COMMENDATION. A. One day compensatory time off shall be granted to an employee who has received a commendation from the Mayor.
COMMENDATION. An employee may request that a complimentary letter, report, or other written communication be placed in their personnel file.
COMMENDATION. Members shall be permitted to wear PBA commendation insignia on their uniforms. The PBA shall be allowed to make any awards at a regular Borough Council meeting.
COMMENDATION. The City recognizes the duties performed by the members within the Fire Department. The Fire Chief may recommend to the Mayor to recognize extraordinary acts through an appropriate award.
COMMENDATION. Compensatory time off shall be granted to an employee who has received a written commendation from the Mayor for an act of extraordinary bravery at the risk of one's own health and safety.
COMMENDATION. An employee may request that a complimentary letter, report, or other written communication be placed in their personnel file. CHAPTER 8 MISCELLANEOUS EXPOSURE TO CONTAGIOUS DISEASE
COMMENDATION. During the 2012/2014 period, the Planning and Governmental Relations team administered more than 150 agreements for the District. These agreements have generated prepaid impact fees and mitigation contributions to help fund school construction. This has been accomplished with a very small staff. The district realized approximately $263,040 of General Fund revenue from application fees, and Department records indicate that an estimated $1 million in prepaid school impact fees and over $1 million in mitigation contributions were collected for use in school construction projects over this same period.
COMMENDATION. The Grand Jury commends the Library for its performance in executing the preservation and cataloguing of historical records on behalf of the WD. These pictures and documents are an important part of San Diego history and deserve preservation. The Library billing records are accurate and auditable. MWWD initiated an SLA to use the Police Helicopter for airborne video photography and thermal imaging of sewer manhole covers. Flights are scheduled following what the SLA terms a Significant Rainfall Event (SRE). An SRE is defined as one-half inch of rain or greater. Aerial reconnaissance replaces ground-based physical inspections of twelve specific canyon regions. In previous years MWWD personnel could request Police Department air support provided that it did not impact a policing mission. This was done on an informal basis. Eventually the requests did impact police operations and budget. The Police Department suggested a more formal agreement to include personnel and helicopter expenses. In 2004/05 the first agreement was executed between the departments and eleven flights took place. Video taping and thermal imagining were offered, but not used by the MWWD since visual inspection appeared sufficient. Manhole covers were painted bright orange and could be easily spotted from the helicopter. Flights typically occur during the morning daylight hours. Documentation of flight length and personnel involved provides auditable xxxxxxxx. The entire program budget is driven by the amount of rainfall in a calendar year and thus may vary from year to year. The 2004/05 SLA budget was $65,000 while the actual billing to the MWWD was $6,488.26. The Grand Jury considers this an excellent use of an SLA to obtain specific enhanced services at a reasonable cost.
COMMENDATION. Employees with six months of perfect attendance should receive a Commendation Notice. Perfect attendance is defined as no absences, tardiness or short-times except those caused by military duty, Union business, jury duty, vacation or holidays.
COMMENDATION. San Diego Police Department: The Grand Jury commends the Police Department for its performance and management of the SLA with the MWWD. It delivered helicopter surveillance as requested, maintained accurate records of its time and billed accordingly. The Grand Jury recommends that the Mayor and San Diego City Council: 06-30: continue the use of this SLA between MWWD and the Police