Inspection and Verification The Collateral Agent and such Persons as the Collateral Agent may reasonably designate shall have the right, subject to compliance with Section 5.09 of the Credit Agreement, to inspect the Collateral, all records related thereto (and to make extracts and copies from such records) and the premises upon which any of the Collateral is located, to discuss the Grantors' affairs with the officers of the Grantors and their independent accountants and to verify under reasonable procedures the validity, amount, quality, quantity, value, condition and status of, or any other matter relating to, the Collateral, including, in the case of Accounts or Collateral in the possession of any third person, by contacting Account Debtors or the third person possessing such Collateral for the purpose of making such a verification; provided, however, that representatives of the Grantors shall be entitled to -------- ------- participate in such discussions. The Collateral Agent shall have the absolute right to share any information it gains from such inspection or verification with any Secured Party.
Search, Enquiry, Investigation, Examination And Verification a. The Property is sold on an “as is where is basis” subject to all the necessary inspection, search (including but not limited to the status of title), enquiry (including but not limited to the terms of consent to transfer and/or assignment and outstanding charges), investigation, examination and verification of which the Purchaser is already advised to conduct prior to the auction and which the Purchaser warrants to the Assignee has been conducted by the Purchaser’s independent legal advisors at the time of execution of the Memorandum. b. The intending bidder or the Purchaser is responsible at own costs and expenses to make and shall be deemed to have carried out own search, enquiry, investigation, examination and verification on all liabilities and encumbrances affecting the Property, the title particulars as well as the accuracy and correctness of the particulars and information provided. c. The Purchaser shall be deemed to purchase the Property in all respects subject thereto and shall also be deemed to have full knowledge of the state and condition of the Property regardless of whether or not the said search, enquiry, investigation, examination and verification have been conducted. d. The Purchaser shall be deemed to have read, understood and accepted these Conditions of Sale prior to the auction and to have knowledge of all matters which would have been disclosed thereby and the Purchaser expressly warrants to the Assignee that the Purchaser has sought independent legal advice on all matters pertaining to this sale and has been advised by his/her/its independent legal advisor of the effect of all the Conditions of Sale. e. Neither the Assignee nor the Auctioneer shall be required or bound to inform the Purchaser of any such matters whether known to them or not and the Purchaser shall raise no enquiry, requisition or objection thereon or thereto.
E-Verification The Vendor represents and warrants that it will ensure its compliance with the Mississippi Employment Protection Act of 2008, and will register and participate in the status verification system for all newly hired employees. Mississippi Code Annotated §§71-11-1 et seq. The term “employee” as used herein means any person that is hired to perform work within the State of Mississippi. As used herein, “status verification system” means the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigration Responsibility Act of 1996 that is operated by the United States Department of Homeland Security, also known as the E-Verify Program, or any other successor electronic verification system replacing the E-Verify Program. Vendor agrees to maintain records of such compliance. Upon request of the State and after approval of the Social Security Administration or Department of Homeland Security when required, Vendor agrees to provide a copy of each such verification. Vendor further represents and warrants that any person assigned to perform services hereafter meets the employment eligibility requirements of all immigration laws. The breach of this agreement may subject Vendor to the following: termination of this contract for goods or services and ineligibility for any state or public contract in Mississippi for up to three (3) years with notice of such cancellation/termination being made public; the loss of any license, permit, certification, or other document granted to Vendor by an agency, department or governmental entity for the right to do business in Mississippi for up to one (1) year; or,
Medical Verification The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence if the Town perceives the employee is abusing sick leave or has used an excessive amount of sick leave. The Town may require medical verification of an employee’s absence to verify that the employee is able to return to work with or without restrictions.
