income, employment status, race, age, housing type, and housing structure. Source: Spokane Housing Action Plan, p. F-10. July 2021. xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/documents/projects/spokane-housing- action-plan/spokane-housing-action-plan-final-with-appendices-2021-07-26.pdf 56 Washington State Department of Commerce. Guidance for Developing a Housing Action Plan: Public Review Draft, p. 155. xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxx.xx.xxx/Portals/_1976/Documents/housing-resources/ Guidance%20for%20Developing%20a%20Housing%20Action%20Plan_Public%20Review%20Draft_062420.pdf 57 Spokane Housing Action Plan, p. 16. July 2021. xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/documents/projects/spokane- housing-action-plan/spokane-housing-action-plan-final-with-appendices-2021-07-26.pdf‌ Exhibit 19 shows the areas in Spokane that are at the highest risk for displacement compared with the number of dwelling units in that area. Combining the number of units with the risk level gives insight into the potential impact of displacement. Areas with high levels of risk and few housing units do not impact as many people as an area of high risk with many housing units. The HAP further explains how the areas with the highest risk of displacement coincide with areas that were historically redlined. When building housing developments within areas at high risk for displacement, extra efforts should be taken to minimize the risk. An additional factor that may influence the risk for displacement is lead paint exposure. Lead paint is found in many older homes built prior to 1978. Older homes that are in poor condition have the highest risk for lead exposure due to peeling paint. These homes would likely be available to low- income households. Minority families may face discrimination when applying...
Local Policies. Zoning types in Spokane include Residential Agriculture (RA), Residential 1 (R1), Residential 2 (R2), Residential Multifamily (RMF), and Residential High Density (RHD).41 These zones are distinguished by the types of housing allowed and density requirements. RA zones are mainly used for farming and single-unit residences. R1 zones are low-density residential zones; R2 zones are similar, with a slightly higher density goal. RMF zones are residential zones with a higher density than R2 and encourage larger multifamily unit structures, along with smaller-scale multifamily housing. RHD zones are the highest-density zones and allow more multifamily housing, including high-rise apartments. Previously, Spokane had Single-Family Residential (RSF), Residential Single- Family Compact (RSF-C), and Residential Two-Family (RTF) zones, but these were replaced by R1 and R2. Under the BOCA program, attached homes were allowed in all residential zones, with changes in the codes governing existing building coverage, floor area ratio, and height maximums.42 39 Building Opportunity and Choices for All. xxxxx://xx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/housing/building-opportunity/ 40 Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1110. May 2023. xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx.xxx/biennium/2023- 24/Pdf/Bills/Session%20Laws/House/1110-S2.SL.pdf 41 Building Opportunity for Housing Code Amendments, p, 91. November 2023. xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/documents/ projects/shaping-spokane-housing/building-opportunity-for-housing/ord-c36459.pdf 42 Building Opportunity & Choices for All: Interim Zoning Pilot Project. August 2022. xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/documents/housing/building-opportunity/boca-attached-housing-info-sheet.pdf
Local Policies. Westminster has a long history of joint commissioning and service provision in relation to health, social care and housing for adults with learning disabilities, physical disabilities and mental health problems and older people. S75 commissioning agreements have been in place for certain services since 2002, with an overarching agreement in place since 2009.
Local Policies. The Supplier may be required to work with individual Contracting Bodies to develop local policies and advise on best practice in the delivery of a flexible resource service with the aim of increasing Workforce Management effectiveness. Details of specific local policies will be provided to the Supplier by the Contracting Body at the Call Off stage.
