Business Services Activities Sample Clauses

Business Services Activities. Subrecipient will provide the following activities and deliverables consistent with WIOA Section 20 678.435 that includes, but is not limited to:
Business Services Activities. SUBRECIPIENT to provide quality services to meet the needs of Business in Orange County Development Board Region these services shall be provided with the highest level of individualized client service support. The job openings should reflect the needs of the enrolled WIOA customers and take into consideration the need of those exiting training. The following activities are required: Activity Deliverables/Measured Outcome Customized assistance or referral for the development of a registered apprenticeship program. Submit summary of activities at minimum quarterly and/or as new projects are established. On-site recruitment events for targeted businesses in the OC Region’s High Demand Industries: Advanced Manufacturing, Health Care, Information Technology and Hospitality & Tourism. At minimum four (4) times a month (2 at each OS) and upon request. SUBRECIPIENT shall utilize On-the-Job- Training (OJT) as a means for job placement. OJTs provide immense benefit for employers and job seekers alike. OJTS are both a business service and a career counselor responsibility. 1/2 of the Work-Based Training Budget shall be expended quarterly for OJTs/CTs. SUBRECIPIENT shall have current, relevant and useful labor market information as contained in the annual Workforce Indicators Report,, and other available data provider from the OCDB available for businesses. Submit Quarterly report on how the data is used. Provide State and/or federally generated information on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) to businesses. Submit Quarterly event/activity/ name of business. Conduct workshops i.e. tax credit, tax incentives, payroll tax incentives. Submit Quarterly event/activity/ name of business. Manage incumbent worker training programs or other worker up skilling approaches. Submit quarterly reports on activities/status. Connect businesses to other resources to address other business needs that cannot be funded with resources provided under this Act. Submit quarterly reports on activities/status.
Business Services Activities. Subrecipient in partnership with the County of Orange Community Investment Division Business Solutions team shall refer Businesses to the County to provide quality services to meet the business needs in the Orange County Workforce System. These services shall be provided with the highest level of individualized client service support. The job openings should reflect the needs of the enrolled WIOA customers and take into consideration the need of those exiting training. The following activities are required: a. CalJOBS Assistance- Subrecipient in partnership with the Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team, shall refer all business requiring assistance to register for the California Job Open Browse System (CalJOBS) to the Business Solutions team. CalJOBS is free available to all Businesses looking to find quality talent. Subrecipient shall refer Businesses to the County to provide technical assistance to businesses registering, posting job openings, recruiting talent, and find available business resources on CalJOBS. All interest from businesses for CalJOBS assistance shall be directed to the Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team. b. Apprenticeship- Subrecipient, in partnership with the Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team, shall refer Businesses to the County to provide businesses customized assistance on information and the creation of apprenticeship programs. All interest from businesses for apprenticeship opportunities shall be directed to the Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team. c. Career Pathway Programs- Subrecipient, in partnership with the County of Orange Community Investment Division Business Solutions team, shall refer Businesses to the County to inquire about a business’s interest and/or ability to assist with Career Pathway programs, including job shadowing, work experience sites, mentoring, speaking engagements, and employer focus groups. All interest from businesses for Career Pathway Programs shall be directed to the Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team. d. On-the-Job-Training (OJT)- Subrecipient, in partnership with Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions Team, shall refer Businesses to the County to work with the Business Solutions team to place County determined targeted populations ...
Business Services Activities. Subrecipient in partnership with the County of Orange Community Investment Division Business Solutions team shall provide quality services to meet the business needs in the Orange County North & South Regions. These services shall be provided with the highest level of individualized client service support. The job openings should reflect the needs of the enrolled WIOA customers and take into consideration the need of those exiting training. The following activities are required: a. CalJOBS Assistance- SubrecipientSubrecipient in partnership with the County of Orange Community Investment Division Business Solutions team, shall refer all business requiring provide assistance to all Business to register for the California Job Open Browse System (CalJOBS) to the Business Solutions team. CalJOBS is free available to all Businesses looking to find quality talent. Subrecipient shall provide technical assistance to businesses’ registering, posting job openings, recruiting talent, and find available business resources on CalJOBS. All interest from b Businesses for CalJOBS assistance shall be directed to the County of Orange Community Investment Division Business Solutions team.
