BIOLOGY Sample Clauses
BIOLOGY. The following courses can be used to fulfill the lower division requirements for NDNU's Biology major NOTRE DAME SKYLINE Cellular & Organic Biology BY 001A + B BIOL 110 + 215 Trigonomety & Analytic Geometry MA 015 MATH 130 Calculus 1 or Applied Calculus or Statistics MA 020A, 022, 102 MATH 241 - 253 General Chemistry CH 002A + B CHEM 210 + 220 Physics 2 Series (non Calculus) PHY 002 A + B PHYS 210 + 220 Physics 4 Series (Calculus required) PHY 004 A + B PHYS 211 + 221 Organic Chemistry (Recommended to take at NDNU) CH 117 A + B CHEM 234 + 235 Please note: You do not need to complete all of these requirements before transferring to Notre Dame de Namur University.
BIOLOGY. The following courses can be used to fulfill the lower division requirements for Notre Dame de Namur University's Day Biology major Calculus 1 or Applied Calculus or Statistics 3 MA 20A, 22, 102 MATH 3A, 12 or 10 General Biology: Cellular & Organic 8 BY 1A, 1B BIO 41 + 42, 43 General Chemistry 8 CH 2A + 2B CHEM 1A + 1B Organic Chemistry 8 CH 117A, 117B CHEM 12A + 12B (Recommended to take at NDNU) Physics 2 Series (non Calculus) 8 PHY 2A, 2B or PHY 2A + 2B Physics 4 Series (Calculus required) PHY 4A, 4B No Equivalent courses Trigonometry & Analytic Geometry 3 MA 15 MATH 2 BUSINESS: The following courses can be used to fulfill the lower division requirements for Notre Dame de Namur University's Day Business major College Algebra 3 MA 014 MATH 1 Computer Science 3 GB 008 / CS 008 Any 3 unit CIS programming courses Financial Accounting 3 AC 003 ACCTG 10 Introduction to Business 3 GB 001 BUS 51 Macroeconomics 3 EC 001A ECON 1A Managerial Accounting 3 AC 004 ACCTG 11 Microeconomics 3 EC 001B ECON 1B Statistics 3 EC 102 / MA 102 MATH 10
BIOLOGY. The following courses can be used to fulfill the lower division requirements for NDNU's Biology major NOTRE DAME CANADA Completed Cellular & Organic Biology BIO 1101 + 1103 BIOL 225 + 230 General Chemistry CHE 1202 + 1204 CHEM 210 + 220 Organic Chemistry (Recommended to take at NDNU) CHE 2203 + 2205 CHEM 234 + 235 Calculus 1 or Applied Calculus or Statistics MTH 1233, 1320 or 2502 MATH 200, 241, 242 Physics 2 Series (non Calculus) PHY 1003 + 1205 PHYS 210 + 220 Physics 4 Series (Calculus required) PHY 1304 + 1306 PHYS 250 + 260 Please note: You do not need to complete all of these requirements before transferring to Notre Dame de Namur University.
BIOLOGY i. Biology Cera Lab Assistant
ii. Biology Cera- Summer Restoration Intern iii. Biology Greenhouse Summer Technical Assistant iv. Biology Greenhouse Technical Assistant v. Biology Lab Technical Assistant vi. Biology Leader
BIOLOGY. The following courses can be used to fulfill the lower division requirements for NDNU's Biology major Cellular & Organic Biology BIO 1101 + 1103 General Chemistry CHE 1202 + 1204 Organic Chemistry (Recommended to take at NDNU) CHE 2203 + 2205 Calculus 1 or Applied Calculus or Statistics MTH1320, 1233 or 2502 Physics 2 Series (non Calculus) PHY 1003 + 1205 Physics 4 Series (Calculus required) PHY 1304 + 1306 Please note: You do not need to complete all of these requirements before transferring to Notre Dame de Namur University.
BIOLOGY. 5.1 UCSB will continue to implement a general buffer of 100’ from all Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Areas (XXXX) including wetlands, excluding all development entitled or otherwise agreed to prior to the effective date of this Agreement for which a lesser setback is allowed.