Local Policies. The SMC adheres to the state policies of a minimum of four units per lot; however, the HAP suggests raising the minimum to six units per lot.44 Typically, in the lowest-density zones, six units per lot is only permitted in areas close to a major transit stop or if two of the units are affordable housing, so this change would eliminate those requirements. RA and R1 zones have a minimum density of four units per acre, R2 zones have a minimum density of 10 units per acre, and RMF and RHD zones have a minimum density of 15 units per acre. In areas with more than two acres, the maximum density for RA and R1 zones is 10 units per acre, and R2 zones have a maximum of 20 units per acre.45 An emergency ordinance in effect as of January 2024 has temporarily limited the number of units in R1 and R2 zones to four per lot. This ordinance was passed in response to the Federal National Mortgage Association (Xxxxxx Xxx) not allowing mortgages for residential properties with more than four units, and appraisals where there are more than four units are usually considered commercial rather than residential.46 RMF and RHD zones do not have any maximum density standards. Density is calculated by dividing the lot area by the minimum unit area. If this calculation results in a fraction, the allowed density rounds up to the next whole number.47 If the calculated density is 5.3, the density allowed would be 6. In addition to density regulations, there are also regulations for building coverage. Primary and accessory structures cannot exceed 65% of the lot area in R1 zones, 80% in R2 zones, and 100% in RMF and RHD zones.48 Bonuses for coverage maximums may be given (1) if the housing development is within 43 Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1110. May 2023 pp. 9–11. xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx.xxx/biennium/2023- 24/Pdf/Bills/Session%20Laws/House/1110-S2.SL.pdf 44 Spokane Housing Action Plan, p. 6. July 2021. xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/documents/projects/spokane- housing-action-plan/spokane-housing-action-plan-final-with-appendices-2021-07-26.pdf 45 Building Opportunity for Housing Code Amendments, p. 102. November 2023. xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/ documents/projects/shaping-spokane-housing/building-opportunity-for-housing/ord-c36459.pdf 46 Special Meeting Notice/Agenda of the Spokane City Council, pp. 37–38. December 2023. xxxxx://xxxxxx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/documents/citycouncil/special-notices/2023/12/special-notice-city-council-Special- Legislative-Session-2023-12-14.pdf ...
Local Policies. In line with state recommendations, Spokane has an online permit system.65 Online systems are more efficient because no transportation time is needed and any permit progress updates can be easily accessed. Another way to streamline permit processes would be to eliminate the design review part or conduct an administrative design review instead of a full design review. The purpose of a design review is to see if the proposed building matches the aesthetic and standards of the surrounding existing buildings.
Local Policies. Maximizing affordable housing is one way to mitigate economic displacement by limiting potential increases in housing costs. In Spokane, to maximize the availability of affordable housing, surplus public property may be disposed of to build affordable housing units.62 Another avenue for creating more affordable housing is to enact an affordable housing levy. The levy is an additional property tax based on the value of the property.63 The levy proceeds are used to finance housing for very low-income households. A multifamily tax exemption (MFTE) is another avenue to increase affordable housing and encourage the development of multifamily units. New multifamily units are able to defer taxes for 8 or 12 years, depending on how many units are 58 Ibid, p. F-15. 59 Washington State Department of Commerce. Housing Trust Fund. xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xxx/building- infrastructure/housing/housing-trust-fund/ 60 Washington State Department of Commerce. Housing Preservation Program. xxxxx://xxx.xxxxxxxx.xx.xxx/building-infrastructure/housing/housing-preservation-program/ 61 Washington State Department of Commerce. Operations and Maintenance Program.‌ 62 Spokane Municipal Code, Title 12, Ch. 12.10. xxxxx://xx.xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx/smc/?Section=12.10.060 63 Master Builders Association of King and Snohomish Counties. MBAKS Housing Toolkit, p. 7. March 2024. xxxxx://xxx.xxxxx.xxx/docs/default-source/documents/advocacy/issue-briefs/mbaks-housing-toolkit.pdf designated for low-income households. This approach has been employed by the Cities of Everett and Marysville to encourage the development of multifamily housing.
Local Policies. In the City of Spokane, the nine middle housing building types specified in the GMA, as well as single-unit residential buildings and ADUs, are permitted on most residentially zoned lots, excluding the RA zone, which is a lower-intensity residential agricultural zone only permitting single-unit homes and ADUs. Prior to recent housing regulation changes, the majority of Spokane only permitted single-unit homes and smaller ADUs, limiting housing options. With the expanded housing options, there are a number of ways a homeowner can add more units to their property. The most common way is through the addition of an ADU. ADUs are permitted in rear setbacks of a property and have utilities extending from the primary home on the property, making them ideal for smaller backyards. Currently there is a maximum of one ADU per lot, with City staff anticipating the allowance of a second ADU by 2026 to comply with state legislation. In addition to ADUs, which by their name are accessory to the lot, typical standalone units may also be built. Recent regulations allow at least four units on most residential lots in the city. For a property with an existing home on the lot, these additional units can look like a detached unit outside of the rear setback, a duplex or triplex, or an attached unit to the existing home. While allowing for flexibility, different housing types have different building and engineering requirements that prospective builders should consider before deciding on a project. 49 Ibid, pp. 109–110. 50 Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill 1110. May 2023, p. 11. xxxxx://xxxxxxxxxxx.xxx.xx.xxx/biennium/2023- 24/Pdf/Bills/Session%20Laws/House/1110-S2.SL.pdf
Local Policies. Until a systemwide pPolicy is established, local policies and guidelines shall control, where applicable. References to “Policy” in this Article shall refer to these local policies, until local policies are superseded by the systemwide pPolicy.