Business Services Activities. SUBRECIPIENT provide quality services to meet the needs of Business in Orange County Development Board Region these services shall be provided with the highest level of individualized client service support. The following activities are required: Activity Measured Outcome Deliverable/Report Customized assistance or referral for assistance in the development of a registered apprenticeship program. Submit summary of activities Quarterly (and/or as new projects are established Customized recruitment events for targeted industries such as Manufacturing, Health Care, and IT. At minimum four (4) times a month (2 at each OS) and upon request Quarterly Shall have current, relevant and useful labor market information as contained in the annual Workforce Indicators Report,, and other available data provider from the OCDB available for businesses Submit report on how the data is used. Quarterly Provide State and/or federally generated information on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) to businesses Submit report on event/activity name of business Quarterly Conduct workshops i.e. tax credit, tax incentives, payroll tax incentives Submit report on event/activity including name of business in attendance Utilizing the OCDB network of vocational, educational and technical schools, SUBRECIPIENT shall connect businesses to education providers that can meet their training needs for new and existing employees Submit report on activities/status Quarterly Manage incumbent worker training programs or other worker up skilling approaches Submit report on activities/status Quarterly Connect businesses to other resources to address other business needs that cannot be funded with resources provided under this Act Submit report on activities/status Quarterly
Business Services Activities. SUBRECIPIENT to provide quality services to meet the business needs in the Orange County Region. These services shall be provided with the highest level of individualized client service support. The job openings should reflect the needs of the enrolled WIOA customers and take into consideration the need of those exiting training. The following activities are required: Conduct at least two (2) regional job fairs, determined by the County of Orange, at no cost to the clients and focused on high growth occupations and industries to meet the needs of cities/communities and employers. Schedule, with County of Orange concurrence, a minimum of 2 job fairs. Customized assistance or referral for the development of a registered apprenticeship program. Submit summary of activities with the monthly report and/or as new projects are established. On-site recruitment events for targeted businesses in the OC Region’s High Demand Industries: Advanced Manufacturing, Health Care, Information Technology and Hospitality & Tourism. At minimum four (4) times a month and upon request. SUBRECIPIENT shall utilize On-the-Job-Training (OJT) as a means for job placement. OJTs provide immense benefit for employers and job seekers alike. OJTS are both a business service and a career counselor responsibility. 1/2 of the Work-Based Training Budget shall be expended quarterly for OJTs/CTs. SUBRECIPIENT shall have current, relevant and useful labor market information as contained in the annual Workforce Indicators Report,, and other available data provider from the County of Orange available for businesses. Submit monthly report on how the data is used. A template will be provided by the County of Orange. Provide State and/or federally generated information on the American with Disabilities Act (ADA) to businesses. Submit monthly event/activity/ name of business. A template will be provided by the County of Orange. Conduct workshops i.e. tax credit, tax incentives, payroll tax incentives. Submit monthly event/activity/ name of business. A template will be provided by the County of Orange. Manage incumbent worker training programs or other worker up skilling approaches. Submit monthly reports on activities/status. A template will be provided by the County of Orange.
Business Services Activities. The County will provide the following activities and deliverables consistent with WIOA Section 20 678.435 that includes, but is not limited to:
Business Services Activities. Subrecipient in partnership with the County of Orange Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team shall refer Businesses to the County to provide quality services to meet the business needs in the Orange County Workforce System. These services shall be provided with the highest level of individualized client service support. The job openings should reflect the needs of the enrolled WIOA customers and take into consideration the need of those exiting training. The following activities are required: a. CalJOBS Assistance- Subrecipient in partnership with the Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team, shall refer all business requiring assistance to register for the California Job Open Browse System (CalJOBS) to the Business Solutions team. CalJOBS is free available to all Businesses looking to find quality talent. Subrecipient shall refer Businesses to the County to provide technical assistance to businesses registering, posting job openings, recruiting talent, and find available business resources on CalJOBS. All interest from businesses for CalJOBS assistance shall be directed to the Orange County Workforce and Economic Development Division Business Solutions team.
Business Services Activities. Subrecipient in partnership with the County of Orange Community Investment Division Business Solutions team shall provide quality services to meet the business needs in the Orange County North & South Regions. These services shall be provided with the highest level of individualized client service support. The job openings should reflect the needs of the enrolled WIOA customers and take into consideration the need of those exiting training. The following activities are required: a. CalJOBS Assistance- Subrecipient in partnership with the County of Orange Community Investment Division Business Solutions team, shall refer all business requiring assistance to register for the California Job Open Browse System (CalJOBS) to the Business Solutions

Related to Business Services Activities

  • The Services The HSP agrees to provide the Services on the terms and conditions of this PFA including all of its Appendices and schedules.