Central Dispatch Sample Clauses
Central Dispatch. Each Participant which owns or operates PTF or other transmission facilities rated 69 kV or above shall, to the fullest extent practicable, subject all such transmission facilities owned or operated by it to central dispatch by the System Operator; provided, however, that each Participant shall at all times be the sole judge as to whether or not and to what extent safety requires that at any time any of such facilities will be operated at less than their full capability or not at all.
Central Dispatch. Subject to the following sentence, each Participant shall, to the fullest extent practicable, subject all generating facilities and other resources owned or controlled by it to central dispatch by the System Operator; provided, however, that each Participant shall at all times be the sole judge as to whether or not and to what extent safety requires that at any time any of such facilities will be operated at less than full capacity or not at all. Each Participant may remove from central dispatch a generating facility or other resources owned or controlled by it if and to the extent such removal is permitted by rules and standards approved by the Management Committee.
Central Dispatch. The Market Participant shall, to the extent scheduled or otherwise obligated under the ISO New England Operating Documents, either individually or through the Second Restated NEPOOL Agreement, as provided therein, subject each of the Assets it owns or operates to central dispatch by the ISO, provided, however, that each Market Participant shall at all times be the sole judge as to whether or not and to what extent safety requires that at any time any of such Assets will be operated at less than their full capacity or not at all.
Central Dispatch. 155 13.3 Maintenance and Repair....................................156 13.4 Objectives of Day-to-Day System Operation.................157 13.5 Satellite Membership......................................158
Central Dispatch. Members of the Bargaining Unit shall not be responsiblein any aspect for finding replacements.
Central Dispatch. 1. The Licensee, in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3 and 4, shall schedule and issue direct instructions for:
(a) the dispatch of all available generation units of each Generator in the State which:
(i) are required to be subject to such scheduling and dispatch instructions under the terms of any licence granted under Section 14(1) of the Act as amended; or
(ii) are agreed by any such Generator to be subjected to such scheduling and dispatch instructions; and
(b) managing Interconnector flows.
2. The Licensee shall schedule and issue direct instructions for the dispatch of such generation units and Interconnector transfers as have been nominated to generate or transfer electricity:
(a) in accordance with the Trading and Settlement Code; and
(b) thereafter, taking account of the factors referred to in paragraph 3 as will in aggregate be sufficient to match at all times demand taking account of information provided by electricity undertakings, together with an appropriate margin of reserve.
3. The factors referred to in paragraph 2 shall be:
(a) forecast demand;
(b) technical constraints from time to time imposed on the total system or any part or parts thereof;
(c) the dynamic operating characteristics of available generation units and Interconnector transfers;
(d) forecast exports and imports of electricity across any Interconnector;
(e) transmission losses;
(f) the Operating Security Standard referred to in Condition 17 of this Licence;
(g) all information contained in each generator’s ex-ante generation unit nomination and required under the Trading and Settlement Code; and
(h) other matters provided for in the Grid Code.
4. Having regard to information provided to it by electricity undertakings (including as to forecast levels of electricity demand and availability of generation capacity) to forecast levels of electricity available to be transferred to the State across any Interconnector or to be exported from the State across any Interconnector, and to the requirements of the approved Operating System Security standards referred to in paragraph 1 of Condition 17, the Licensee shall undertake operational planning:
(a) to facilitate in the matching of generation output (including a reserve of generation to provide a security margin of generation availability) with forecast demand after taking into account of inter alia:
(i) constraints from time to time imposed by technical limitations on the transmission system or any part thereof; and
(ii) electricity d...
Central Dispatch. The Licensee shall, in conjunction with the Northern Ireland System Operator, schedule SEM Generation and ensure that direct instructions for the dispatch of SEM Generation are issued in accordance with paragraphs 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Central Dispatch. 191 15.4 Maintenance and Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .191 15.5 Additions to or Upgrades of PTF. . . . . . . . . . . . . .192
Central Dispatch. 148 13.3 Maintenance and Repair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149 13.4 Objectives of Day-to-Day System Operation. . . . . . . . .149 13.5 Satellite Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .150
Central Dispatch. 1. The Licensee shall present all generation units available to the Central Dispatch of the Transmission System Operator, when the Central Dispatch is required under the Grid Code and Market Rules.
2. The Licensee shall provide the Transmission System Operator with all information required to enable them to operate the Central Dispatch system, at any time and in the manner provided by the Grid Code. In this Article: