Common Goal Sample Clauses
Common Goal. The Employer and the Union recognize the importance of settling disagreements and disputes promptly, fairly, and in an orderly manner that will maintain the self-respect of the Employee. One goal of this procedure is to settle grievances at the lowest level of supervision and internally, so that they may be settled expeditiously. Another goal of this procedure is to resolve problems influencing Employee morale, and promote mutual respect among Management, bargaining unit Employees, and the Union.
Common Goal. The purpose of this article is to provide a mutually acceptable method for the expeditious resolution of workplace issues raised by the parties and/or employees pursuant to Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.) 7121. The Parties agree that grievances should be resolved in an orderly, efficient, and equitable manner that will maintain the self-respect of the employee and be consistent with the principles of good management and the public interest. The Parties are committed to making every effort at resolving issues at the lowest level possible. The parties are encour- aged to use technologies that reduce the need for travel.
Common Goal. The purpose of this article is to provide a mutually acceptable method for the expeditious resolution of workplace issues raised by the parties and/or employees pursuant to 5 USC 7121. The Parties agree that grievances should be resolved in an orderly, efficient, and equitable manner that will maintain the self-respect of the employee and be consistent with the principles of good management and the public interest. The Parties are committed to making every effort at resolving issues at the lowest level possible. The parties are encouraged to use technologies that reduce the need for travel.
Common Goal. The purpose of this article is to provide a mutually acceptable
Common Goal. The Employer and the Union recognize the importance of settling grievances promptly, fairly, and in an orderly manner that will maintain the self-respect of the employee and be consistent with the principles of good management. To accomplish this, every effort will be made to settle grievances expeditiously and at the lowest level.
Common Goal. It is the intent of the Employer and Union to have open discussions about disagreements in the workplace, to treat such matters seriously, and to cooperate in the spirit of mutual problem-solving to resolve disputes. Since grievances often arise from misunderstandings that can be settled promptly and satisfactorily on an informal basis, the Employer and Union shall encourage potential grievants to discuss their complaints with the responsible management or Union officials at the lowest level before filing a written grievance. The Union, if requested by the employee, has the right to participate either personally or telephonically in such discussions with management officials. However, informal efforts may not lead to resolution. [NOTE: In the event the prohibitions of the E.O. 13839, “Promoting Accountability and Streamlining Removal Procedures Consistent with Merit System Principles” (May 25, 2018) are no longer in effect, the Union shall have the right during the term of this Agreement to reopen and renegotiate this Article.]
A. For purposes of this Agreement, a grievance means any complaint as defined in 5 U.S.C. 7103(a)(9) of the Statute i.e., a grievance means any complaint:
1. By any employee concerning any matter relating to the employment of the employee;
2. By the Union concerning any matter relating to the employment of any employee;
3. By any employee, the Union or the Employer concerning:
a. The effect or interpretation or claim of breach of a collective bargaining agreement;
b. Any claimed violation, misinterpretation, or misapplication of any law, rule, or regulation affecting conditions of employment.
B. This procedure shall be the exclusive procedure for resolving complaints except it shall not include a grievance concerning:
1. any claimed violation relating to prohibited political activities;
2. retirement, life or health insurance;
3. suspension or removal for National Security reasons;
4. an examination, certificate, or appointment;
5. the classification of any position which does not result in the reduction in grade or pay of any employee;
6. any and all complaints concerning conditions of employment of non- bargaining unit positions.
7. any matter that may be raised under a statutory appeal procedure.
8. the issuance, or non-issuance, of an award of any nature.
9. the assignment of ratings of record C. Complaints concerning an alleged prohibited personnel practice under 5 U.S.C. §2302(b)(1) subject to the jurisdiction of the Equal Emp...
Common Goal. The parties recognize the value of training, or retraining to assure continuing development to maintain the competence and skill level of the work force.
Common Goal. The purpose of this article is to provide a mutually acceptable method for prompt and orderly settlement of grievances. The parties agree that cooperative discussions of disputes should occur whenever possible and that every effort will be made to resolve disputes or grievances informally and at the lowest level of supervision. This negotiated procedure shall be the exclusive procedure for processing grievances for bargaining unit employees.
Common Goal. The purpose of this article is to provide a mutually acceptable method for the prompt resolution of workplace issues raised by the Parties and/or employees pursuant to Title 5, United States Code (U.S.C.)
Common Goal. The Parties recognize the importance of settling disagreements and disputes promptly, fairly, and in an orderly manner consistent with the provisions of this Agreement and 5 USC Chapter 71. To accomplish this, every effort will be made to settle grievances expeditiously, at the lowest level of supervision, where the grievance has merit based upon the facts presented. Arbitration should only be invoked when the assistance of a third party is required. Any arbitration will be subject to the procedures within this Agreement.