MEASUREMENT AND VERIFICATION The goal of this task is to report the benefits resulting from this project. • Enter into agreement with M&V subcontractor per Task 1.9 • Coordinate site visits with the M&V subcontractor at the demonstration site • Develop M&V protocol for pre-installation measurement and calculations following Section II.B.2 of the grant solicitation manual3: o Electric, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (use appropriate emissions factor from Attachment 8 of the grant solicitation manual) of the equipment/process/system(s)/sub-system(s) that are be upgraded and/or replaced and/or modified; and o If necessary, ensure installation of sub-metering equipment and data loggers for pre/post data analysis. • Prepare and provide a detailed Measurement and Verification Plan to include but not be limited to: o A description of the monitoring equipment and instrumentation which will be used; o A description of the key input parameters and output metrics which will be measured; o A description of the M&V protocol and analysis methods to be employed; and o A description of the independent, third-party measurement and verification services to be employed. • Perform three months (or shorter period as approved in writing by the CAM) of pre- installation measurements and calculations, based on the M&V protocol for pre-install • Prepare and provide a Pre-Installation Measurement and Verification Findings Report which includes M&V protocol, pre-install measurements (and calculations), analysis, and results performed in this task. • Develop M&V protocol for post-installation measurements (and calculations) of: o Electric, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions (use appropriate emissions factor from Attachment 8 of the grant solicitation manual) of the equipment/process/system(s)/sub-system(s) that will be upgraded and/or replaced and/or modified Perform 12 months (or shorter period as approved in writing by the CAM) of post- installation measurements based on M&V protocol for post-installation. • Provide a summary of post-installation M&V progress in Progress Report(s) (see subtask 1.5) which shall include but not be limited to: o A narrative on operational highlights from the reporting period, including any stoppages in operation and why; and o A summary of M&V findings from the reporting period. • Analyze post-installation electrical, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. • Prepare and provide a Post-Installation Measurement and Verification Findings Report that includes M&V protocol, pre and post install measurements and calculations, analysis, and results performed in this task. Results should at a minimum report on the reduction of electricity, natural gas and/or other fossil fuel usage and reductions of greenhouse gas emissions that directly result from this project.
SUBCONTRACTOR REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS Any Contractor representations or certifications set forth in this Contract shall apply to subcontractors (at any tier) and Contractor shall not utilize any subcontractors (at any tier) who cannot provide such representations or certifications, excepting the certification to be registered with Washington’s Statewide Payee Desk, unless Purchaser will pay such subcontractor directly.
Third Party Verification 4.8.1 The SPD shall be further required to provide entry to the site of the Power Project free of all encumbrances at all times during the Term of the Agreement to SECI and a third Party nominated by any Indian Governmental Instrumentality for inspection and verification of the works being carried out by the SPD at the site of the Power Project. 4.8.2 The third party may verify the construction works/operation of the Power Project being carried out by the SPD and if it is found that the construction works/operation of the Power Project is not as per the Prudent Utility Practices, it may seek clarifications from SPD or require the works to be stopped or to comply with the instructions of such third party.
Inspection and Testing Each Constructing Entity shall cause inspection and testing of the Interconnection Facilities that it constructs in accordance with the provisions of this section. The Construction Parties acknowledge and agree that inspection and testing of facilities may be undertaken as facilities are completed and need not await completion of all of the facilities that a Constructing Entity is building.
Contractor Certification Regarding Ethics The Contractor certifies that the Contractor is now, and shall remain, in compliance with Chapter 42.52 RCW, Ethics in Public Service, throughout the term of this Contract.
Inspection and Tests 3.8.1 The Procuring entity or its representative shall have the right to inspect and/or to test the goods to confirm their conformity to the Contract specifications. The Procuring entity shall notify the tenderer in writing in a timely manner, of the identity of any representatives retained for these purposes. 3.8.2 The inspections and tests may be conducted in the premises of the tenderer or its subcontractor(s), at point of delivery, and/or at the Goods’ final destination If conducted on the premises of the tenderer or its subcontractor(s), all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the Procuring entity. 3.8.3 Should any inspected or tested goods fail to conform to the Specifications, the Procuring entity may reject the equipment, and the tenderer shall either replace the rejected equipment or make alterations necessary to make specification requirements free of costs to the Procuring entity. 3.8.4 The Procuring entity’s right to inspect, test and where necessary, reject the goods after the Goods’ arrival shall in no way be limited or waived by reason of the equipment having previously been inspected, tested and passed by the Procuring entity or its representative prior to the equipment delivery. 3.8.5 Nothing in paragraph 3.8 shall in any way release the tenderer from any warranty or other obligations under this Contract.