BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. The Union shall be provided with bulletin board space at each school to post notices and other Union materials. The Union may also place union notices and other union materials in teachers’ mailboxes. The Union shall be responsible for the posting and placing of such materials and contents thereof.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. 9.1 The ASSOCIATION and its representatives shall have the right to put notices and matters of ASSOCIATION concern on teacher's bulletin boards; at least one shall be provided in each building.
9.2 The Executive Board of the ASSOCIATION shall have the right to place notices, circulars, and other material in the teachers' mailboxes, provided that such materials shall not relate to any State, local or national political matter of a non-educational nature, or any partisan political electioneering material. The ASSOCIATION shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the material is not slanderous, libelous, or in any way flagrantly harmful to the school, its staff, or any other individual or group. Any materials will be in good taste. Copies of all materials distributed to the general membership, exclusive of material distributed to the Executive Board shall be given to building principals and the Superintendent, but their approval will not be required.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. 9.1 The ASSOCIATION and its representatives shall have the right to put notices and matters of ASSOCIATION concern on teacher's bulletin boards; at least one shall be provided in each building.
9.2 The Executive Board of the ASSOCIATION shall have the right to place notices, circulars, and other material in the teachers' mailboxes, provided that such materials shall not relate to any State, local or national political matter of a non-educational nature, or any partisan political electioneering material. The ASSOCIATION shall take all reasonable steps to ensure that the material is not slanderous, libelous, or in any way flagrantly harmful to the school, its staff, or any other individual or group.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. 28 The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association concern on 29 appropriate bulletin board spaces located in such places as the Staff Dining Room, Library, Administration 30 Building, Part-Time Faculty workroom, Staff Development, and in or adjacent to each division office. In 31 addition, the Association shall have the right to post these notices electronically through the District’s 32 intranet facilities.
1 The Association may use the District mail service and faculty mailboxes for communications to Faculty. All 2 postings for bulletin boards or items for school mailboxes shall contain the date of posting or distribution, 3 and the identification of the Association together with a designated authorization by the Association 4 officer. A copy of such postings or distributions will be delivered to the Superintendent or designee, at 5 the same time as posting or distribution. The Association agrees to abide by Federal and State laws.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. The Association shall have access to distribute material through the teachers' mailboxes and shall have access to an assigned section of the bulletin board in the teachers' lounges for posting of notices of Association meetings, Association elections, and materials of professional interest to teachers.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. The Association shall have the right to distribute materials in each District facility and the right to use the District’s internal mail service, provided that such materials relate to legitimate Association business and do not expose the District to any legal liability. Further, the Association shall have a bulletin board in the Teachers’ Lounge in each District facility. The Association agrees to keep these bulletin boards orderly and well-maintained.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. 1. Bulletin Boards The Council shall continue to be provided bulletin board space for the posting of notices and other materials relating to Council activities.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. 15 The MTEA shall be free to use teacher mailboxes for the distribution of its communications.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. The Association shall have the right to post notices of activities and matters of Association business on billboards designated by the District. The Association may use the employee mailboxes for communicating with the employees, provided that the communications are either of an informational nature, or are related to Association business, and are not of a political nature.
BULLETIN BOARDS AND MAILBOXES. Bulletin boards shall be provided in all schools to be utilized by the Union for the posting of official union business. A copy of each notice will be presented to the principal or the person in charge before it is posted on the bulletin board. The Union and its COPE Committee shall be allowed to utilize school mailboxes for the distribution of official union business. No literature that endorses a candidate for office shall be distributed by the Union or its COPE Committee in school mailboxes. Campaign literature that is the legitimate business of the Union or of its COPE Committee may be distributed in school mailboxes. The District shall maintain a mailbox for the Union at the Office of the Superintendent. It is further understood that only a duly authorized building representative will assume the responsibility for posting or distributing official material for the Union.