COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Applied Engineering and Technology Management TMGT 813 - Quality Standards Leadership 3 credits Management and leadership activities related to evaluating, creating, and promoting quality standards. Prerequisites: one graduate level course in quality. Change number to: TMGT 665 - Quality Standards Leadership 3 credits Management and leadership activities related to evaluating, creating, and promoting quality standards. Prerequisites: one graduate level course in quality. A-F Grading Preferred effective term: Fall 2011 TMGT 814 - Quality Seminar 3 credits In-depth analysis of important issues in the management of quality and research in these issues. Prerequisites: COT 702 or equivalent. Change numer and prerequisites to: TMGT 669 - Quality Seminar 3 credits In-depth analysis of important issues in the management of quality and research in these issues. Prerequisites: two graduate level courses in quality. A-F Grading Preferred effective term: Fall 2011 COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY: Built Environment HLTH 605 HLTH 606 HLTH 607 Change prefix to: SFTY 605 SFTY 606 HLTH 608 HLTH 610 HLTH 629 SFTY 607 SFTY 608 SFTY 610 HLTH 630 HLTH 631 SFTY 629 SFTY 630 SFTY 631 Preferred effective term: Fall 2011 COURSE REACTIVATION COLLEGE OF NURSING, HEALTH, AND HUMAN SERVICES: Physical Education PE 540 - Women in Sport 3 credits An emphasis on history and the cultural development of the emerging sportswoman. A-F Grading Preferred effective term: Spring 2011 NEW PROGRAMS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY: Applied Engineering and Technology Management M.S. Technology Management (36 credits) CIP Code: 150612 Major Code: Brief Summary: The faculty of the MS in Industrial Technology (MSIT) program have determined a need to revise the program. Based on advice from Xxxx Xxxx and Assoc. Xxxxxxx English, after consulting the Indiana Commission for Higher Education (CHE), a new program in Technology Management (MSTM) is being proposed. If approved, the MSIT will be deleted. In essence, the proposed MSTM program is the existing MSIT program with the numbered alterations that follow. The alterations have the following characteristics.
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COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Industrial Technology Education Career and Technical Education (62 semester hours) CIP Code: 131320 Major Code: E116 Brief Summary: The A.S. degree in Career and Technical Education has been recommended for elimination by the Program Prioritization Task Force. Proposed Catalog Copy: None. GRADUATE PROPOSALS
COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Built Environment SFTY 607 - Transportation Management 3 credits Examines the concepts and problems of transportation management. Major areas covered include: fleet operation and maintenance, freight documentation, rate determination, weighing, and routing. A-F Grading Effective term: Spring 2013 PROGRAM REVISIONS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY: Built Environment Occupational Safety Management M.A. or M.S. (33 credits minimum) CIP Code: 131307 Major Code: E871 Brief Summary: To better suit the accrediting standards of the Association for Technology Management and Applied Engineering (ATMAE), proposals for four new courses and one modified existing course in the Occupational Safety Management master’s program are being submitted with this program proposal. Student Learning: The Occupational Safety Management masters has been recently accredited by the Association for Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE). The self-study revealed deficiencies in the curriculum in the areas of hazardous materials handling, storage, and transportation and fire protection systems. A new course has been proposed for fire protection systems (SFTY 628) and the existing SFTY 607—Transportation Safety course has been redesigned to include handling and storage of hazardous materials. To avoid confusion with the old course, a new course number (SFTY 627) has been proposed for this class. The old program listed HLTH 609 and HLTH 626 as major courses and HLTH 604 as a required course. Those classes remained with the old department as courses for the Community Health masters. The focus of those classes has been changed to Health Facilities Management and they no longer suit the needs of Occupational Safety Management graduate students. New courses have been proposed as SFTY 623-- Training and Communication Methods for Occupational Safety Managers, and SFTY 616-- Administration Procedures for Occupational Safety Management. Proposed Catalog Copy: Occupational Safety Management (33 credits minimum) CIP Code: 131307 Major Code: E871 Health and Safety (Occupational Safety Management) M.A. or M.S. (33 credits minimum) The master’s degree program in Occupational Safety Management requires a minimum of 33 credit hours of which at least one-half must be at the 600 level. A minimum of 18 to 24 credits (depending on the area of specialization) must be taken within the department, and a minimum of six credit hours must be taken outside the department. Two degrees are offered: the M.A., req...
COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Technology Management Career and Technical Education Major (Teaching Specialization) (52 semester hours) CIP Code: 131320 Major Code: A142 Brief Summary: Due to reorganizations in the College of Technology and increases in demand for post-secondary technical education in career and technical education (CTE) for community college faculty, it is necessary to change course prefixes and allow more program options. Furthermore, the program title has been changed to reflect one degree program; previously the CTE program provided two CTE degrees: teaching and non-teaching. The non-teaching option was almost identical to the Human Resource Development (HRD) program. The new CTE program will have two options: secondary and post-secondary education and none of the options are identical to the HRD program. Student Learning: The Student Learning outcomes assessment results, National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE) accreditation standards, and advice from Indiana Professional Standards Board (IPSB) were used to modify the CTE program. As a result, a new option focusing on post- secondary education has been added to the CTE program. The option focuses on instructors for post- secondary technical institutions. Specific revisions include:
COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Applied Engineering and Technology Management
COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Applied Engineering and Technology Management Computer-Aided Design and Drafting Minor Brief Summary: Due to an oversight, the Computer Aided Design and Drafting Minor was placed into the Electronics and Computer Engineering Technology department (ECET) when the college last reorganized. This paperwork is intended to move the minor back to the Applied Engineering and Technology Management department (AETM), where it has historically resided. Preferred effective term: Fall 2011 GRADUATE PROPOSALS PROGRAM ELIMINATIONS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY: Applied Engineering and Technology Management M.S. Industrial Technology (33 credits minimum) CIP Code 150612 Major Code: E563 Brief Summary: The MSIT program is being changed to the MS in Technology Management program. See accompanying proposal. If the change to MSTM is approved, the MSIT will be deleted. Preferred effective term: Fall 2011 UNDERGRADUATE APPROVALS
COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Built Environment Change the prefix FCS from the following courses to IAD: FCS 551, 552, 554, 555, 556, 563, 597, 652, 692 Preferred effective term: Spring 2011 PROGRAM REVISIONS COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY Ph.D. Technology Management CIP Code: 009563 Major Codes: E495; E496; E497; E498; E499 Brief Summary: The Ph.D. in Technology Management Program was placed into the Applied Engineering and Technology Management Department when the College last re-organized. This paperwork is intended to move the Ph.D. in Technology Management Program back to its independent status within the College, un-affiliated with any one department, where it has historically resided. Student Learning: This move creates no impact on student learning.
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COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Technology Management ITE 479 Problems in Industrial Vocational Education—1-3 hours. Individual problems in testing and evaluation, promotional programs, inventories, and planning safety programs. Reactivate and change title to: ITE 479 Problems in Career and Technical Education—1-3 hours. Individual problems in testing and evaluation, promotional programs, inventories, and planning safety programs. Preferred effective term: Fall 2008 PROGRAM REVISIONS COLLEGE OF ARTS AND SCIENCES: Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics Major in Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics (39 semester hours) CIP Code: 16999 Major Code: 1233 Brief Summary: The Program Prioritization process has given the Department the opportunity to further develop its original intention to combine language study under one degree program. The proposal here would suspend with the intention of ultimately eliminating separate degree programs in Spanish, French, German, Latin and TESL. The ensuing degree program will: 1) allow students to combine languages,
COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Technology Management Master of Sciences Human Resource Development for Higher Education and Industry (33 semester hours minimum) CIP Code: 521001 Major Code: E192 Brief Summary: Due to reorganization in the College of Technology, changes were made to the prefixes in the programs. The catalog copy was also corrected to reflect minor changes in the curriculum. Proposed Catalog Copy: Master of Sciences Human Resource Development for Higher Education and Industry (33 semester hours minimum) CIP Code: 521001 Major Code: Deficiency course based on admission status that cannot be used toward degree. HRD 605—3 hrs. Research (3 semester hours): Technology Management 698—3 hrs. Major (15 semester hours): Human Resource Development 656—3 hrs.; 670—3 hrs.; 675—3 hrs.; 695—3 hrs. Technology Management 659—3 hrs. Program Options: Option A—Major Project Technology Management 685—3 hrs. Electives supportive of specialization—12 hours. Option B—Thesis Technology Management 699—6 hrs. Electives—9 hours Preferred effective term: Fall 2008
COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY. Technology Management Master of Science—Career and Technical Education (previously Vocational Technical Education) for Teacher Licensure (32 semester hours minimum) CIP Code: 13120 Major Code: E183 Brief Summary: Due to reorganization within the College of Technology, changes were made to prefixes in the program. Proposed Catalog Copy:
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