5.2 The buffer identified in 5.1 of this Agreement may be reduced if conditions occur where structures, developments, or roadways currently exist within the 100’ setback boundary as noted in Attachment A: Wetland Boundary Map. Should UCSB redevelop within areas identified in Attachment A, the following conditions will be met:
a. the proposed buffer will be reduced to the edge boundary of the existing developed area, unless the new development may be feasibly sited to expand the buffer, in which case the buffer shall be as close to 100’ as is feasible;
b. Whenever the buffer is less than 100’, UCSB shall create, enhance and/or restore native habitat in permanently protected areas at a 3-to-1 ratio. For example, if an existing structure is 50’ from a wetland and may only be feasibly redeveloped in this location, UCSB will calculate the square foot area which would have constituted a 100’ buffer and create, enhance and/or restore native habitat 3 times that area in another location deemed appropriate for such habitat;
c. In no instance will any redevelopment further encroach upon the existing setback distance and in no instance will areas that are currently undeveloped within the buffer be developed;
d. All buffers shall be managed and maintained as a riparian and/or wetland habitat buffer zone to provide adequate and continuing buffer functions throughout the life of the development, including specific conditions achieving these standards and ensuring no significant disruption of habitat values; and
e. Pedestrian and bicycle trails may be allowed within the buffers, provided that adequate protection for natural resource values can be provided and implemented.
5.3 As a priority action, UCSB shall take all feasible measures to:
a. avoid construction of new or replacement structures within the setback identified in Section 5.1 of this Agreement; and
b. avoid new construction, including roads in new alignments, within undisturbed habitat in XXXX or in currently undisturbed or undeveloped buffer areas.
5.4 Wetland restoration, including re-establishment of tidal circulation, on the UCSB campus will be investigated as a possible carbon sequestration project providing carbon offsets for cam...
BIOLOGY. The following courses can be used to fulfill the lower division requirements for NDNU's Biology Major
BIOLOGY. Environmental Geoscientists specifically address the effect of biota on Earth systems and vice versa. Environmental Geoscience students should master biology competencies at a science-major level.
Competency 1: Scientific Investigation Competency 2: Scientific literature Competency 3: Cell structure and function Competency 4: Energy transfer within biological systems Competency 5: Introduction to molecular genetics Competency 6: Basic principles of inheritance Competency 7: Evolution and natural selection Competency 8: Hierarchical organization of life Competency 9: Basic biochemistry See Appendix G: Competencies for Preparation in the Principles of Biology.
BIOLOGY. Section 7 (Federal Endangered Species Act) Consultation Findings (Effect determination) No Effect May Affect, Not Likely to Adversely Affect. If applicable, FWS Concurrence Date: If applicable, NMFS Concurrence Date: _ May Affect, Likely to Adversely Affect. If so, FWS Biological Opinion Date: NMFS Biological Opinion Date: Programmatic Biological Opinion held by Partner Agency; File Number Date • Essential Fish Habitat (Xxxxxxxx-Xxxxxxx Act) Findings (Effect determination): No Effect No Adverse Effect Adverse Effect and consultation with NMFS
BIOLOGY. The consultant will obtain and review existing information to identify the potential biological resources that may be associated with the proposed project. The biologist will conduct a reconnaissance survey of the project area and identify potential resource issues, including sensitive species habitat, waters of the United States (including wetlands), and sensitive natural communities (e.g., riparian communities). The PEAR will summarize the information obtained during the pre- field investigation and describe existing conditions. The PEAR will identify specific studies or focused surveys needed, any timing issues for conducting the surveys, and any required permits, agreements, or approvals that will be necessary to comply with local, state, and federal regulations. The effect of any potential mitigation on the project scope, cost, or schedule will be identified. Mitigation costs will be estimated at an order of magnitude level. If any sensitive biological resources are located in or adjacent to the project area, they will be mapped on the provided base map.