Changes in the Scope of Work Sample Clauses

Changes in the Scope of Work. Where a Scope of Work is included with this Agreement, costs resulting from changes in the scope of this project by the Customer, including any additional requirements or restrictions placed on AVI by the Customer or its representatives, will be added to the contract price. When AVI becomes aware of the nature and impact of the change, a contract Change Order will be submitted for review and approval by the Customer before work continues. AVI has the right to suspend the work on the project pending Customer’s written approval of the Change Order.
Changes in the Scope of Work. A. Without invalidating the contract, the COUNTY may at any time, by written change order, in accordance with the COUNTY’s Purchasing Policy and Procedures, increase or decrease the scope of the work and the contract price or time may be adjusted accordingly. For changes in work requested by CONTRACTOR, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit change order requests for COUNTY approval. Each change order shall include time and monetary impacts of the change, whether the change order is considered alone or with all other changes during the course of the Project. Both the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR shall execute the change order. B. The value of such extra work or change shall be determined by the contract unit values, if applicable unit values are set forth in this Agreement. The amount of the change shall be computed from such values and added to or deducted from the contract price. C. If the COUNTY and the CONTRACTOR are unable to agree on the change order for requested change, the CONTRACTOR shall, nevertheless, promptly perform the change as directed in writing by the COUNTY. If the CONTRACTOR disagrees with the COUNTY’s adjustment determination, the CONTRACTOR must make a claim pursuant to the Claims and Disputes section herein, or else be deemed to have waived any claim on this matter the CONTRACTOR might have otherwise had. D. For work not contemplated by the original Agreement, the amount of an increase shall be limited to the CONTRACTOR’s reasonable direct labor and material costs and reasonable actual equipment costs as a result of the change (including allowance for labor burden costs) plus a maximum ten percent (10%) markup for all overhead and profit. In such case, the CONTRACTOR shall keep and present to the COUNTY an itemized accounting together with appropriate supporting data. In the event such changed work is performed by a subcontractor, a maximum ten percent (10%) markup for all overhead and profit for all subcontractors’ direct labor and material costs and actual equipment costs shall be permitted, with a maximum five percent (5%) markup thereon by the CONTRACTOR for all of its overhead and profit, for a total overall maximum markup of fifteen percent (15%) of the amount of changed work. All compensation due the CONTRACTOR and any subcontractor or sub-subcontractor for field and home office overhead is included in the markups listed above. E. The COUNTY shall not be liable to the CONTRACTOR for any increased compensation in the absence of ...
Changes in the Scope of Work. CITY shall have the right to order, in writing, changes in the scope of work or the services to be performed. Any changes in the scope of work requested by CONTRACTOR must be made in writing and approved by both parties.
Changes in the Scope of Work. No additional scope of work under this Agreement shall be performed unless Consultant and Borough have mutually agreed and have executed a written amendment to this contract.
Changes in the Scope of Work. In the event District orders changes in the Work, the Total Contract Price and the Contract Time will be adjusted accordingly. If a change is of an item not covered by the Contract, District and Contractor shall mutually agree upon the value of the work based on labor, materials and equipment involved. Regardless of ownership, equipment rates shall not exceed the listed prevailing rates at local equipment rental agencies, or distributors, at the time the work is performed. All changes in work shall be in writing and Contractor shall be responsible for any and all work done without District's prior written approval.
Changes in the Scope of Work. Changes in the contractual scope of work shall be preceded by a duly executed Change Order or Contract Modification Worksheet itemizing any change in the Contract sum or terms and conditions. a. Any change in the scope of work, Contract Modification, or Change Order amount must be submitted on Metra’s Contract Modification Worksheet and negotiated with Metra. All Change Orders must be approved by Metra prior to execution. Final authority will reside with the Executive Director. b. On Contracts less than $1,000,000.00, the Contractor’s profit added to the subcontractor’s itemized statement cannot exceed five (5) percent and overhead cannot exceed ten (10) percent. On Contracts over $1,000,000.00, the Contractor’s profit added to the subcontractor’s itemized statement cannot exceed five (5) percent and overhead cannot exceed five (5) percent.
Changes in the Scope of Work. 4.1 CITY may make changes in the services at any time by giving written notice to the successful QUALIFIED CONTRACTOR. If such changes increase (additional services) or decrease or eliminate any amount of work, CITY and successful QUALIFIED CONTRACTOR will negotiate any change in total cost or schedule modifications. 4.2 If the CITY and the QUALIFIED CONTRACTOR approve any change, the Task Authorization will be modified to reflect the changes; and QUALIFIED CONTRACTOR shall be compensated for said services in accordance with the terms of Article 8 herein. All change orders shall be authorized in writing by CITY’s and QUALIFIED CONTRACTOR’s designated representatives. 4.3 All of CITY’s said Task Authorizations and amendments thereto shall be performed in strict accordance with the terms of this AGREEMENT insofar as they are applicable.
Changes in the Scope of Work. It is understood that the State may, at any time by a written order, make changes in the scope of the Project. No changes in scope are to be conducted or performed by the Contractor except by the express written approval of the State. The Contractor shall be obligated to perform all changes requested by the Customer which have no price or schedule effect.
Changes in the Scope of Work. TOWN shall have the right to request reasonable changes, alterations or additions to the scope of the work being performed by COUNTY, as described in the construction plans. If a change is requested, COUNTY will provide TOWN with a written estimate of the increase in cost associated with such change and whether COUNTY is willing to incur such cost, or whether TOWN will be required to bear all of a portion of the cost for the requested change.
Changes in the Scope of Work. 3.1 The City may make changes in the services to be provided hereunder at any time by giving written notice to Consultant. If such changes increase (additional services), decrease or eliminate any amount of work, the City and Consultant will negotiate any change in total cost or schedule. If the City approves any change, the Task Authorization will be modified to reflect the changes. The Consultant shall be compensated for said services in accordance with the terms of Article 5.0